
Rohit was anxious

Mrs Riya, Mrs Sneha and Mr Raj were having their lunch and they were randomly talking, only to distract themselves. Soon, Mr Sinha also joined them on the dining table. It took half an hour to complete their meal.

Mrs Sneha advice them to go for long drive like they used to go when they were young.

"What do you mean Mrs Sinha, am I not young in your eyes now?" Mr Shaan tried to tease his wife.

Mr Raj could not help to himself and laugh. No one knew Shaan better than him when it come to teasing anyone. Mrs Riya also smiled on Shaan's silly question.

"I think Mrs Sinha you should give a justified answer to your Mr Sinha. After all he is your husband." Raj said and laugh aloud.

When Mr Shaan heard it, he looked gloomy and ran towards Mr Raj. "Raj I am not going to leave you today. How dare you to make fun of me?" Raj also ran away from from him. Both were chasing eachother like Tom and Jerry. And their wives were watching this show free of cost.

"Sneha, I am going to make some arrangements before going on to long drive. I'll be back soon." When Mrs Riya was about to leave she stopped her and held up her hand. "Wait Riya, I am also coming with you. These boys are gone mad and I don't want to be to." After that both ladies went away without looking back.

Seeing that both of them have left the living room, finally, Raj and Shaan feel relaxed and settle themselves on the couch.

"I know Raj you are worried about Riya but you have to be patience."

" I know Shaan but this time I more worried about Rohit because his behaviour is confusing me. You know I asked help from Rihan and he agreed to help but for Rohit's sake which is some how justified. But Rohit's dissatisfaction from us and affection towards Raina is something beyond my thinking. He actually agrees to talk to you us for her. You know it very clearly that he never agree with it. But this time. I hope there is nothing serious about my daughter." He then show him that video which Rihan has sent him before.

After watching it Mr Sinha patted his shoulder. " Don't worry we will handle it together. I will ask Lilly about it but you know there is less chance."

"I know Shaan. But you also know why she do like this?" And he blinked at Mr Sinha.

"Stop it Raj. Otherwise, no one is going to save you from me today." He then throw pillows on Mr Raj.

"Alright, alright. I want to be alive. Let's go for long drive."

"Yes, I think both of them have already made the arrangements." Both went to see what their better half is doing.

It was getting dark outside... At the Sky Blessing Villa...

Rohit was still sleeping on the bed with his head against the wall and Raina on his lap. Rihan was also sleeping on the couch. When Lilly saw three of them like this she smiled. She walked towards couch where Rihan was sleeping soundly.

"Get up Rihan. Get up. Are going to be an owl tonight."

"What happened Lilly? Let me sleep." He then covered his face with cushion. Lilly never understand why Rihan and Rohit behave same whenever they take nap during the day time.

"Rihan wake up.. Raina have to...." Before she completes her sentence Rihan was sitting on the couch only after hearing Raina's name. Lilly could not help but chuckles. When Rihan get up his gaze directly lands on Raina who was sleeping very soundly hugging Rohit's arm. She was looking like an innocent doll. Lilly came infront of him and asked him, "Rihan, Are you wake up now?" Rihan looked at her with corner of his eyes.

"From the day you get to know about me, you always use it tease me. Aren't you going to high?"

"I am not teasing you but you are the one who wants to sleep more. Tell me, what do I do? And I always respect your thoughts, okay. So, please calm down."

"Fine . Your buttering works." Lilly smiled on his reply.

"Okay, then freshen up yourself and come to study I need to talk to you."

"What happened Lilly? Is everything okay?"

"Don't worry. Nothing serious. Just come to study." After she left the room. Rihan felt something but he let her go. He then put every thought aside and went to washroom.

When he closed the door, then only Rohit opened his eyes. He has waked up when Lilly was teasing Rihan but he doesn't want to disturb and he also wanted to hear them out.

"Something must have happened that's why Lilly was asking Rihan to have talk with her in the study. I have to be there but I don't want to disturb your sleep my doll." He said to himself and was thinking about Lilly's words.

Suddenly, Raina start trembling while sleeping. She was sweating badly and murmuring something. Rohit was unable to understand what she was saying and got afraid after seeing her like this.

"No...n...n..no.. I.. I didn't do. No .. No..n...noo .." Raina was murmuring while sleeping.

"Raina What happened? Get up.... get up Raina. Look your brother is here." Rohit was running out of patience because he can't see her like this. So, he tries to wake her up. After few minutes of trying, Raina finally opened her eyes. She suddenly get up and hugged Rohit tightly because she was scared.

"Raina clam down. I'm here with you. Nothing has happened. Relax." He cares her head and patted on her back. He tried his best to console her. In the meantime, Rihan also came out of the washroom. When he saw Raina like this, he rushed towards her. After looking at her he understand everything but didn't said anything. He then took a glass of water and ask her to drink it. She drank full water in a single gulp.

Almost after fifteen minutes, she was in her normal state but only little. Rohit gave her medicine and she fall asleep again. But this time Rohit was anxious that she might again start trembling so he made her sleep in the mid of the bed and covered her up by sheet. He also put pillows and and cushion on the both side of her bed. He didn't let her hand go until she fell asleep deeply. He slowly pulled out his hand and cares her hair.

"Don't worry my doll. Your brother is here with you. I won't let anything to happen to you. Very soon you will be fine." He placed a kiss on her forehead and went to washroom. Rihan was also sitting beside her. He also got worried when he saw Raina was trembling badly.

"I don't know what will happen in future Raina but I'll try my best to be with you. Get well soon." He touched her hand and hold it. It makes him feel very uneasy whenever she gets hurt or have panic attacks. Instead he can't do anything but only can see her facing it all alone. They were trying their best to take care of her and make her to forget her past events. Only she knows how she's going through it.

Rohit came out and went to see his sister. He then asked, "Rihan, did you went to see Lilly in study?"

"No", he answered. Suddenly he remembers that he haven't said anything about it to Rohit then how did he know? He stare at him with question in his eyes.

He then answered, "I had already woken up when Lily was teasing you. That's why I listened to both of you."

"Fine. She is sleeping now. I'm going to have talk with Lilly."

"Wait Rihan." He turned and was about to leave but Rohit stopped him. He was looking at without any expression.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm also going with you."

"Rohit but Raina?" Rihan asked. He was looking at Raina.

"Don't worry about her. She is sleeping and is still under the influence of medicine." He then put his hand on her head and said, "we will be back soon, my doll. Till then have peaceful sleep and have sweet dreams."

They both left the room and slowly closed the door and went towards the study room.