
Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator

Traversing into the world of Honkai Impact 3rd, Lu Yu activated his own simulator. [Simulator Activated] [As a host, please act as a gentleman and guide the heroines towards a healthy path in the simulation!] "Miss Kiana Kaslana, I am enchanted by your beauty." "Bishop Theresa, I'll be waiting for you at the church tonight." "Mei Raiden, you don't want your father to go to jail, do you?" "Queen Cecilia, tonight I am your dog!" Lu Yu: "The dog system took a bite out of me, where's the gentleman you promised?" (Note: This book is fanfiction with numerous alternative character developments. If you dislike it, please avoid reading.) This is a Chinese Translated Fanfic Author: 一只鸽子(A Pigeon) Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/7875.html

TypeMercury · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 40: Grandpa Comes to Change Your Life

"Director Kafka, good morning!"

Early in the morning, Lu Yu arrived at his and Kafka's office feeling refreshed.

He was quite satisfied with last night's simulation. Initially, he thought he could at most switch with Kiana, but unexpectedly, when the system opened its eyes yesterday, he played a one-for-two swap, rescuing Kiana and also bringing back the adorable little pufferfish, Sirin.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Lu Yu wondered what expression Sirin would have after he died. Would she wake up looking confused or would she cry in front of his corpse?

Forget it, the system already said it was all fake, and he didn't need to dwell on these things.

Instead of thinking about what happened in the simulator, he should focus on working diligently to avoid getting demoted to janitor by Otto and Kafka.

"Lu Yu, good morning."

Kafka greeted Lu Yu with a smile.

Last night, Kafka had thought it over carefully and studied Lu Yu's current state. She decided to use a gentle approach because there's a saying in Shenzhou that goes, "Do not strike a smiling face." Kafka believed that if she treated Lu Yu kindly, this immortal from Shenzhou would not easily turn hostile.

With Kafka's smile, Lu Yu was taken aback for a moment.

Kafka was a beauty, that was without question. When Kafka's stigmata appeared in the game, Lu Yu spent quite a bit of money to collect the set.

Lu Yu spent so much money not only because Kafka's stigmata had excellent attributes, but more importantly, Lu Yu was an LSP. Faced with Kafka's exquisite artwork, he couldn't help but feel drawn to her!

Kafka's smile was beautiful; her eyelashes were long, and her pupils were a sparkling light blue, like precious gems.

In Lu Yu's eyes, this smile carried a sense of charm that could bewitch anyone.

Lu Yu: "!"

What's going on? Did Kafka suddenly change her attitude? Could it be...

Could it be that she appreciated my serious work yesterday? Is Kafka praising me for doing a good job yesterday?

After thinking it through, Lu Yu confirmed his thoughts.

It seems that my serious and hardworking attitude yesterday earned Kafka's approval. As long as I continue to work diligently, I can stay at St. Freya Academy.

With this realization, Lu Yu's already good mood became even better.

"Well, Director Kafka, I'll get to work now."

After greeting Kafka, Lu Yu quickly left the office.

How could he be considered a qualified employee if he just sat in the office? To gain Kafka's approval, he had to be more active!

After Lu Yu left, Kafka, who was already somewhat worried, became even more anxious.

"It's over..." Looking at Lu Yu quickly leaving the office, Kafka's tone sounded somewhat desperate.

Who wakes up so happily early in the morning to clean the place? Lu Yu clearly doesn't want to see me. He just greeted me and left. It's over, it's over, I'm afraid this rift can't be resolved!


"Well then, Director Kafka, see you tomorrow!"

As the sun set, Lu Yu, who had worked diligently all day, bid farewell to Kafka, who was looking at him with a hint of fear, and left the office.

Throughout the day, Kafka had been sitting in her office, closely monitoring Lu Yu, so she knew everything he did. However, the more she knew, the more afraid she became.

Lu Yu really worked diligently all day long! He didn't slack off at all! He didn't even glance at his phone!

Looking at Lu Yu's unusual behavior and recalling how carefree he was when she drove him to St. Freya Academy, where he would ignore everything and just play games...


This is simply not the same person!

Thinking about the horrifying atmosphere naturally emanating from Lu Yu, Kafka couldn't help but shiver.

Archbishop Otto!

What happened to the arrangement? Why isn't he coming yet?!


Naturally, Lu Yu had no idea what Kafka was thinking. He had spent the whole day pondering about one thing: which heroine would be the focus of his next simulation.

Kiana and Mei had already completed their storylines. According to the normal rhythm, he should be able to start a new simulation route this time.

"System, can I start a new simulation now?"

[Yes, host. You have completed the previous simulation, and this time, you will start a new simulation route.]

So, who will it be this time?

Thinking about the main characters, removing Kiana and Mei, only Bronya was left from the Honkai Trinity. Could it be that Bronya would be the focus of this simulation?

Great! Very good!

"Let's go, Bronya! Grandpa is going to change your life!"

[Simulation starts]


At the same time, in the Quantum Sea, Seele looked at the strange black hole that suddenly appeared before her, startled.

She had spent countless years in the Quantum Sea, but this was the first time she had seen something so peculiar.

How strange! Black holes can also appear in the Quantum Sea?

However, before Seele could figure out why, a force of attraction pulled her into the black hole.
