

The creature was unlike any other. It bore little resemblance to a typical snake, despite its serpentine body. Instead, it seemed to be a remarkable blend of bird and serpent. It had a large pair of wings along with a snake-like body. Its elongated form was covered in iridescent scales that shimmered with a kaleidoscope of colors in the dim light, reminiscent of the feathers of an exotic bird. The forest around them, dense and ancient, seemed to hold its breath, the towering trees casting long shadows in the fading sunlight.

Gracillia, a seasoned mother bear, stood firm. Her eyes scanned the surrounding trees, the rustle of leaves, and the distant call of creatures creating a tense backdrop. I’ve faced threats before, but nothing like this, she thought, her heart pounding in her chest.


"You will fight me," the creature hissed, its voice echoing ominously through the forest.

Enom Windfall opened its mouth, spitting a ray of venom toward Gracillia. She ducked swiftly, avoiding the venom, and charged toward the serpent with surprising speed. I must protect my cubs. They need me.

She caught the snake’s tail with her powerful legs and flung it away. Enom's serpentine body arced through the air but landed unscathed. With a furious flap of its wings, it soared into the sky and attacked the bear with rapid tail whips.

Gracillia, feeling the sting of exhaustion but driven by desperation, decided to use her magic. She conjured a wind talon and hurled it at Enom. The snake used its wings as a shield, deflecting the magical attack. This beast is unlike any I’ve encountered. Its power is formidable.

As they battled, the forest around them was torn apart. Trees were uprooted, and the intensity of their fight only grew. Unable to find an opening, Enom spat venom again, this time directly aiming to blind Gracillia. It worked; she was sent flying back, hitting the ground hard, like a broken kite. The smell of pine and earth filled her nostrils as she hit the forest floor.

Before she could regain control, Enom lunged at her, opening its mouth wide to unleash its venomous hair strands. Gracillia dodged deftly, narrowly escaping the deadly attack. I can’t let him get to the cubs. I have to hold on.

Summoning her strength, she slashed at Enom’s neck, stunning the creature. She then gathered a massive amount of mana, channeling it into a concentrated attack. She unleashed the windfall toward Enom, creating a gaping wound in its body. The forest seemed to hold its breath as blood splattered on the ground.

Enom hissed in agony. Its strong skin could not withstand the attack, and blood gushed from the wound. Gracillia's heart pounded as she fought to stay conscious. I can't fall now. My children need me.

Gracillia was not unscathed; the venom had seeped into her system, making her movements sluggish and unsteady. The world around her started to blur, but she held on. Stay strong, just a little longer.

"Rustle," came a sound. Arin, who had been hiding with the others, moved toward his injured mother. The other cubs tried to stop him, but he was determined.

Enom Windfall, panting heavily, saw the child and immediately flew toward him, forgetting about Gracillia. Enom's eyes were fixed on Arin, intent on devouring him. The sky darkened as the serpent's wings blocked out the remaining light.

Gracillia’s eyes grew cold. As Enom was about to reach Arin, she tore into Enom with her claws, leaving the serpent mortally wounded. Enom’s body fell near Arin, and from the impact, a core rolled out. The power within the core pulsed visibly.

The small boy picked up the core with a smile on his face. Gracillia’s condition had worsened; she could collapse at any moment. Blood oozed from numerous wounds. I have to get them to safety.

"Mama, food eat," Thema said, stepping forward.

"No, Thema, you should not eat snake meat. It’s not tasty and contains venom," Gracillia warned. The thought of consuming a venomous beast made them shiver. Killing a venomous snake without accounting for the poison inside was a deadly mistake. Even in my condition, I must teach them to survive.

"Children, let’s go," she said, knowing she had little time left. She picked up Arin, out of mana, and everyone started to follow. She knew she had to get them to safety before her strength gave out entirely.

In her last attack, Gracillia had covered her entire body with mana, enabling her to reach Enom in time and tear him apart. The memory of the battle was a blur of pain and desperation.

They were not far from their home when they reached their cave. Unaware, as they entered, many eyes glowed in the darkness outside. Her blood had attracted numerous beasts, the most dangerous of which were giggling hyenas that hunted in packs.

"Hehe, her blood has attracted quite a few. We’ll have our feast in the morning. She won’t survive until then," the hyena leader said with a sinister grin, retreating into the shadows. The forest echoed with their malicious laughter.

"Auuuu," howled Gracillia as she collapsed, breathing heavily. The venom had spread throughout her body, killing her from the inside. This can't be the end. My children...

With her last ounce of strength, she opened her eyes and looked at her children, a small smile and tears in her eyes. "Children, live happily without anyone’s control," she whispered, remembering her past. "Your mother loves you all." The memories of a life full of battles and love flashed before her eyes.

Arin, still on her back, spoke. "Eaaaa."

"Haha, you too, my chi..." Gracillia closed her eyes and fainted.

Truther, Cani, and Thema worriedly surrounded their mother’s body. They had already lost one sibling. They cried, licked their mother’s face, and lay near her.

Arin, sitting on her back, looked at their sad faces and started crying. He sobbed until he fell asleep, the Enom core still in his hand. The pulse of the core seemed to synchronize with his breathing.

In the middle of the night, all the beasts surrounding the cave felt a sudden, powerful energy. They retreated immediately, sensing a force beyond their understanding.

The hyena leader, perched on a rock near the cave, was the first to speak. "Hehe, what is this power? Everybody run!" He fled instantly, his pack following close behind.

Inside the cave, Arin’s body began to glow. The core he held vanished, and his eyes shone brightly with all seven colors. A pillar of light formed, connecting the sky to Gracillia’s body. Energy flowed from the sky into her, causing the venom to be expelled from her body. The air was filled with a humming sound, and a gentle wind blew through the cave.

Finally, everything returned to normal.

Arin remained asleep, a smile on his little face. The core’s magic had not only healed Gracillia but had also imbued Arin with a mysterious power.

Fairies, sensing the surge of power, awoke and looked in awe at the phenomenon. In unison, they muttered,
