
Lost in infinity

in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover

Idle_fantasies · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Joining a shadow organization

"Are you asking me to join your organization?" Cillian asked, his voice tinged with suspicion.

"Yes, you may not have realized it, but your resonance is more valuable than you think," the other person responded.

Cillian struggled to find words to describe what he was feeling. Anyone would feel good when told they're special, but for him, being special had cost him everything. " special, huh? Sure, it's a powerful resonance from the outside, but the drawbacks exist as well. There's a reason why resonances encompassing a wide range of applications are considered less than ideal. It's pretty obvious from the fact that mine is classified as a Grade A resonance, not an S Grade even though it's related to a fundamental concept of the universe, and has immense potential" Cillian said in a defeated tone.

"Are you referring to your difficulty in improving compared to others?" Andrea asked.

Cillian hesitated for a moment before replying

"You're only half right, but there's something I haven't fully disclosed, even to my parents. My ability is slower to improve eve compared to similar cases . Even after 5 years, of training I haven't been able to improve my resonance by even a single percentage .But this isn't the full truth. I can actually improve my resonance in a more efficient way. While it may not be as fast as normal resonances, its pace is much better compared to cases similar to mine but the price is just as deep," Cillian confessed.

Andrea was surprised by this revelation but suppressed her emotions. "What price?"

Cillian winced as he remembered the one and only time he experienced it there was only one word to describe it : pain, absolute pain! Not the kind that you grow numb or accustomed to the more you experience it but one that feels just as bad even after years of enduring it. Cillian smiled helplessly and answered, "Let's just say it's a very unpleasant feeling, one that I don't wish to experience ever again."

The major was both surprised and suspicious of Cillian's openness towards her . "Why are you saying this to me now if you haven't even told your parents about it?"

"It's not like this can be kept a secret forever. My records already have my ability's limitations listed out, including the issues with the pain when I overexert myself. And it's not like my ability to improve through overexertion can be hidden from any form of serious tests about my resonance," Cillian explained.

What Cillian said was right; all his data had been collected by the organization the major mentioned, and if she had paid more attention to the reports she was provided, she would've known the same.

"And it's not like an unawakened individual like me has any way of masking my resonance signature anyway." he added

The major let out a sigh. "I see why the organization sees potential in you. So, can I take this as your acceptance of my offer then?"

Cillian sat silently for a few moments before taking a deep breath. "Yes, I accept your offer."

"Once you accept, there's no going back." she said seriously

"I know. I don't want to spend the rest of my life wallowing in anger and grief in a cell while the one who murdered my family and ruined my life roams free."

"Then, henceforth you are a member of the constella foundation.You will be an official member when you complete the induction ceremony latter."

Cillian asked in a confused tone, "Constella Foundation?" He had never heard the name before, but it's not like secret organizations go around publicizing their names.

Major Andrea wasn't bothered at his response and explained, "The Constella Foundation was established during the Great War by a group of pioneers in the hope of ensuring humanity's survival in the stars in case they lost the war. The main objective of the foundation was to study pioneers and create new methods for them to develop their powers and the application of pioneer powers into technology for the betterment of humanity. But the worst didn't come to pass, and humanity won the war. The foundation left with no purpose abandoned their old objective and chose a more proactive one, making sure that humanity would never have to suffer a similar fate as the great war again . Towards this goal, it started building its forces and expanding its reach throughout the universe, even among the aliens, becoming a transgalactic organization in the process.It is an organization that lives amoung the peope while protecting them from the shadows.

One of the primary objectives of the foundation to develop a force capable of handling any threat to humanity, whether internal or external, alien or human and that's where people like you and me come in. We are the hands of the foundation that execute the foundations decisions whether they're evil, good, or grey. For us, humanity comes first, even before our home nations or personal feelings. " The major paused for a moment and stares Cillian straight in the eye

"Cillian, now that you know what the foundation is and what it does, do you still stand by your decision?"

Cillian was taken aback by the major's explanation. He had thought that the major was working under a secret agency under the United fleet not some secret organization that was independent of nations and with such extensive background.

He never thought he would get a chance to join a secret society like in the movies and comics. But as Cillian thought more about it, he realized it might be a good thing if they weren't under the Fleet. He had developed major resentment towards working under an army or government due to their possible involvement in his case.Also the organization has to have some serious power and background if they even have people of the majors caliber as spies in united fleet of all places ans It's not like he had any better options available. It was either this or an eternity in a cell.

Cillian took a deep breath, composed himself, and said sternly, "I stand by my decision and will do my best to fulfill my obligations to the foundation."

Major Andrea smiled at him and clapped . "Good, looks like the contingency methods won't be needed after all."

Cillian was taken aback by her reply. "What contingency methods?"

"Best you don't know."

With that, she stood up, patted him on the shoulder, and left. Cillian sat there like a statue, unmoving. He had a feeling in his heart that he wouldn't like to know the answer to his question even if she complied.