
Lost in infinity

in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover

Idle_fantasies · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Unexpected Chance

"Fuck, I was careless again,"

With that final thought, Cillian blacked out


"Oh, what the hell? Didn't I die?

Shit, it's hot here! Am I really in hell?

Fuck, I can't move my body again!"

As Cillian was cursing his luck, a messge flashed into his brain:




Cillian was taken aback by the sudden revelation.

"What the hell? How did I awaken when I was shot through the head and died?"

As he was contemplating his situation, he subconsciously accessed his record:












Cillian was dumbfounded by his Record details, especially the all E rating in attributes. Cillian was taught that in the majority of cases, the rating for all attributes for a freshly awakened individual will be E, or in rare cases, a D rank if their resonance specializes in that field. For example, if your resonance is strength-based, then you might have a slightly higher D- or D rating in the STRENGTH attribute, similarly with every other attribute. So his attributes being all average surprised Cillian, given he had a Super rare resonance. In order to find some answers, Cillian decided to explore what his laws did.



The host can manifest and envelop himself in a particular energy on his body for short periods of time that will give a boost to attributes. The duration of the manifestation increase with the rank of the law.



The host can absorb all types of energy into his own body, store it, and create new energy from the stored energy. The host can become an energy being and can survive for short periods of time even if the physical body dies or is destroyed. The physical body will automatically regenerate as long as sufficient energy is available. All effects will increase with an increase in the rank of the law.


Cillian now understood why he was still alive. But soon his amazement turned into confusion.

If I'm still alive and not in hell, why am I in a damn inferno?

After a few moments, Cillian got his answer; with a screeching sound, a door opened and someone looked inside, yelled,

"This guy's resonance is a pain in the rear, even after he's dead!"

And then the door slammed shut.

Cillian suddenly had an epiphany.

"These bastards are burning me alive!"

suddenly it all made sense . The unbearable pain which he thought was Hells punishment came for his body overexerting his resonance!

this also explains why he awakened in the first place. These bastards at the foundation thought that I was dead and decided to get rid of my body! but no matter how furious ciliian got his body was now currently being incinerated and couldn't move . Cillian lamented that fact that he was helpless do anything in all the predicaments he found himself in .

As the hours went by cillian realized another problem his body isn't regenerating ; no it's not that it's not regenerating but not doing it fast enough to mitigate the damage done by the flames . At this rate Cillian would die in a Few hours at most . As cilian was thinking of a way to escape the door of the incinerator opened again revealing the same person as before. when he saw that Cillian's body wasn't still completely gone he cursed some more but didn't close the door this time but instead turned off the incinerator. He then collected Cillian's body along with what was left inside of the incinerator in a black metallic box and sealed it .Cillain thought that he was finally free but the next bit of conversation dashed his hopes

" Take this box to the star and see to that it is properly disposed off "

"yes commander "

Hearing this Cillian screemed in his mind

"Can't you a## holes leave me alone even after I am dead ?

but no amount of cursing could change ciliian's fate . He watched helplessly as the box was loaded on to the ship to be transported to the sun . most people would've given up at this point but Cillian's urge to live only increased fueled by his immense hatred.

He applied every fiber of his being to speed up the regeneration process of his body but soon the energy he had built up form the incinerator was all used up and the regeneration barely 50% complete. Cillians desperation reached a new peak as the regeneration form absorbing the ambient energy in the surroundings was moving at a snails pace .

faster! faster! Cillian continuously urged his body but it of no avail . suddenly the ship started accelerating and with a jerk the box in which cillain was sealed started tumbling along with all it's contents . Cillian's heart sank as he realized what was happening.

" Is this how i am going to die again? "

as he was waiting for death the box's tumbling came to a sudden halt along with it's contents, following which the box's acceleration started slowing down.

" what the hell is happening now? "