
A need

As they stepped outside the cave, the morning light bathed the forest in a golden glow. The scene before them was startling: the red-dressed fairy, Rosie, stood with a contingent of other fairies and various beasts. The forest, usually a sanctuary of peace, seemed to hold its breath. The sweet, captivating voice of Rosie broke the silence.

"Finally, you are here. We have been searching the entire forest for you. We need your help," Rosie said, her voice tinged with desperation.

Gracillia's heart skipped a beat. "What happened?" she asked, eyes wide with concern.

It was not like she was not aware of the condition of the forest but it was not seen that the leader of the fairies seeking help held enough power in the forest and easily looked out for themselves and looked for help then there was something serious.

Rosie's usual vibrant demeanor was subdued, reflecting the seriousness of the situation. "The forest is under attack by human hunters. They are killing every beast they encounter. There's an onslaught at the forest's edge."

Arin, ever curious and brave, stepped forward to greet the fairy, his eyes wide with wonder. "Hello, Rosie," Arin said, his voice tinged with excitement. He moved closer to Gracillia, his small hand resting on her leg, seeking comfort and strength.

Rosie smiled warmly at Arin. "Hello, little one. You have grown so much."

Arin beamed with pride. He had always admired the fairies, their grace, and their power. As he stood beside Gracillia, listening to the exchange between his mother and Rosie, his young mind raced with thoughts. Why are the humans attacking us? Why do they hate us so much? He glanced up at Gracillia, who was deep in conversation with Rosie. His mother's strength and determination filled him with awe. He knew she would protect them, no matter what.

As Rosie explained the dire situation, Arin's small hand tightened around Gracillia's fur. He felt a mix of fear and excitement. We have to be strong, he thought. Just like Mama.

Gracillia looked down at Arin, sensing his worry. She gave him a reassuring nuzzle. "Don't worry, my little hero. We will protect our home."

Gracillia's mind raced. "Where is the Forest Lord? Isn't he protecting us?"

A heavy silence followed. Rosie hesitated, her voice a mere whisper. "We believe he has perished. His massive body would be impossible to hide."

Gracillia felt a cold dread settle in her chest. The Forest Lord, their mighty guardian, was gone. The weight of responsibility pressed down on her.

"You must take his place, Gracillia," Rosie implored. "There is no one else capable. We need your strength to save our home."

Gracillia's protective instincts flared. "I can't be your lord. My children need me, especially now."

Rosie stepped closer, her eyes pleading. "Even if you refuse, I am not fit to lead in such peril. I can bless this child in exchange for your help."

A fairy blessing was a rare and powerful gift. It could heal, empower, and even revive the dead. Gracillia understood its value. Her thoughts churned as she weighed the safety of Arin against the survival of the forest.

Everyone was shocked and wanted to raise their voice but the current situation didn't allow them. There was no other way to solve the current situation.

With a deep breath, she made her decision. "I will be your lord, but only until this crisis is over. After that, I will return to my children."

A collective sigh of relief escaped the group. Rosie floated over to the children, her hands joined in a silent prayer. Her body glowed softly, casting a warm light. The blessing was a sight to behold, its power tangible in the air.

Gracillia, already blessed by a fairy in the past, watched with a mix of awe and reverence. "Every preparation has been made," Rosie announced. "We must move quickly; the hunters may have already breached the outer region."

With a determined nod, Gracillia led the group away from the cave. Before leaving, she sternly instructed her children, "Do not leave the cave. Stay safe."

In the Outer Region of the Forest

The outer region was a battlefield. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the ground was strewn with the bodies of fallen beasts. Their stomachs were torn open, their cores missing. It was a grim tableau, a testament to the hunters' brutality. The destruction stretched for miles, marking the path of the onslaught.

In the midst of this carnage, a camp of twenty tents stood. Inside the largest tent, a deep voice echoed with malicious glee. "Today we finally found the entrance to the domed forest," a man in a black shirt, white pants, and glasses said, grinning broadly.

He pointed to a beast sitting nearby, a shadowy figure with fur that seemed to absorb all light. "Only because of your shadow gaze, Howler," he said.

The Howler's black fur and piercing blue eyes gave it an aura of menace. Its obsidian claws were silent on the forest floor, betraying none of its lethal potential. A hand emerged from the shadows, patting the Howler's head. It belonged to a man wearing a cloak made from the skin of a golden beast, draped elegantly over his broad shoulders. His face was stern, with deep-set eyes and a strong jawline, half-hidden by a golden mask.

"We have not yet found the Lord Beast's core," the man said, his eyes twitching with frustration. "Without it, our mission remains incomplete. We must gain back my citizenship in the kingdom."

Another man, hesitant and fearful, spoke up. "But, Lord, I don't think we can enter the inner forest. The hunters are reluctant to continue."

With a sudden, violent jab, the lord broke the armrest of his chair. "Tell them they can keep the other cores. We only want the Lord's core. If anyone disagrees, you know what to do."

The man exited the tent to deliver the grim message. The Shadow Howler, obedient as ever, rubbed its head against the lord's leg like a loyal dog. The man removed his mask, revealing a prominent scar that ran from his forehead, across his eye, down to his chin. Tracing the scar with a twisted smile, he muttered, "I, Malgrave, will finally kill that bitch."

The Howler's howl echoed through the forest, a spine-chilling sound that sent tremors down the spines of all who heard it.


{AUTHOUR NOTE: FINALLY HERE I AM, you can find the discord link in the summary of the book.}

Until then keep supporting by power stones.