

Seperated from his family when he was just 1 year old lived in forest with beast unknown to his origin . Arin grew up in a small village no so called family that would take care of him , he never have anticipated that day would come where his life will completelt change ing his life.He will learn about magic which he never would have. A clue of the lost kingdom which while soling this mystery he will encounter about 7 taboo superpower information and a prophecy about information about hisself which completely change his world view.

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Human village

After waking up I headed for breakfast and immediately moves to look for a carriage to the red magic tower as today was the day when finally I entered the academy.

Soon I found the carriage and sat down waiting for my destination to arrive.

While I was lost in thought, my eyes started to feel heavy. I realized that yesterday, I couldn't fall asleep due to my excitement for the morning. To rest for a bit, I decided to take a short nap as I still had a long way to go to reach my destination.

Suddenly, I woke up from my sleep after hitting my head in the carriage. I looked around and noticed that the carriage had come to a halt. I immediately exit the carriage and went toward the red magic tower.

Upon my arrival, I saw a crowd gathered on a platform with the same man from yesterday. All eyes were glaring at me as if they wanted to devour me, which made me slow down.

I whispered to myself ' looks like I am last one to arrive '

The boy with a leg like a stick was staring at me. He said, "Come fast, stupid! You're already late."

I reached the destination quickly after picking up my pace as I was fasting. When I arrived, I noticed that everyone who was looking at me had stopped. I let out a sigh

Man with us said, "It seems like everyone has finally arrived. Let's go."

With a flick of his finger, the ground beneath us began to glow. I immediately thought to myself,

"Not again."

Suddenly, I felt my surroundings change, and I slowly opened my eyes while clutching my stomach and holding my head. I felt dizzy because of the teleportation. I took a deep breath and looked around groggily to get my bearings.

I was standing on a platform with a group of people, surrounded by a pair of pillars. It seemed like we were in a hall, and upon closer inspection, I realized that we were in the Academy.

Confirming my thoughts, a lady wearing a tight black shirt and spectacles spoke

"Welcome to the Magmar Academy."

she looked at each one of us as if inspecting us. When his gaze met mine, she showed no emotion and moved on to the next person. After a while, she spoke up and said, "Mr. Randel, this time you have brought quite a few students. It looks like we'll need to meet with the principal first. All of you, please follow me i will explain things on our way ."

while following her silently she starts to explain about the academy she stated about the academy history of the academy.

A few hundred years ago, a man named Magmar, also known as the hero of the war, established an academy after the war between different races. He fought alongside the kingdom and realized that the kingdom lacked severely in many fields, which caused many of them to lose their lives. He lost some of his friends during the war but he remained stand and fought bravely After seeing the war end and losing some kingdoms to other races, he stated that he would establish an academy to improve the kingdom's skills and knowledge.

He built an academy in a remote location away from prying eyes. He invited famous figures from around the kingdom to teach the students in the academy. He himself was famous because he was the first person in the history of the kingdom to achieve the 7-star mage, a feat that had never been accomplished before.

Many king and dukes figure started sending their young one to study from them because they academy themself became the one of the powerhouse. also becoming a mage was not a child play.

Students in the academy are provided their dorm room they are not allowed to leave the academy unless told them to do they are provided many other facilities inside the wall of academy.

Soon, we were instructed to stand in front of a magnificent-looking door that automatically opened.

" creak "

We all entered a magnificent room filled with a large desk covered in papers and piles of files. A chandelier with embedded stones hung from the ceiling while the left wall displayed a map of the kingdom.

Suddenly, a cough interrupted the silence and we all turned to see an old man with white hair, sharp nose, sturdy face, and blue eyes standing near the desk. He coughed again and said, "Nice work, Linda. You can go now and wait outside."

Linda, who had brought us into the room, bowed and left without a word.

The old man then introduced himself as Magmar Whitewood, the 7-star mage of the kingdom. Watching our reactions, I was shocked to realize that one of the most powerful individuals in the kingdom was standing right in front of me.

As I looked around, I noticed that everyone had similar reactions, some showing no expression. However, I saw the girl who had been standing behind me, and regretted my decision to stay. It was the same girl who had tried to kill me, but she didn't seem to looking in my direction she was looking at the headmaster with her eyes wide open.

The headmaster spoke again, saying that he would show us what real magic is. He lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, wind began to revolve around his hand. In a few seconds, it took the form of a tornado.I found myself unable to hold my ground and started to move towards it. Many students were caught in it as well.

some of the boys also shouted for help in midst of all this my back suddenly itched my body became heavy and hot looked i closed my eyes found flameforged was helping me .i looked around most of were caught in the tornado only ten were standing one was the same girl who has formed a dome around herself.

" Bang "

Suddenly,the door of the room opened the a old muscular looking woman walked in the room.