
Let's go to farmhouse

According to the instructions Robin prepare the dinner for everyone. Doctor Jay also came back to the farmhouse, without any thaught he just went to his room.

Mrs Sinha has noticed him. She straight went to his room.

There was knock at the door, then she went inside.

"You noticed me. I thought you were also resting like others but I am wrong."

"Jay this is not the time for making such jokes. Why are you behaving like this."

"You tell me Sneha, how do you want me to behave. Do you even know how much pressure I have put on Rohit to talk to them?"

"Jay we can argue on it afterwards. I know they were wrong but you don't know the actual reason."

"What do you think Mrs Sinha of me? I knew each and everything that they are hiding. Even though I don't agree on their decision."

Mrs Sneha was stunned. "How did you know about it?"

"I'm not bound to answer you anything about it. So you better don't ask me. We are here only for Raina and I don't want to involve with you all more than this."

"Fine Jay. I won't ask anything, Since you don't want to talk about it. But remember what you said. I am leaving see you at dinner."

Mrs Sneha left the room and went downstairs. She doesn't notice Mr Raj who was hiding behind. He heard everything.

Half an hour later...

Everyone was sitting in the dinning room for dinner. Nobody was saying anything.

"Doctor Jay, I think you can talk to Raina's parents about her condition now." Mrs Sneha speaks first.

"Yes, Doctor Sneha, I'll talk about my patient after all it's for my nephew's sake. I won't do any mistake for his happiness." Jay replied

None of others were saying anything. Jay personally doesn't like Shaan supporting Mr Raj and Mrs Riya but he can't do anything. That was their choice.

Mr Raj and Mrs Riya was still silent.

"Aakhi, make a call to Ro."

"Okay Jay."

Mr Akshay took over his cellphone and dialled the number. Firstly no one responded. He got worried if anything happens but Rihan call back.

Akshay put the call on speaker on Jay's instructions.

"Hello uncle Akshay. We will talk to you later because Raina is not eating her dinner and we are trying to persuade her."

"What happened Rihan?" Jay asked all of sudden. Others were also getting worried when they heard Rihan.

Rihan remain silent for sometime then he said " She... she forgot Who is she and ... and she is behaving like we are strangers to her. She only remembers Lilly."

Mr and Mrs Riya dropped their spoon when they heard. Mr Shaan and Mrs Sneha was still normal.

"Rihan listen to me carefully. Don't panic. Okay."

"Okay Uncle." Rihan was too anxious because Raina don't even remember him and Rohit.

"Ask Lilly to help her to eat something atleast so she can have her medicine. I'm coming." After that he disconnect the call and hurriedly went upstairs to took his briefcase.

"Aakhi, I'm going. Make sure no one follow me." Akshay nodded

Jay speed up the car as fast he could because he only knows the whole truth.

At the farmhouse..

"Akshay please..." Mrs Riya said.

"I'm sorry Riya but I can't go against Jay and most importantly we don't know how the situation is?"

Mr Shaan who was only listening to them since they arrived got up and walked towards the Akshay.

"Don't you think you and Jay is going to far. And why can't she and Raj went to see their own son and daughter."

"Excuse me Mr Shaan. First of all Ro is my son. Only mine. Secondly, I don't want any trouble to cause there for my son. And for Raina he is over possessive if you can afford to go and give me a guarantee that nothing worse will happen then... Then you may ahead." He said every single word by eye two eye.

"Enough.. enough." Someone scream from behind. When they turned saw it was Mr Raj.

" Riya please go back to the room." Mr Raj stood up and went outside. Mrs Sneha was was consoling Riya who was silently crying. Shaan also followed him. Sneha took away Riya with her on the terrace.

"Sir, are you worried about young Master and young lady." Robin came forward and asked.

"Yes, Robin. I am. I don't want my son to know the truth which is hidden from him because also know if he knows anything we won't be able to control him." Akshay who was sitting on rolling chair with his closed eyes answered him.

"Sir, but till when we will be able to hide it from him. Someday he will find out. Truth can't be hidden forever."

"I know it. It's not the right time for to disclose the truth. After all he is too young now. Also not to forget he is also not in correct state of mind because of Raina's situation."

In the backyard .... Raj was drinking wine and Shaan was giving him the company but he doesn't took any.

"Shaan am I really a bad person?"

"Who says that? You are very good person Raj. It's just that the situation is not correct."

"Today, at the airport when I saw him I thought he came for us but he doesn't said a single word. He doesn't even look at us. When he called Akshay daddy, it was like something is breaking inside me."

"Raj don't drink any more. Come lets go inside."

"I am really bad father. Mom was right we don't deserve to be parents. Mom was right. She was indeed right Shaan."

"Don't talk nonsense Raj. Whatever you both did was the demand of time. And stop drinking."

At the terrace...

Mrs Riya was crying uncontrollably but she doesn't utter a single word. Mrs Sneha was only sitting beside her. Both were silent. They doesn't know how to say anything. But Mrs Sneha was worried about Raina.

At The Sky Blessing Villa...

Doctor Jay had given a injection to Raina. She was sleeping now. It was really hard to control her because she was scared because she only remembers about that accident of five years back.

Rohit was unable to see her like this so he went to his room and closed the door. Rihan and Lilly was sitting beside Raina.

Tannu, Romi and Sam went to their rooms for sleeping today. First, they were not agreeing to it but on Rihan's request they went.

Jay was sitting in the living room with his eyes closed. Miss Maria came with coffee there.

"Sir your coffee."

"Thank you, Miss Maria. I needed it badly."

"Your welcome Sir."

She then went away. Today, she too got scared when she saw Raina like that. It was really heartbreaking if Mrs Riya and Mr Raj will saw her in such state.

Suddenly, a message popped on Doctor Jay's cellphone. He opened and read it. Then he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Raj but you won't be able to see her like this. I knew the way Aakhi had chosen to stop you and Riya was harsh but I don't want Rohit and Raina to suffer more. I hope one day you will understand." He said to himself.

Next morning everything looks normal for Raina because she doesn't remember anything.

Nobody dares to talk about the same just for her sake. Doctor Jay stayed there in villa for the Raina.

Tannu Romi and Sam were in drawing room and doing there projects. Lilly and Rihan was with Raina and having their breakfast. Whereas Rohit and doctor Jay was walking in the garden and talking.

After sometime.....

Lilly and Rihan was trying to stop Raina. "Raina stop there. Don't rush or you will get hurt." Rihan said while chasing her.

"Raina please listen to us. Don't run."

When Rohit heard Lilly's voice he turned and saw that Raina was running towards them. Rohit rushed and stopped infront front of her and Raina knocked at his chest but Rohit hold her so she doesn't hurt herself.

"What happened My Doll? Why are you running out like this? You might get hurt if you rush like this."

"Bro, they both are teasing me that I am not as good as them in basketball."

"Lilly Rihan, don't tease my doll. Or you both don't want today's special treat."

" Special treat...? what type of treat bro." Raina ask excitedly.

"Uncle Jay has prepared it specifically for you. You can ask him."

"Ahh... Rohit why did you disclose our plan. You know that I wanted to surprise her. Very bad Ro." Doctor Jay said to divert her attention so she can relax herself.

"Really uncle." Raina asked.

"Yes... but now it's not surprise anymore." Raina becomes very happy after listening to doctor Jay.

Suddenly, Something pop's in her mind.

"Bro can we go to the farmhouse for today. I want to ride the horse. please."

Her words were like bomb . Everyone was staring at each other and then her. When she saw that Rihan and Lilly was caution and doctor Jay wasn't saying anything, She felt something fishy but then only Rohit came forward and hugged her.

"Don't worry Doll. We will go there but first you get some rest for an hour till then. Until then I'll prepare everything for you. okay."

" Okay then."

"Rihan take her to her room and good care of her. Go inside with Rihan." Both Rihan and Raina nodded and went inside. He don't know what's going in Rohit's mind.

"Are you out of your mind ? Why are you doing this?" As soon as they left the place Lilly asked Rohit.

"Uncle Jay please handle everything at farmhouse and surprise for her. I'll be back in a while."

"Don't worry. I'll handle it. Go ahead." Rohit holds Lilly's hand and went inside.

Doctor Jay saw them going inside. He knows Rohit never does anything without any reason but it was critical situation but he have to handle it with lots of care and precautions. So, he took over his cellphone and made the call to Robin and discuss this matter. He can only trust on Robin for Raina's matter.

After the discussion of half an hour, he ended the call. As soon as he ended up the call, his cellphone rang. After seeing who's call was, he picked up.

"Yes, Mom. How did you remember me today?"

From the other side, "Jay I'll arrive there today. So, make sure everything goes fine."

"Okay mom. I'll be waiting for you."


One hour later...

Tannu, Romi and Sam were as excited as Raina for visiting the farmhouse. Rihan was standing beside Raina. Whereas Lilly and Rohit was looking at the things if they forgot anything in case.

Doctor Jay also came out. "Let's go to the farmhouse. Right Everyone."

"Right uncle." Everyone said in unison.

They all sat in the car and drove away from villa to farmhouse. guards were also with them.