

" you called for me father" I say as I walk into my father's bedchamber.

"Sit" he says and I do.

"What is this I hear about you going to the first world, you should be here with your people, not going on an impossible quest"

"I know that but how else can I save my people, it won't be long before the higher ups decide to show themselves, what would we do, I have to find that portal keeper and bring her here" I explain

"We have men, strong men they can go into the mortal world and bring this girl without any problem" my father tries to reason.

"I know but I have thought about this and the more I think the more certain I am that this is my quest. Let me go father give me your blessing"

"Are you sure I can't convince you otherwise" he asks and I shake my head.

"Fine but you must do one thing for me, take Reid coniton with you"

I agreed not because I want to but because it's the only my father will let me go.

"Then I give you my blessings, may our ancestors go with you and bring you back safely".

The time to go is finally here and as the seer said the rip hole appeared, Ried and I stood in front of the people as they gave their blessings and wished us the best and when it was time we jumped.

The feeling was weird it was like all my inside where coming undone, it ended with us falling into a water body we drag ourselves out.

When I look around the only thing I can say is.

"Blessed soul I'm in the human realm"