

Seperated from his family when he was just 1 year old lived in forest with beast unknown to his origin . Arin grew up in a small village no so called family that would take care of him , he never have anticipated that day would come where his life will completelt change ing his life.He will learn about magic which he never would have. A clue of the lost kingdom which while soling this mystery he will encounter about 7 taboo superpower information and a prophecy about information about hisself which completely change his world view.

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Two men were running in the forest like madmen without looking at their surroundings. they were the underlings of the Malgrave.

" WHAT WAS THAT !! " A man with a horrified face commented while looking back to see if someone was following them

" Do you think that damn thing will leave us if it sees Even that dark tamer was killed? " The butler who wore the same expression with a feared eye said

while running they arrived in a silent place where only their footstep echoed.

with a frustrated voice said " I don't know just continue running we are near the exit of the forest " 

" How can a small boy become a Monster " the Man who was just behind the butler said with disbelief on his face

Concluding his thoughts on training the man suggested "Shouldn't we immediately inform the hunting association about this " 

" we can't " The buttler when heard these words in his mouth stopped running and went near the man and looked into eyes

The man asked with caution " But why "

instead of straightly answering questions butler takes his hands to his tie a small knife appears with a swift motion without giving time to react butler kills the man and with a stoic expression starts speaking to himself 

" Because you are fucked up," Butler said while looking at the dead body of the man

" That child will bring glory to the world ...and I shall inform ********** will surely reward me for bringing this boy to them " Looking into the dense forest butler said 

before he can even think of any other the sound of something passing from near him reached his ear alerting him 

" what was that "The butler moved forward cautiously, his face filled with terror as he held the small blade, checking his surroundings. Suddenly, he sensed something was wrong and without hesitation, he started running. Before he could take a step forward, an alluring voice interrupted him.

" You are running nowhere " The voice suddenly started to move closer to him, and the butler could only speak a few words. 

"Fucking fairies..." he said with revulsion and then lost his life.

" We should inform Rosie about this "While pondering she left the area to visit Rosie to inform her.

"Rosie, we found a human trying to run away from us, so we killed it," said a fairy wearing warrior clothes with all her skin visible underneath, her twinkling while looking at Rosie.

{ In hell while looking at fairies the soul of Butler commented with disgust "Who was running away you just killed me " }

Suddenly a golden ray fell on Rosie who was listening to them making her close her eyes and open them, within a second but her demeanor changed after she opened he eyes. 

With regret, she said, "All the humans who were in the forest are gone. Everyone can go back now." With these words, she started flying toward Gracillia 

In the quiet forest, a sad procession of children, with Arin cradled on Gracillia's back, approached the fallen Thaka. The air was thick with grief as they paid their respects to the fallen Thaka who had fought valiantly for his family.

Thaka lay still, his battles over, his spirit ready to embark on a journey he had never taken—a journey to see the world he had protected but never explored.

Arin, lost in slumber on Gracillia's back, was oblivious to the sorrow that enveloped him. Yet, even in sleep, a single tear escaped, trailing down his cheek—a silent farewell to Thaka.

As the children whispered their goodbyes, a gentle breeze stirred, carrying with it the essence of Thaka's spirit. The soul is not just an essence; it's the very fabric of existence. As the children and Gracillia gathered around Thaka's body, the air shimmered with the unseen threads of life. Arin, in his innocent slumber, was unaware of the profound moment as the soul of Thaka began its ascent.

The forest itself seemed to pause as if honoring the departure of a spirit. With a whisper that felt like the heartbeat of the world, Thaka's soul spread out, touching every leaf and stone. It left behind a legacy of courage and love that would forever remain etched on this land.

It was a gentle, almost imperceptible sigh as if the noble soul was taking one last look at the world and the family he loved before departing.


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