
Lost in infinity

in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover

Idle_fantasies · Fantasy
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34 Chs


"Say, are you interested in joining the DPMC?" Cillian's ears perked up at the question.

"Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by that," Cillian said in an inquiring tone. "Okay, let me say it straight forward. I would like to invite you to join the DPMC as a member," Deputy eren clarified.

Cillian was genuinly surprised by the deputy director's choice of inviting him right after his testing.When it comes to matters related to pioneers, the DPMC is undoubtedly the best in the Galaxy, so much so that for the majority of pioneers, the DPMC's enforcement division is their primary choice of work. However, this only applies to the majority that had limited future prospects. Any pioneers with a grade B or above potential will weigh their options between the DPMC and their home state because, no matter how much respect and authority it holds in the world of pioneers, in the end, it's an organization build and run with the support from the states. it had liittle to call its own and can't compare in either resources or influence of a State. So, high potential pioneers mostly choose the more appealing option. For them, respect and authority will come as long as they can reach their potential. This was also the intention behind the agreement between the states and DPMC to let the pioneer decide their allegiance. Cillian did his homework and knew all this and was sure that the DPMC couldn't offer much, well not as much as the states can offer but he didn't want to outright deny the deputy director.

"Sir, if I remember correctly, isn't the procedure to call a meeting with the empire and DPMC to discuss the matter of affiliation?" Cillian said indirectly questioning the deputy director's actions.

The deputy didn't even fluster at Cillian's hidden jab and answerd casually, " usually That's true, but what we are doing is a special invitation. Let's just say that we are offering you a special position in the DPMC."

Cillian was intrigued by the deputy director's offer which made him curious "Special position? What would that be?" he asked .

" Sorry but i can't disclose much more than that, other than it's something only the elite of elites are offered, unless you decide to join " the deputy responded. Cillian was disappointed by the usual its a secret reply. He was was about to say something but was stopped mid-way by Deputy Eren. "Before you make a decision, I have something else to pass on to you . its A message from the branch director to be delivered to you before yoi make your decision" the deputy said, raising his hand.

Cillian's curiosity was peaked by the mysterious message that from the branch director himself who according to the DPMC website was an actual grade B!. Cillian was very curious to know what the message will say and how will it influence his decision but he didn't voice it in his reply. "A message? Let's hear it then."

"Unfortunately, I can't deliverer it personally since i don't have clearance to hear it. But Elena here has received the message and will deliver it to you," the deputy said, inviting Elena to speak. Cillian was surprised that the deputy director didn't have the clearance for the information, but Elena did. This signified that Elena had a better standing within than the deputy within the DPMC. The more he thought about it, Elena seemed to become more and more important. His thoughts were interrupted by an isolation room forming around him and Elena, which kept others from eavesdropping on their conversation. Elena waited until the isolation was up and running before speaking. "I will be giving you the message now. The director said that he can 'help you find the four-pointed star.' That's it. Before you ask what the hell that means, I don't know, and that's all he told me," Elena finished her sentence and looked at Cillian, who was just standing there unmoving, she assuming that he was just confused like her and was just thinking about how do make sense of it . So she decided to give Cillian a minute to clear his thoughts.

But beneath the calm exterior, Cillian was shocked to the core from the director's message. "Help me find the four-pointed star! Four-pointed star! Is it just a coincidence? That can't be! Why would the director, whom I haven't met or known in my life, say something like that to me? Wait, is he from the foundation? Have they found me? No, that can't be! The DPMC only knew of my existence a few days ago, and there is no way to connect me to my past as subject Zeta when they think that I was disposed of. There has to be something else! What is it? The only two options are he either recognized me or... he has a resonance that helped him find info about me!"

Just the thought of his cover being blown sent Cillian's mind into turmoil. He spent all that effort to escape the Lab and spending two years to get this identity just for it to fall apart. But as his mind calmed down, he came to the conclusion that the chances of the director working for the foundation are pretty low. If the foundation had any suspicion that he was alive and they had a pioneer with a detection ability like the director under their control, then he would've been caught long ago. Also, it isn't the foundation's style to confront him directly like the director is doing now by involving Elena, who seems to have no clue what she was talking about. But there was no proof to back up his theories. The only way to confirm any of these was to meet the director in person. If the foundation is really involved, then it's not like he can escape that easily, but if the director is someone that can really help him find the foundation, then this is an opportunity that he can't let slip by. For Cillian, the choice was obvious.

"Elena, I want to see the director in person if it's possible before I make a decision."