
Lost One's Journey

This is the story of the man, Who in his First Life, Lost Everything, Experienced Only Betrayals, Only know Anger and Hate, Only lived for Revenge, Never Know Other Feelings. ----------------- Now given another Chance, will he live the same, or will he experience emotions and other things, or will his life will take even more strange turns........ Read to find out... --------------------

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9 Chs


The boy, Reo woke up, and looked around, and saw the time, on the clock, on the wall in front of him, and saw that it's still three hours till the family for adoption will come, so he sat cross-legged, something he had always done in his previous life to calm himself, and started to think about everything that had happened to him, till now.

He then remembers the Old Man saying that there was some type of energy, which would let him pass his intent to the world, and that, his sword or katana was modified to fix this world.

The boy then thought of a method to search for the energy, but having no knowledge about it, the boy decided to continue to meditate, while trying to find something special.

In an hour, the boy sensed something flowing through his body, like blood, through a fixed path, and opened his eyes, and a page appeared in front of the boy, and the boy picked the page and read what's written on it,

[ From The First One,

Sorry, I forgot to tell you, but your body is also created by me, which means that your body has magical potential along with the potential to make your body stronger, but it's not as good as the Sword Heart, and, the world you are in is dangerous, so I will give you one last gift, and you have my blessings.]

When Reo read that, the letter vanished into white particles and entered his forehead, and Reo closed his eyes, as new information entered his mind, and slowly opened his eyes, as he spoke,

"I see, a method to increase the energy in my body, along with the art to create the Core, I think this will be helpful, and with this art, I could become stronger early."

Reo then looked at the time and saw that it's already time for the family to come to adopt the child, so he stood up and ready his clothes, as he walked out of the room, and walked towards the living room.

Along the way, he saw many kids, but they were either looking at him hatefully or fearfully, except some girls, who were blushing and on the way, he also helped several caretakers, as his previous self, without the memories had always done that.

Reo then reached the Living Room, and saw an Old Man sitting there, and seeing him, Reo greeted,

"Good Evening, Father Jason."

(Note- A simple mob character, not the one from my novel.)

The Old Man, Jason smiled, and said,

"Come here, Reo.", While pointing towards the seat beside him.

Reo nodded and walked towards Jason, and sat on the seat beside him, and Jason seeing that patted his head and spoke,

"This time, the family coming here is going to adopt you, and be careful, and remain respectful when they come."

Reo nodded, and Jason seeing that remained quiet, and Reo seeing him thought, 'Good thing, they are not seeling Children, I still remember this type of Old people doing this type of shoddy work, they open an Orphanage in the name of God, and then sell the children, but I guess, this church here should be controlled by someone powerful.'

After some minutes, the door of the room opened, and a woman in priestess clothes entered and looked at Jason and asked,

"Father Jason, the Hyoudou family is here."

Jason looked at the woman and said,

"Please take them here, and also provide the necessary refreshments."

The woman nodded and walked away, and after some minutes, the door opened again, and a man, in his twenties, with brown hair and brown eyes entered, and following him,

a woman of the same age as the man appeared, with dark brown hair that is tied into a ponytail and hazel eyes, and behind them came a little girl, of around Reo's age, having brown hair, and brown eyes, same as the man.

Jason seeing them stood up, and spoke,

"Good day, Mr. Hyoudou, Mrs. Hyoudou, and Isami."

The man looked towards Jason and extended his hand, for a shake, which Jason returned, while the woman bowed her head a little, and the man spoke,

"Good Day, Father Jason, I hope I haven't interpreted your work."

Jason shook his head as he replied,

"It's nothing like that, and Reo is one of the most sensible children in the Orphanage, and he had always helped others, so it's my duty to be with him on his biggest day."

The man nodded and Jason looked at Reo and spoke,

"Reo, you should introduce yourself."

Reo nodded, and walked beside Jason, as he bowed his head, and spoke, in a calm tone,

"Good day, Sir and Madam, I am Reo."

Hearing his voice, they felt pleasant in their hearts, as it was melodious to hear, but, when they looked at his eyes, they appeared hollow, with no light for emotions in them, but they remain silent, as they looked at Jason for a moment to ask him the reason.

The girl hearing Reo's voice immediately came beside him and took his hand as she jumped happily, and exclaimed,

"WOW!! You have such a beautiful voice!"

Reo looked at the girl, and showed the best smile he could muster, but that smile became a terrifying one, as he doesn't even remember the last time he laughed naturally and replied,

"Thank You."

But, the girl wasn't affected by his smile, or more like, she exclaimed,

"You really have the most beautiful voice I have heard...."

The girl was unable to continue, as the woman took her, and the man looked at Reo and showed a kind smile, as he spoke,

"Good day, Reo, I am Gorou Hyoudou, and from now on, I will be your father."

"And I am Miki Hyoudou, and I will be your mother, so you could call me mother or mom, whatever you want."

Reo nodded, and the girl came from behind, and exclaimed,

"I am Isami Hyoudou! And, I am 2 months older than you, so, I will be Onee-chan, so call me that."

Reo looked at her and mentally sighed, ' sigh..' as he spoke, in his calm voice,

"Yes, Father, Mother, and Isami Onee-chan, Please take care of me from now on."

And bowed his head, Gorou seeing that quickly lifted him, as he said,

"We are going to be family, so it's natural that we will take care of each other."

Reo nodded, and Jason spoke, as he looked at Gorou,

"Then, we should do the paperwork."

Gorou nodded, and along with Miki, he and Jason left the room, leaving Reo alone with Isami.

Isami looked at Reo, as she asked,

"You have more soft hair than me, why?"

Reo looked at her, or more especially her eyes, which clearly shows intelligence far more than that of a kid, and replied,

"I don't know, but my hairs are always like that."

Hearing his reply, Isami nodded and asked again,

"Then, are you planning on becoming an actor? those that are on TV?"

Reo looked at her, as he thought for a moment and asked,


Isami came in from of him, and held his shoulders, as she spoke, in a cheerful tone,

"Because you have a more beautiful voice than those actors on the TV!"

Reo shrugged his shoulders, as he replied.

"Sorry, but I am more interested in Sword Arts."

Isami looked at him, and asked with a disappointed tone,

"But, you will become a good actor, no, you could become a singer!"

Reo looked at her, as he narrowed his eyes. he is really annoyed right now, which he hadn't felt since he started his revenge, so, he thought for a moment to reply to her, which will calm her down,

"I will think about that in the future, so, for now, I am more interested in Swordsmanship."

Isami became quiet, as she heard his reply, and spoke,

"Then, I guess it's alright, but, you should become an actor or a singer, and I will make sure of that."

Reo hearing her sighed mentally, ' sigh..' and thought, 'What have I gotten myself into?'

But no one replied to him, as he continued to listen to Isami continuously speaking about random topics God knows she chooses from.

Meanwhile, Jason appeared in an office-like room and sat on a sofa, and Gorou and Miki sat in front of him, as he spoke,

"Then, I think I should clear your questions, Mr. Hyoudou."

Gorou looked at Jason, and asked,

"Is Reo having some problem in his eyes?"

Jason hearing that showed a sad smile, as he answered,

"It's nothing like that, he has no problem in his eyes. His eyes were like that from the time he was found in front of Orphanage, and we had already done checkups, but all the results were normal, and the only problem we found is, he can't feel too many emotions himself, but he could feel what others may be feeling."

Gorou and Miki showed a sad look on their face, as Miki spoke in a sad tone,

"Poor Child..."

But, Jason cut her off, as he spoke,

"Don't say him, 'Poor Child', he could feel the emotions, but not too much, as he started to show interest in using a sword, which means he felt some emotions towards it, and he always helps others when he had no need to, so he may have experienced something, which makes him to continued to help others. And, he just needs time to feel more emotions..."

Jason stopped for a moment, as he let them digest what he said, before continuing,

"And, Family is the best way to feel emotions, as parents showed every emotion to their child, which we at Orphanage can't do, and this was the reason why we are looking for a loving family, which could adopt him."

Hearing his words, Gorou nodded, while Miki had some tears in her eyes, as she also nodded, and Gorou spoke, in a serious voice,

"You have no need to worry, we will take care of, as our own child."

Jason nodded and smiled, as he thought, 'Good, with this I hope Reo will be able to experience more emotions and find some purpose in his life.'

"Then, shall we do the paperwork?", Jason asked.

""Yes."", both Gorou and Miki replied.

Jason then took Reo's adoption paper and presented them in front of Gorou and Miki, who started to read through them.

Meanwhile, Reo was looking at Isami with dead eyes, as she was playing with his hair, and asked,

"Could you please stop, Onee-chan?"

Isami looked at him, and smiled, as she replied,

"No, your hairs are too soft and silky, making it fun to play with."

Reo mentally sighed, ' sigh...', as he lost the count of times he sighed today, just being alone with Isami.

Soon, the door of the room opened, and Jason entered, along with Gorou and Miki, who smiled and walked toward them, and picked them, as Miki spoke, with Reo in her arms,

"So, we are now taking you to your new home."

Reo nodded, and spoke,

"Yes, then, should I go and take my stuff?"

Miki nodded and put him down, and Reo quickly went towards his room.

Gorou, Jason, and Miki smiled seeing him, and Isami looked at Gorou and Miki and exclaimed,

"Mom! Dad! I am going to make Reo an Actor or a Singer!!"

They both looked at her, and smiled, as Gorou replied,

"Yes yes, you could try."

Isami nodded her head seriously, and soon, Reo returned, as his stuff was already packed, he just had to stuff some things in the bag, and Jason seeing that asked,

"Have you packed everything?"

"Yes, Father Jason."

Gorou and Miki took the hands of both kids, and Gorou spoke,

"Then let's go."

Reo nodded, along with everyone, and then, he along with Jason, Miki, Gorou, and Isami walked towards the front gate, where, on the side, a car was in park, and looked back, as he saw every caretaker present there, waving their hand, Reo seeing that quickly bowed his head, as he spoke,

"Thank You for taking care of me all this time."

After that, Reo walked towards Jason, as he knew that Jason had taken care of his previous self too much, and this much is nothing compared to those, and hugged him, and Jason feeling that become surprised, but quickly lowered himself, and patted Reo's head, as Reo spoke,

"Thank you for taking care of me all this time.."

"Don't worry, and take care from now on.", Jason calmly replied.

Reo then walked back towards the family of three, now four, and everyone sat in the car and drove toward the Hyoudou's Home.