
Lost in infinity

in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover

Idle_fantasies · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

where it all started

"And thus the war of survival started and .."


"Mr. Ruth since you find what I am teaching so boring why bother to even show up ? "

The middle aged teacher was glaring at the usual trouble maker who was so busy looking at the projection in front of him to even notice he was calling him out"

Seeing that that he was not responding

the student sitting behind leaned over and whispered behind him in an inconspicuous manner

" pss you idiot the teacher is calling you "

Cillian who was immersed in his reading was finally got the cue and immediately stood up

" No Mr Anderson I wasn't sleeping"

Everyone burst out laughing at his reply

Mr Anderson who had a complicated look on his face said in a serious tone

" Cillian i know you are a grade A potentiate and your future as a pioneer is guaranteed but you need to take your education more seriously"

" I know Mr Anderson i promise you I will "

Despite cillian saying this Everyone in the class knew nothing will change beacuse this isn't the first time something like this happened . What was the use of having high education when you are basically Going to fight aliens and explore the universe ?

A 100 years in to the war of survival following by the invasion humanity was on a loosing streak but this all changed when the 4th dimensional evolution was completed and the first trans dimensionl child was born . This gave new hope for humanity as all children born after where peak humans with high Adaptability , intelligence strength and most importantly the ability to resonate with higher dimensional laws at a very minute scale. This resulted in humans who has powers that ranged form mediocre abilities like slightly enhanced strength to obsurd ones like time manipulation. But not everyone could use their powers even though they where born with it . One has meet certain condition to truly resonate with the law and use it powers. The success of this happening was rare but not impossible. Even without the resonance humanity had got a boost in power and innovation which was a much needed reprieve to their dwindling morale . Soon humanity started to push back with improved Technology and soldiers. More and more powered individuals entered the war and soon they discovered that resonance can increase over time as individuals use thier abilities and gets more accustomed to it . Soon the powered individuals who can casually survive in space and blow up planets in single attacks where created . But the balance was quickly reinstated with powered individuals of equlal or more strength arriving on the invaders side thus the war entered a stalemate . But all this changed when the first 'God ' appeared. An individual so powerfull that he could wipe out an entire civilization himself . He was unparalleled in strength and ability and him with a group of best humanity had to offer destroyed the invading species entire fleet and threatened to destroy their entire species if they continued the war . With no options left the 2 alien civilizations surrendered to humanity and joined with the m to form a coalition aginst other aliens in the universe. Following this came a golden age for humanity with the technology influx form the aliens and their own innovations they quickly rebuild their own civilization but with the external threat gone humanity demented into civil war and spilt onto many factions amoung themselves. The powered individuals would be latter called pioneers in reminder of what stared the war in the first place. Being a pioneer became a symbol of power and respect and everyone dreamed to one day ascend above others in ro the stars .

Cillian was born with a grade A potential resonance with E being the lowest and S being the highest. Cillian's ability allowed Him to absorb and release energy and also manipulate it somewhat . This was graded a high score because all abilities related to laws and concepts where extremely powerfull. The only reason it was only ranked A was because vauge powers that encompasses a lot of things are hard to evolve.

Cillian was born with a bright future . It doenst matter how much he fudged up he as long as he could awaken his resonance he could live like a god amoung mortals .

And Cillian knew this he was form a family of pioneers both his mother and father are pioneers and works in the military. His brother is also a A grade potentiate. So he never took life seriously he just enjoyed life while others worked their asses off to be competive in society and he enjoyed the jealous looks they gave him.

The teacher knee his words would have zero effect and gave up . After school as Cillian was about to go with his friends to a party he received a message.

As he read the message he had an annoyed look on his face . He turned arround to his friends and said " sorry guys but my parents are coming home so I can't join you "

After 5 minutes of complaining his friends left and Cillian called a taxi home just as annoyed as them