
Lost in infinity

in the distant future humanity ventures out In to space and has colonies across the solar system. In order to advance humanity further they needed to explore the cosmos but the technology of earth has been stagnated for decades so there was no viable method to explore space efficiently. so In order to make long distance space travel a reality the nations of earth pool their resources in to project PIONEER to study light speed travel.NEW HORIZON a ship under this project finally breaks through the light speed barrier and takes a new step for humanity but this has disastrous consequences as humanity is exposed to new dangers beyond the thier imagination and leads to a war for survival that nearly lead to the extinction of humanity. but contrary to all odds humanity manages to push back the invaders with the help of people who can use resonance which appeared with humanities accession to the 4th dimension. this story takes place a millenia after the accession and follows the life of Cillian Ruth who once had a bright future falls In to path of of no return after a single incident that changed his life forever I don't own the image in the cover

Idle_fantasies · Fantasy
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34 Chs


6 months later

Cillian's consciousness watched in silence as his physical body was bleeding from every inch of his body from overexertion of his resonance. This should've normally caused Cillian's consciousness considerable pain, and it did, but 6 months of experiencing pain continuously can do wonders to one's psyche. In Cillian's case, his mind suppressed his emotional response to the pain. But it's not like the pain is gone, which was impossible due to his resonance.

Cillian's resonance worked by storing the energy he absorbs in the cells in his body like batteries. Every time Cillian's body exceeds his limit, his resonance overloads and destroys the cells in his body, which then regenerate with a minute increase in performance, but the result is the horrible pain due to his cells disintegrating and reforming. But the overloading technique had its limits, which the researchers learned the hard way when they had the bright idea of connecting Cillian directly to a fusion reactor, which ended with his right arm exploding, releasing all the buildup energy, killing 2 scientists and 4 guards. Unfortunately for Cillian, the doctor wasn't present that day, but it was obvious that the doctor wouldn't have allowed such a foolish experiment if he was around. After that, no one was allowed to experiment on Cillian without the doctor present.

During the course of 6 months, they had tried many methods to overload his resonance like radiation, heat, electricity, lasers, and even explosives. They even once boiled Cillian alive to see if his body improves faster if his life was in threat. They tried to replicate how Cillian's cells work but failed. One curious thing they found was for Cillian to release a particular energy, he must know what that energy is well; otherwise, he can't replicate or release that energy. This dashed any hope of creating higher-dimensional energy from Cillian using normal energies. Through the months, Cillian experienced more pain than most people will experience in their whole life. This resulted in Cillian's psyche accepting the pain as another sensory input that comes normally, so his physical and emotional response to pain was suppressed to a minimum.

As the scientists were wrapping up, Cillian's mind watched each of their actions carefully. Just as they shut down the electricity to the isolation chamber where Cillian's body was submerged, Cillian's mind leapt into action, exerting every fiber of his being to take control of his resonance. Through experimentation, Cillian found that whenever his resonance power was brought to a state of relaxation from its overexertion, his link with the resonance would stabilize for a few microseconds. This revelation gave Cillian a new hope, one which he desperately needed in his current predicament. Cillian was planning this moment for four months, patiently biding his time to get the timing exactly right. All his efforts culminated in a single desperate attack as he exerted his mind to its limit to take control over his resonance. As if he was struck by lightning, Cillian's mind felt the connection being established to his resonance.


The moment Cillian gained control of his resonance, he concentrated whatever energy he could muster into the part of his brain where the chip was implanted and directly exploded the energy in his brain!

The explosion was minuscule and couldn't destroy Cillian's superhuman skull, but it was enough to destroy the part of the brain to which the chip was attached and dislodge the delicate connections that controlled Cillian!

Cillian's body jerked as his mind took control of his body and vomited out a mouthful of blood. Exploding a bomb inside a head wasn't a very brilliant idea, but it was crude enough to work within the constraints Cillian faced. The solution in which Cillian was immersed was turning even more red from all the blood that he vomited and leaking from his nose and mouth.

Cillian, for the first time in 6 months, felt the sensation of having a physical body. But it wasn't as pleasant as he imagined it to be.

"Shit, that hurts. It seems like the damage is more severe than I expected. I must find a way to stop this internal bleeding, or else I may pass out before doing anything. It also seems that I have lost vision in my right eye. Well, that's to be expected after blowing up half your brain. I am lucky that I am not paralyzed."

Due to the blood blocking the view, no one noticed that the puppet-like subject Zeta that wouldn't move an inch without orders was now moving about unusually within the chamber. Blood in the isolation chamber wasn't a new sight for them, and so they overlooked the blood came after the experiment.

As one of the guards opened the isolation chamber to fish Cillian's body out, a hand reached out from the tank and pulled him in. Before the other guards could react, Cillian jumped out from the tank and knocked out a nearby guard with a single punch. Due to Cillian being docile for so long, the security only consisted of normal people and only a single E Grade pioneer, whom Cillian had just knocked out. Even though Cillian was unawakened, he was still a Grade A potentiate who managed to kill two D ranks. Although Cillian did it with the help of enhancers last time, his current body is a lot stronger than his old body. His current resonance was at 98 exols! Only a single step away from becoming a true higher-dimensional being. At this stage, even a group of 20 trained normal guards wouldn't stand a chance against him. Cillian moved quickly and knocked out each guard in succession before they could sound any alarms. By the time the researchers realized the situation they were in, Cillian was already charging towards them. Cillian charged straight through the researchers and went straight for Doctor Samuel, who was reaching out for the emergency alarm button. With a jump, Cillian landed right beside the doctor, gripped his neck, and lifted him straight off his feet. During the experimentation, Cillian was given physical enhancers, which gave Cillian's already good physique a boost. Cillian now stood at 6'9 with an aggressive lean build that gave out the aura of a beast waiting in ambush.

In comparison, the doctor looked like a child as he was raised in the air by Cillian. Looking into the doctor's fearful eyes, Cillian grinned sinisterly, which sent shivers down the doctor's spine.

"Tell me, doc, what should I do with you? Break every single one of your bones one by one? Electrocute you in the slowest way possible? Or should I just cook you like a turkey, like how you cooked me?" Cillian said in a playful voice, suppressing the urge to do every one of the things he mentions. While he wanted nothing more than to snap the doctor's neck and end his life the instant he knew, he had to think ahead. He wanted revenge on the whole organization, not just the doctor. For that, he needs to escape, but the base is crawling with pioneers all the way to C grade guard commander, so the only way out of here was the pathetic thing struggling to breathe in his hand.

"Answer, doctor, what will it be? Or do you wish to save your pa..."

Before Cillian could finish, a laser beam pierced straight through his brain from the right side. Due to his blind right eye, Cillian hadn't noticed the shooter in his efforts to reign in his emotions. Cillain head barely turned arround before his body fell forward lifeless. At the last moment of his life he saw his killer; a young girl in her twenties shivering with a pale expression while holding a laser gun form one of the guards. Cillain recognised the girl as one of the reserchers he saw he countless times with the doctor .

" fu#k I was careless again "

With that last thought cillian died