
Chapter One

I walked into the building with my shoulders high and watched as the employees stand up and say their "hello" "good morning"

I waved my hand and walked straight to my office and sat down.

I got to work almost immediately and it wasn't up to thirty minutes before i was interrupted by my secretary "she better have a good reason for disturbing me" i thought as i looked up at her.

"We got a call from the company that we got the contract from and the CEO was asking if you will be available for the party they will be having tonight as he hand the business over to his son?" she asked and i told her i would get back to her.

"party? not my thing" i thought as i continued working.

My phone beeped and i picked it up to see a message from Mr Ajayi the CEO telling me he would love if i was able to make it to the party.

"I guess i have a party to attend" I thought as i dialed my best friend's number.

she picked up after two rings

"babe wassup" she asked and i told her i was fine

I told her about the party and asked if she wanna tag along and she said something about loving party more than i do.

I hung up after we agreed on the time we would meet and where which we decided to be my place.

*5 hours later*

I let out a sigh of relief as I finished what I was doing and packed up.

I left my office and on my way out, told my secretary to tell Mr Ajayi I would be attending the party.

I got in my car and started driving home thinking about what to wear "ugh I was not the party type" I thought as I drove into my estate

I pressed a button and my gate opened up as I drove in.

I noticed my front door was ajar. As I got out of the car, I rethought about the only one person had access to my house. I walked inside and went straight to my room and saw the burglar going through my closet. "seriously?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"What? Someone had to make sure you were ready in time for the party" she said as she continues going through my closet

I removed my shoes and jacket and just lay on the bed watching what she was doing.

"Tada" she exclaimed happily and I looked at her and saw she was holding a short black off shoulder gown.

"I'm not wearing that". I told her as I thought about how exposing it would be.

"You are and end of story" she said and I knew I couldn't say anything, I hissed as I made my way to the bathroom and took my bath.

I was out after some minutes and noticed she was dressed and then I realized she probably showered before coming or before I got home.

She was wearing a red dress, a long and beautiful one and she didn't pack her braids, she was looking sheen.

I took the dress she brought out for me and went into my closet to wear it.

"Girl you look smoking hot" she said with her jaw dropping as soon as I stepped out of the closet.

"Yea whatever, you don't look bad yourself " I told her as she sat me down and started doing my makeup, I was on dreadlocks so she packed it up and let five drop down my face.

"She was good at making people look pretty" I thought as I stared at the mirror.

"We better get going" I said as i grabbed my purse and she did the same.

She decided she would take the wheel and I let her, we took my Ford and I wonder why she didn't just bring hers instead.

We got to the venue with the help of Google map.

She found a good spot to park and we got out of the car.

I studied the enormous house, there were two guards out front and when they saw us they gave us a bow of respect before opening the gate for us to go in.

We stepped into the house and it was beautiful, the space, the decorations and the people made it lovely. Pure aesthetics.

"Miss Adaeze I'm so glad you could make it" Mr Ajayi said as he strides towards us and stretch out his hand which I took gladly and smiled. He looked to my right,"pardon me beauty I'm Mr Ajayi" he said as he took Kome's and pecked it.

"I'm known as Kome" she said with a slight bow.

"I would love to introduce you to my son Adam" he said as I felt insecure suddenly.

I noticed kome's hand on my back as she whispered "calm down dear, we have a lot of Adams in Nigeria"

"Excuse me" Mr Ajayi said as he made his way to the front.

I nodded and thought she was right, a lot of people bear the same names.

"Not to delay any longer I would love to grace y'all with the presence of my son Adam" We heard Mr Ajayi said as we looked up saw a young guy with his back on us walking towards Mr Ajayi, he stopped and turn to face the crowd and everything around me stopped.

I dropped the glass of champagne I took as soon as we got in and watched as everyone's attention turned towards me.

Adam's eyes met mine and all I could think about was homicide.



I'm typing with my phone