
Lost in the stars;

When the clock strikes 12 midnight she comes down from the moon Bringing along with her sorrow and gloom Sadness and pain follows her anywhere she goes Why you ask well no one knows Her once holy name now a horrid curse So she wanders the land helpless, lost Her once bright light now dull and gray Not bright enough to even light her way But her older sister shines so bright Extinguishing her darkness with her never ending light Spreading with her happiness and joy Wait but this mean that her whole life was just a ploy To stay in her sister's shadow and wither away To dwell in the darkness without a say But what of those who said she was special were they wrong? Were they all playing with her all along The shadows get closer and she can't breathe So she cries and cries,tearing out her eyes and teeth And in the moment of her last breathe she whispers from the bottom of her heart Why didn't anyone save me from the start?

Daoistzf1NB2 · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Tears why was it always tears. Anywhere she went it was always tears be it tears of sorrow or tears of pain. She didn't like seeing people cry, she didn't like making them tear up so why does she do it, why can't she stop, why can't she be as perfect as her annoying older sister!

Ah her older sister how she despised her, always showing off, always shining so bright and no one else can ever shine again! Why did her annoying older sister have to bring happiness while she brought TEARS!! It wasn't fair. Her sister always casted a shadow and she had to grow up in it IT WASN'T FAIR!!!!! No one knew how many times she cried at night after turning warm bodies cold, people full of color and life pale in and made the tears run down their cheeks, no one knew how much she suffers trying to leave her sister's shadow, No one knew how much she clawed at her skin, how she ripped out her hair and how she tore out her eyes just to make the voices stop but it never did, it never stopped, it kept on going telling her how her sister is always going to be better l, how she just nothing more thelab a faceless background character, how she was never going to stop hurting people and the tears she hated oh so much would drown her and the heart of those who she had made dull would beat nin her dreams and give her nightly horrors so she screams, she screams, cries, kick yet no one comes, no one comes to help her, they left her alone in the dark horror which is her mind to suffer, they left her to tear herself inside out and she bleeds till she could bleed no more and her limbs feel weak, her mind goes in and out of consciousness yet she hears no one.

She feels herself slip in to darkness and the last thing she heard is the thing she dreads the most;

The laughter of her annoying older sister.

This is my first time writing a sad story and I know it isn't long but trust me the few chapters that are in this book will be worth your time so pls support me and cheer me on!

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