
Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator

Traversing into the world of Honkai Impact 3rd, Lu Yu activated his own simulator. [Simulator Activated] [As a host, please act as a gentleman and guide the heroines towards a healthy path in the simulation!] "Miss Kiana Kaslana, I am enchanted by your beauty." "Bishop Theresa, I'll be waiting for you at the church tonight." "Mei Raiden, you don't want your father to go to jail, do you?" "Queen Cecilia, tonight I am your dog!" Lu Yu: "The dog system took a bite out of me, where's the gentleman you promised?" (Note: This book is fanfiction with numerous alternative character developments. If you dislike it, please avoid reading.) This is a Chinese Translated Fanfic Author: 一只鸽子(A Pigeon) Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/7875.html

TypeMercury · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 44: Better off...

Chapter 44: Better off...

[Event ends, intrusion complete. The host will return to reality in five seconds.]

[Age 12: Under your influence, Cocolia proactively contacted the military. After negotiations, she established an orphanage in the local area. During this year, a white-haired girl who resembled a boy arrived at the orphanage. She had lost her parents due to war. Facing a girl with a similar background to yours, you didn't mind her sharp tongue; instead, you actively befriended her. After expressing your feelings and letting her taste your excellent cooking, she quickly trusted you.]

[Age 13: Because of reestablishing contact with the military, Cocolia's old enemies occasionally came looking for trouble. Faced with those trying to harm your sister, you dealt with each of them skillfully. In the orphanage, another lovely pair of sisters and a girl with short blue hair joined in this year. After spending some time together, everyone trusted you.]

[Age 14: Your kind nature made you like a big brother in the orphanage. You excelled in both academics and martial arts and could always make everyone happy. One day, during the process of protecting Cocolia, you apprehended an assassin who came to kill her. The assassin was a girl trained as a killer since childhood, and despite her formidable strength, you effortlessly neutralized her attack and captured her. Faced with such an enemy, what would you do?]

[Kill her on the spot: "I'll revoke your driving license right now!"]

[Take her back to the orphanage: "Girl, don't let this blood stain your purity."]

"Here it comes, here it comes! No need to think, the boss here will definitely choose the second option."

[Faced with a girl with such a tragic background, you couldn't bear to kill her, and in the end, you brought her back to the orphanage and handed her over to Cocolia.]

[As the host made a choice, following the rules of this simulation, the host will be intruded in five seconds... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.]

[Intrusion time locked, intrusion begins.]

"Why didn't you kill me?"

Amidst the swirling snow, Bronya looked lifeless as she gazed at the boy in front of her, who was of a similar age.

The boy was powerful, to the extent that even a skilled assassin like Bronya couldn't withstand three moves from him. It seemed like he could predict every one of her moves and techniques.

Bronya understood the principle of "the victor becomes the king, and the loser the prisoner," and knew that her failure as an assassin meant certain death.

Therefore, after being defeated by the boy, Bronya gave up resistance and simply closed her eyes, waiting for him to end her life, much like a quiet little white rabbit waiting for its fate to be sealed.

However, the boy didn't make a move.

"What's your name?"

Upon hearing the boy's question, Bronya honestly answered, "Bronya Zaychek."

The boy smiled, "That name sounds awkward. How about I call you 'Duck'? Yeah, I'm Lu Yu, and from this moment on, I'll be your big brother."

"Duck"? "Big brother"?

These two unfamiliar terms to Bronya echoed in her ears.

Bronya didn't understand what the boy was trying to do, but she realized that she seemed to have been given a chance to survive.

"Big Brother Lu Yu?"

Lu Yu was satisfied and gently patted Bronya's head, "Yeah, that sounds good. From now on, you can call me that."

In such a world, no one wishes to die, not even Bronya, who had become an assassin...

[Event ends, intrusion complete. The host will return to reality in five seconds.]

[Age 14: With your kind and capable presence, you become like a big brother in the orphanage, excelling in both academics and martial arts, and bringing joy to everyone's life. In one incident of protecting Cocolia, you apprehend an assassin sent to kill her. The assassin is a girl who has been trained as a killer since childhood and is very powerful. You effortlessly neutralize her attack, and due to your compassionate nature, you spare her life and bring her back to the orphanage, adopting her as your little sister.]

[Age 15: Under your influence, Cocolia, and the other children in the orphanage, the girl trained as an assassin gradually opens her heart. As time goes by, everyone in the orphanage becomes very happy. However, the good times don't last. As everyone grows older, you and Cocolia discover a serious issue: most of the children in the orphanage are war orphans, and some have traces of "corrupted abilities" on their bodies. These corrupted abilities are gradually infecting the children.]

"Here it comes, here it comes! This should be the X-10 experiment route, right? The next step should be my active participation in the experiment, right? It can't be that 'Duck' will participate in the experiment too, right?"

[Age 16: After some research, Cocolia proposes an experiment called X-10. If successful, this experiment could likely resolve the issue of corrupted abilities in the children at the orphanage. However, this experiment is highly dangerous, and anyone participating could lose their life. After learning that Cocolia chose your little sister, whom you rescued two years ago, as the subject, you have a heated argument with Cocolia. You firmly disagree with implementing the experiment.]

[Age 17: As time goes on, the growing corrupted abilities in you make Cocolia unable to control her emotions. To her, you are her reason to keep living, and no matter what, she is determined to protect you. Without your knowledge, Cocolia secretly contacts Bronya. After learning about your condition, Bronya agrees to Cocolia's experiment request.

You have lived with Cocolia since childhood, and you understand her well. In reality, she is a very selfish woman. As you grow older, you gradually realize her feelings for you. Because of this, you know she will choose to sacrifice others

to save you. Having lost your parents at a young age, you understand the hardships of life, and you don't want the other children in the orphanage to suffer because of Cocolia's actions. That night, you find Cocolia and make your stance clear: you won't support Cocolia using other children for the experiment. If she does, you will stop her at any cost.

Upon hearing your resolute words, the seemingly strong Cocolia breaks down in tears. In her eyes, your relationship has long transcended a simple guardian and ward bond. She has grown used to having you by her side; you are her pillar. That night, to console Cocolia, you stay in her room.]

"Oops, System, why do I feel something is off? Hey, hey, hey, who is the female protagonist in this simulation? Damn it, am I going to become 'Duck's' father?!"

"Well, wait, should I intrude here?"

"Anyway, it's just 5 points, why not..."