

We cooked the breakfast in peace and tranquillity, so focused on the process to not even chit-chat in between. Or probably it was just me, too gone in the process of cooking to notice his stare on me. "Hikari..." "Yeah?" I don't look up from the bowl I'm mixing batter in, until I feel his presence right behind me. His hands began crawling up my arms, I let go of the bowl, and he turns me around. "Yes Taehyung?" a smirk forms on the corner of his lips and a shiver goes down my spine, this couldn't be good. "Up." Up? What could that possibly mean? Then it strikes me, I feel his hands wrapping around my waist, he wants me to sit on the kitchen counter. So I jump instinctively. I bit my lip out of habit, while he spreads my legs and walks forward, leaving no space between us. "Unbutton my shirt." I was hesitant but my hands followed his demands unwilling to upset him. My fingers were trembling against his buttons, his constant gaze upon me following each action of mine rendered me diffident. God why won't my hands stay calm, I strived hard to unbutton his fourth button when his hands engulfed mine and I bit my lip as he made me look up at him. "My turn."  My eyes widened on realisation as his hands swiftly reached the hem of my shirt. He leisurely unbuttoned my shirt, his eyes never leaving my face, he was absorbing every bit of my bashfulness, every reaction I made.  I felt a chill across my chest, and that's when I noticed that he was done with his task. "I love your sub nature."  I like his dominant side too, but at times he was too intimidating for me to bare with. "Kiss me." I gulped and reached for his lips, and to my surprise he stepped backwards and giggled. "Kiss me Hikari." I jumped off the counter and reached to kiss his lips yet again but he stood straight, he was too tall for me to reach without him bending down. "I can't...." I shrugged at his unusual demand to which he was being uncooperative. "Disobeying me, are you?" He expression switched to a daunting one, and I blinked in response and shook my head. "But I don't see you following my instructions?" I gulp as he advances towards me.. __________ Hikari Yi is a girl of a grim, fatalistic world, the love of a family was never one of her assets. Away from the fallen realm of her father’s menacing territory, she leads an independent life. Little did she know the world she was running away from, was advancing towards her at a pace faster than she was travelling at. Hikari admires a world famous boy band, the ORIONS, consisting of seven members. She somehow receives an offer to look after them as a manager or a caretaker. As unexpected as it looks, it isn't. The more time she spends around them, she grows infatuated with one of the seven. Are the feelings mutual? Is he the one to fill the void of solicitude in her life? Overtime, mysteries unfold, what was Hikari's past? What other plans does she have for the boyband she adore? What secrets has she locked? As it is, it isn’t just her. The Orions, too, have got their own darkness to unravel. ____________________________________ -"Tell me once you again that you love me" -"Reassure me once more that you'll stay forever, that you won't leave me alone." -"Who are you.. No... What are you exactly?" -"I want you Hikari. Now." -"Is that how you talk to your boss?" -"Your clothes are see-through" -"Yakuzas are the most feared mob group" -“This world won’t let us be.” ____________________________________ It's an enthralling, mystery, romance, action thriller. It has everything you've been looking for. High school romance? Office heated relations? Eternal love? Mafia? demons? Vampires? Boys? Best friends? Family? Action? Suspense? It's all there, read to indulge in the roller-coaster adventure!

s_cosmos · Fantasy
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194 Chs


The next morning I woke up at 5, dawn time it was, as I was supposed to, not willfully, I yawned as I stood up and wore my slippers, walked into the bathroom took a shower, and freshened up. All my steps were now a part of my schedule like it is in everyone else's life, to wake up at a particular time, to brush their teeth, take a bath, have breakfast, some don't, like I did. And all of this engraved in their minds and bodies, that they might as well be sleep walking when they do so. It is muscle-memory sort of.

I wore a loose pink crop-top with black shots and made a messy bun. I wasn't really in a mood to dress up, waking up this early in the morning is such a mood killer. Some people prefer to cave in early at night and rise early, I wonder how, and I wonder why? I like waking up at a time I'm comfortable at. Well, we all are different, that's what keeps the world going.

Soon I headed down to the kitchen. Now, what should I cook for the breakfast? I stood at the kitchen counter as I pondered upon a menu. Breakfast...


It's called breakfast because we break the fasting we've been doing over night while we are asleep. I smile to myself at my 'fact of the day'

Wait a minute-

SHIT! I don't know how to cook!!! I banged my head lightly on the cupboard in front of me. Dramatic part of me takes over at these times.

Should I search for recipes online?

But then I remembered my past incident where I tried cooking something with an online tutorial and ended up burning half of my kitchen. So I shook my head at that thought. That's definitely not an option to be considered right now.

JEEZ! What am I supposed to do? If I don't cook then what will they eat? Will they be mad? obviously! on an empty stomach anyone can get mad. I was beginning to panic at my situation. And I found no logical reason to NOT PANIC, if I can't cook then I'm of no use to them. They might fire me, and then I'll be trailed off my mission. I've done plenty to upset them already.

My heart dropped every time I reminded myself that I was here for an entirely different purpose. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, contemplating what to do.

BRAINSTORMING TIME! I pace across the kitchen floor.


I knew I'd come up with something.

I snapped my fingers and commenced walking in the direction of the solution to get me out of my adversity. It's not the best option, but I can't really think of anything this early in the morning, plus on an empty stomach.

I tiptoed to his room, Slowly went closer to his bed, and whispered in his ear "wake up please!" he slightly opened his eyes, which were swollen partially, half-open, adjusting the light drawing in from the curtains, his eyes then landed on me, and unexpectedly widened to double their original size.

"Who is it?... Aahhhhhhh-" he yelled out

"Ahhhh" I yelled back in response. All the abrupt noise caused everyone to wake up.

"What's wrong?!" everyone came rushing in

There! I've messed up again. I facepalmed myself at the mess I had caused. Why can't I do anything right?

"I'm so sorry JIN!! I was trying to wake up Jin-kun to get some help in cooking because I don't know how to cook and I thought if I didn't cook then everyone is gonna get mad at me and then I'll get punished and then-"

I was cut-off mid-sentence as everyone burst out into laughter.

Why are they laughing? did I say something funny?

"Punish you? Why would we-" Jimin said with consistent laughter.

I felt embarrassed and so I pouted. I felt agitated at them for mocking me like this. I mean, that's what they said in the rule book or whatever that was, and now they're laughing it off.

"Yah so fine! cook for yourselves" my embarrassment took the better of me and I spat out words only to worsen the mess I had created.

Everyone stopped laughing at my comment. I spoke arrogantly and crossed my arms against my chest.

Oh shit! what did I just say!

I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that.

Taehyung stepped closer to me. He looked me in the eye with a serious face, he looked so intimidating with that expression, he smirked slightly as he looked down at me, with his hands in his sweat pants. I looked up at him nervously as he bent forward to look me in the eye.

"Easy there, girl! We said we wouldn't, we never said that we couldn't punish you," he licked his lip and looked at me, his eyes wandering from my head to toe, "Don't make us reconsider our choices" he winked and straightened his back, leaving me dumbstruck for a moment.
