
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Warriors Heart

( (y/n) P.O.V)

I woke up to hearing loud banging from the living room door.So I got up and went done stairs to it. Before i open the door I look throw the window to see a fish lady at my door. I had to go wake up G cause it might be one of his friends. Which I didn't want involved in. As I was heading back to the stairs when she kicked my door off its hinges. That means I will have to fix it later she walked in and looked at me.

"Where is he human !"she growled.

"One I am not fucken human fish face. Two I don't know who you are talking about.If what you are looking for, then I might be able to help you."I said calmly.

"Stop lying you are clearly human and you do have him!"She yelled and through a spear at my left shoulder her pinning me to the wall.

I tried so hard not to scream in pain then we hear foot steps coming from the hallway.She look to see G standing there rubbing his eye socket.

"What is with all the noise" G said walking to the stairs.

He look over at me with a spear still in my left shoulder.then to the Fish lady with a angry look on his face.Her face went pale when she seen a yellow flame coming from G's eye socket.

"Why in the hell did you attack her Undyne!"He growled.

"She a human for one and another we thought she took you and held you captive"Undyne said.

"I am sure she told you she was NOT human. Also i was not being held hostage she let me stay here for the night cause of the storm!"G yelled angrily.

"I didn't know if she was lying or not about her not being human"Undyne said.

"Will you both shut up for a dam second and just get this dam spear out of my shoulder. Before I lose to much dam blood!" i yelled in pain.

She took her spear out of my shoulder and i slid down the wall holding my shoulder. Grinding my teeth showing my fangs.The pain shoot thought out my body.dam it hurts badly that is the first time I been stabbed. I have been shot before an healed fast but not stabbed.

"Guess you was not lying" Undyne rub the back for her head.

" No shit Dick Tracy what gave you that fucken idea!"i growled in pain.

G walked over to me checking my wound seeing what it will need.

"Lets get you patched up. Where do you keep the bandages? "G ask.

"the bathroom a cross the room you was sleeping in"I said.

He went back up to the stairs to the bathroom and comes back down with the peroxide, a towel and bandages.I knew this was going to hurt even more. But it has to be done in order for it to heal okay. I know its going to leave a scare.But I am used to them.

"I am going to need to you to take off your shirt so I can do this okay"G said.

I didn't argue with him. I took off my shirt leaving me in my bra and pants.There was no reason to be embarrass by this cause its like I am in a bikini anyway.So its no big deal if I was naked

"Now lay back on the towel. So I can pour the peroxide on it to clean it"He said.

I nod my head and lay on the floor on the towel. As he pour the stuff on.I grind my teeth and made a fist cause of how much it hurts. Then he uses the towel part that didn't have peroxide on it and whip the wound clean.Then he sat me up and wrap it up.

"There I will go get you a new shirt okay.So don't try and move so much"He said going to my room.

"I am sorry for attacking you"Undyne said.

"Don't worry your heart beats like a warriors that will do what need to be done. Your was just fallowing it to protect your friend."I explained.

She just nod her head as G came back down with a new shirt for me.I took it and thanked him for it.I put it on I cringed in pain cause I'm moving my arm. I got my shirt on and G picked me up bridle style and started walking up the stairs to my room.

"I can walk to my room you know. So put me down G" I said.

"No changes doll cant risk you opening you wound" He said.

I sighed and let him carry me. We went in to my room and he lays me on my bed and covers me up.Then he walked over to the door

"Rest now wail I am going to have a little talk with Undyne. Then come check on you " he said softly and a bit worried.

" Okay and don't worry about me I had worse done to me than you can image."I said.

"Alright now get some rest" G said.

I nod and closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.

( G's P.O.V)

I walk out of the room and closed the door to let her sleep. I walk down stairs back to Undyne that is waiting for me. Boy was she in for it. She attacked (y/n) for no reason at all. It was very uncalled for.I walked up to Undyne.

"Now why in the hell did you come looking for me when you knew I would have to find shelter from the storm"I calmly said.

"Sorry G but Papyrus got worried when you did not show up back at base.So he asked me to go looking for you. When I heard that you was staying with Dark Moon. I thought she was keeping you from leaving and also thought she was human."Undyne said.

"Well you could have waited til she got me instead of braking down her door and stabbing her with your bloody dam spear"I said trying not to lose my temper again.

"So what you going to do know that the storm has past and that I stabbed her?" She asked.

"I cant leave (y/n) like that now that shes hurt cause of you."I growled low so I didn't wake her.

"Okay I will let Papyrus know whats is going on then"She said.

"That be the smart thing to do right now" I said.

Undyne node her head and left the house. I went over and fixed the door then went to check on her.I open the door and she is still a sleep. I walk in to the room pulled up a chair to watch her to make sure she didn't try anything to open her wound.But I ended up falling a sleep after 3 hours.