
Lost travel notebook

Rockcandy_123 · Teen
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8:40 PM, June 26, 2020

Dear Diary,

I am SO excited for my 17th birthday party tomorrow. All I know is that there is a party and it's for me. I Don't know the time, theme, or anything. I really hate surprises. Ever since my evil sister called me and said "Oh Ry Ry! I have a surprise for you!" It turned out to be a big, hairy, tarantula right on our bathroom counter, and the worst part was, she made me pick it up, and kill it! Oh... I was so mad!

My mom told me today that I can't go downstairs because there is a "rat infestation" down there. Really mom? I know all the decorations are down there, and I wish I could just go down there and just take a little peek and end all this guessing! But, that would be wrong. Or maybe it wouldn't... Hmmm...

OK! Stop that! I am going to wait until tomorrow if it kills me. And it might.

While I was debating whether or not to go sneak downstairs and have a peek, my sister, Py Py, was playing classical music so loud my eardrums were shaking!! Yes, I know that sounds weird but it's true. She's 18 and is a "studyholic". She just stays in her room all day and studies 24/7. She is trying to get into some top university in the U.S. My parents are so proud of her and her grades, that often, it seems like I am nonexistent.

All my friends and family are going to be there, except my Grandpa who I called Papa. My Papa died 2 years ago from a heart attack. He went to his homeland in Portugal and while visiting there, he had had a heart attack. Often, he was the only person who would pay any attention to me.

I remember how he would phone me every Sunday and say, "Ry Ry , it's Sundae time!" and we would go for a delicious Ice Cream Sundae at DQ. My grandpa was very rich, and often, many people would only like him just because of how much money he had. I didn't care about how wealthy he was, I just genuinely loved him. I truly miss him.

Oh! Mom's calling, I have to go!


Ry Ry