
Chapter One: Murderous Thinking

where do I start? what will I say ? Shall I say everything happened through the pressure of time that made me indulge in pain and problems that no one else knows, until my comfort I used to find them in sleep and now he also abandoned me in the most difficult times that I called him to come, praying to the Lord that I sleep always after him I see good, joy and comfort that will last With the Lord of the worlds, I am tired of everything, even myself closed.

Being a reader, you say who you are to say all this without a definition without giving a reason that makes us understand what you are going through. Although I never think that any of you will see this until after my death or something happens that makes me know what happened to others and what is happening, so I will put a pseudonym invented by someone I always thought was the permanent and honest thing in this false life. My name is "Aiden" a young man who is still waiting for his life to expire 17 years ago, only one month left, less than a month, sad to see that I am 17 and still haven't done a good little thing, something that makes me proud of myself, something that makes me smile, I didn't

I did what I could to do what I wanted and I am still striving, wanting a beautiful and quiet life from the headache of liars. At the age of 16 I hated myself and hated everyone. How can I continue the rest of my life in the same way until death is no longer a solution to rest, what can I do?

I don't know

I decided to start writing my life or an influential part of my life on paper in which I would say whenever it happened to me and how I feel.

It all started on November 19, 2021.

I browse my friends' accounts until I fall upon the story of an old friend of mine with a beautiful girl in the picture that almost makes me forget what I am in denial of love, who is she? Why did I pay attention to her specifically? There is something strange.

Ah, I remembered, she is the girl that I was attracted to at the beginning of the year. I liked her very much, but so many people around her made me move away. It took a long time for her to come back like this. Shall I talk to her? yes i will ? What will happen? There is no reason to think.

I sent her a message...