
Lost in infinity

in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover

Idle_fantasies · Fantasy
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34 Chs


"So what will I be doing for the DPMC?"

Cillian asked, clasping his hands.

The old man smiled and turned his gaze towards Elena. "Give him that," .

Elena put her hand inside her pocket and pulled out a card, she hessitated for a moment before handing it to Cillian. Cillian took the card and examined it curiously. The card looked like it was made from a metal but had a glossy black surface like obsidian. It had golden borders and On one side, there was an image carved into it. The image which only consisted of an unsettling grin and a single vertical red eye above it would give anyone as distressed feeling .

Cillian, at a single glance, recognized what the image represented. He, like all children, grew up hearing tales of the space aberration that stalked unsuspecting space voyagers without anyone noticing and, at an opportune moment, cut their throats open, killing them. All the victim would see before they bleed to death was a grin that froze them in place and a blood-red eye that seemed to stare into their very soul. Thus, they where given the name was "The Grinning Reaper." This aberration, unlike others of its kind, was undetectable to every form of technology and resonance. The weirdest thing was the aberration didn't attack pioneers. Not even E-grade ones. In fact, if a pioneer was abroad, then the chances of the aberration attacking was practically zero since there is no confirmed cases of such incidents amoung both aliens and humans. But from time to time, the attacks would happen to some poor soul who wasn't lucky, and the legend of the Grinning Reaper was passed on as rumors and stories even their signature grin and red eye was only seen by its victims who described it as they passed away . The weird fact was that no one knew if there was only one Grinning Reaper or many, since no one managed to kill or capture one and no attacks occurred simultaneously. So the reapers remained an enigma till date.

As he flipped the card around and saw a few words engraved in gold, "ALWAYS FEARED, NEVER KNOWN," he read the line a few times. For some reason, it made him feel a connection to it. He brushed it aside as another thing that he needs to investigate in the future . He still had a singe doubt

"It sounds cool and all, but I still don't get what my job is? Don't tell me you are part of some secret organization that operates behind the scenes and pulls the strings? Because let me be clear, I don't have any interest in becoming a secret society member. I learned my lesson with one shadow organization."

Everyone burst out laughing at Cillian's reaction. It was the old man who cleared things up in the end.

"You watch too many movies, kid. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no secret society that pulls the strings from the shadows. What you are holding is proof of identity that is only issued to a special operations group that exists under the radar of the states, a division you can't find anywhere on paper and doesn't have any ties with the DPMC. A group dedicated especially to do things that aren't 'official orders.' This division works directly under me and is known to only a handful of people. And you, boy, are going to be part of the 'Grinning Reapers,' a combat team specialized in infiltration and elimination of hostile organizations and pioneers. This team was created with the very purpose of destroying organizations like the Foundation and Arken Knights that are hard to lock down and root out completely." The old man went on to explain some more things that the grinning reapers did and some of thier achievements.

Cillian listened carefully. The more he heard, the more he was convinced that's this deal wasn't so bad for him. His primary objective was to destroy the organization, and what better place to do that from than a special ops unit made of elites specialized in doing things like this?

It was so good that Cillian doubted that there were some hidden motives behind it.

"Oh, there is nothing else behind our intentions. You don't realize how much of a pain in the ass these Arken Knights are. You have both the motive and means to help us hunt them down. And who will say no to a top-grade flux resonance user?"

The old man explained, as if giving advice to a little boy.

' He's reading my mind again! '

Cillian wanted to curse the old man, but he couldn't do it mentally or physically, so he had to content with doing it spiritually.

"So this special ops unit, the 'Grinning Reapers,' are they strong? What will be my role in that team?" Cillian asked in a confident tone .

Elena sneered at Cillian's question. She had a mocking smile on her face.

The old man clarified for Cillian.

"Don't get over your head, boy. You may be strong, but you are just a measly D grade. The minimum qualification to be part of the Grinning Reapers is to be at least grade B And their current captain is a peak Grade A who is expected to become a grade S in the future."

Cillian sat there with a dumbfounded face. He came to the sudden realization that how inconsequential he is in the grand scheme of things. He may have potential, but that's all there is—potential. His current worth is nothing more than that of disposable fodder. Compared to a Grade A, he might as well not exist. These people are capable of obliterating entire fleets and walking out from a supernova point-blank unscathed. Just standing in the presence of someone of that caliber might kill him if they wished to. The more he realized, the more his ego crumbled. He broke out into a self-deprecating smile.

"I am really just useless, aren't I?"

Seeing his expression, the director spoke up. "Don't think like that, Cillian. Your time is yet to come. In a decade or two, you and Elena will become individuals who will stand at the pinnacle of humanity. That's why we decided that this will be a great opportunity for both of you to hone yourselves and build yourselves up."

Elena's ears perked up at the reply. "Both of us? Uncle, you mean both of us? Me and Cillian?"

Both the old man and director looked at each other and smiled. "Yes, both of you."

"You mean I am also going to be joining the Reapers?" Elena asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Elena, both you and Cillian will be joining as new recruits in the Reapers," the old man replied with a smile.

Elena jumped from her seat and hugged the old man. "Thanks a lot, grandpa! I thought I would never have a chance to join the special ops."

"I know you better than anyone, Elena. Even if I stopped you, you would surely get in one way or another. You have inherited your mother's stubbornness in that area," the old man said sadly as he put a hand on Elena's face. The mention of Elena's mother created a somber mood in the room. Cillian noticed the change in the atmosphere and the sadness in their eyes. He was familiar with that look. The look of remembrance and regret. He knew those eyes all too well, as he saw those eyes in his reflection in the past.