
Lost in The Abyss [BL]

What happens when you are the object of someone’s sick obsession? This story revolves around an innocent boy whose life turned into a game of Cat and Mouse as he tries to escape and hide himself from someone’s sick, cruel lust. As the chase narrows down he has nothing to loose anymore but rise from his own ashes to get back the life that was his and only his. Broken beyond repair, will there be any hope for the Liam? This is not a cliché story, it has unexpected twists and turns. Just when everything turns black there will be new ray of hope and just when things turn out for the better there will be new turbulence. Read to know more. Trigger warning: abuse, rape, mentions of self harm. It’s a BxB story. So if you are not comfortable with explicit sex scenes between two men then I suggest you skip this story. Also this story would not be fluffy and soft on the contrary it may trigger some of you so read with caution.

Sinner2022 · Urban
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45 Chs

No Way Out

"Aaaaahhhh! Nnnghhhhs!" Moaned Liam as he opened his eyes. For a few odd seconds he felt confused of his surroundings. As his eyes adjusted his tired orbs widened in panic. The events of previous night came flooding into his memories eliciting a soft gasp. His body ached even if he tried to move the slightest. His arsehole throbbed and reminded him vividly of the torment he went through.

The room was still dark obscured by the heavy drapes on the windows not revealing the time of the day. Slowly he tried to get up as his bladder painfully reminded him of nature's call. He set his wobbling feet carefully on the ground and attempted to stand up. He was immediately hit with intense cramp on his lower abdomen. Crouching low he held his abdomen with his both hands and wheezed drawing ragged breath.

His legs refused to cooperate as he helplessly plopped on the ground. Tears rolled down from his eyes to his chin as Liam sobbed pitifully. He didn't know how long he laid on the ground, naked covered in bruises and bite marks. After sometime he started to drag his body towards the bathroom moving in snail's pace. His breathing fastened and he clenched his teeth to try and hold back his groans of pain.

"What are you doing?" came a soft voice from the door. Liam violently flinched as he tried to make his legs work in order to move away from the source of the voice.

"Please don't be scared, I am here to help you", came the voice again. Cautiously Liam looked through his teary eye lashes. He found a chubby woman looking at him with sad, compassionate eyes. Slowly the woman approached Liam, almost carefully as if any sudden steps might alarm the boy infront of her.

"My name is Merida, here, let me help you dear, you can lean on me I will take you to the toilet." Saying this the woman draped a bed sheet around Liam and tenderly helped him to get up. Liam heavily leaned at the first gentle soul he encountered since he entered Damien's mansion and he took unsteady steps towards the bathroom. His legs shaked, his breath hitched as every muscle in his body protested from the immense pain.

"I need t..to pee" said Liam shyly. He was aware of his nakedness and was grateful for the small amount of decency Merida offered him by draping the bed sheet. But he was unsure if he would be able to stand independently to finish his business. Tears of humiliation escaped his eyes as he helplessly looked at Merida.

Merida gave him an understanding smile. "Don't worry Liam, I will help you son. You don't have to be afraid of me, I will not hurt you sweetheart." Liam couldn't help but sob at Merida's kind words. His broken soul gratefully clung at Merida's assurance.

True to her words Merida helped Liam in his morning business by gently supporting his sore body. Her eyes filled with tears as she applied soothing ointment on Liam's bite marks. Damien was a true monster she thought to herself. She watched Damien grow up and was also aquatinted with his cruelty. But each time she was tasked to aid Damien's prey following his nightly play she couldn't help but feel sorrow. At least the boy was not dead, she thought. If he could survive a few nights then he would be able to return to his world, though she doubted if death was a better option for the broken soul.

"Here sweetie, wear these" said Merida offering Liam a pair of grey sweatpants and white cotton T-shirt.

"Th..thank you," said Liam. As he somehow managed to wear the clothes given to him with Merida's help.

"Are you hungry? I will bring your breakfast here".

"I ... I .. wa..want to go home" whispered Liam. "Pl..please I ca..can't stay here".

Merida sighed, "hold on sweetheart, you will be going home soon. Damien never keeps anyone for more than a week max, you need to be strong, you will survive this."

"A WEEK"? Liam's eyes widened. "N..No NO NOOOO I c..can't, please Merida please help me."whimpered Liam.

"What's the ruckus?" Came a cold voice from the door. Liam flinched as he tried to hide his small body behind Merida.

Hazel came marching into the room clicking her heeled feet on the marble floor. "Aaah! The little whore is up I see, how's your night? Had fun?" She smirked as she raked her lust filled eyes all over Liam.

"Boss is waiting for you at the breakfast table, come down in five minutes, if I have to personally come up again to drag your sorry ass things will be far more worse for you", she said grabbing a handful of Liam's blond hair in her painful grip.

"I will make sure he is there hazel, no need to be so nasty" said Merida. Hazel released her hold and turned towards Merida. "You better Mer, if you want this boy to stay in one piece." With those parting words she left swaying her hips.

"Bitch!" Grumbled Merida "come on we have to go Liam, better to not keep the boss waiting."

Trembling Liam got up in his unsteady feet and followed Merida towards his doom, every part of his body protesting, his heart drumming in his rib cage.

Damien was in an excellent mood. He woke up to an angelic face sleeping in his arms. He watched as Liam's eyes fluttered in his dreams, his luscious pink lips parted as he breathed evenly scooting closure to Damien's chest to seek his warmth. Damien slowly removed the fringes of hair covering Liam's forehead and looked at Liam's face. With his index fingers he traced Liam's sleeping face, from his closed eyelids to his smooth cheeks, to his soft lips. He bent down and placed a tender kiss on his lips careful not wake the tired boy in his arms. Liam mumbled something which sounded funnily like notes and exam. Amused Damien let Liam talk in his sleep. His sleep talk changed from trivial things as suddenly he started trembling and whimpering as if haunted by a nightmare.

"Shh.... Shhh.. shhh." Damien held the boy close to his chest as he drew soothing circles on his back. Liam's breath evened out again as he drifted off to deep sleep again. Damien got up from his bed and covered Liam's body with the blanket. He adjusted the room's temperature and went to the adjoining bathroom to get ready for the day. Once finished he got ready in his usual black suit. Through out the whole time he watched as Liam tossed and turned in bed whimpering, his face contorted in pain. Smirking he bent over Liam fully dressed and kissed his forehead. Liam's eyebrows furrowed but he didn't wake up.

After having his morning black coffee, he turned towards Jacob, his personal body guard as well as his second in command in all his illegal trades.

"Reports?" Asked Damien in an even voice

"The deal is almost through, we are expecting for the shipment to arrive in a week".

"Good, have you notified the dock master? I don't want any hindrance like the last time".

"Yes sir! Mr Chez is well aware that he needs to cooperate if he wants to see his daughter in one piece that is".

"Any news from the Rogers?" Enquired Damien.

"They have not left their home yesterday, Mr. Philip has come to office today. He is keeping his mouth shut".

"He knows of the consequences otherwise" smirked Damien.

"Jacob I need you to do one thing, call Liam's school and tell the principal Liam is in a special internship program with Bishop International and he would be missing school for a month."

"A..a ..month sir?" Asked Jacob surprised.

"Is there a problem?" Asked Damien raising an eyebrow.

"No no sir, I will see to it right away".

"Excellent" said Damien and with a swipe of his hand he dismissed Jacob.

Adler bowed in front of him as he served Damien his breakfast. "Get the boy" said Damien as he scrolled in his IPad for the latest news. His face showed no expressions as he slowly sipped his coffee waiting for his newly acquired pet.

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