
Chapter 36: Solving Problems from the Root

Chapter 36: Solving the Problem at its Source

[Run away with the mentor: Let's escape!]

[Stay to handle the scene: Everything here is too dangerous; you must do something!]

"I'll choose option 2."

After some contemplation, Lu Yu ultimately chose the second option.

This time, he gained the talent of honesty, calmness, and sufficient knowledge. Lu Yu believed that he should have the ability to deal with the current situation.

Or rather, based on the current plot, he was the only one capable of solving this problem.

[After struggling with his thoughts, you decide to stay and handle the scene. Over the years, your knowledge has made you aware of what is dangerous and what is harmless. Calmly, you properly handle the parts that pose some threats. The flames around you dance, but you disregard the danger. Your knowledge becomes your greatest reliance. Soon, you successfully arrange all the bottles and cans that could potentially cause explosions in a rational manner. Then, you carry your mentor and leave the laboratory. Soon after, professional firefighters arrive and extinguish the fire in the office.

Your excellent performance earns you recognition from everyone in the institute. Your mentor is proud of you, and you officially become a researcher at the institute. Shortly after, you are promoted to become the head of a laboratory.]

"That's good; I knew that having personality talents would be better than performance talents."

Seeing the outcome of this event, Lu Yu's slightly worried heart is relieved. Thankfully, this time he chose the calm talent. If he had chosen the passionate talent, he probably wouldn't have been able to handle this situation.

[At the age of 18: As you grow older, you become more outstanding. Your mentor is getting older day by day, but he has no regrets because you are the disciple he is proud of.]

[At the age of 20: Under your exceptional talent, you and your mentor successfully developed a mech named "Relic Hunter." This mech is remarkable, and it garners recognition from the higher-ups in Schicksal. Both you and your mentor are promoted. Your mentor is already on the edge of retirement, and he never expected to be promoted again before retiring. He is very grateful to you.]

[At the age of 23: Your mentor has reached the retirement age, and he entrusts everything he can to you. With his recommendation, you join the Schicksal headquarters. On the day before your departure, your mentor tells you that he joined Schicksal to protect this world. He was unable to bring about change due to his own inadequacy, but he sees the possibility of realizing his wish through you. He hopes you won't forget the original intention of scientific research and that you will protect this world and uphold the kindness in your heart!]

[At the age of 24: Being clean-slate and exceptionally capable, within a year, you gain recognition from the higher-ups in Schicksal. Because of your outstanding abilities, Schicksal requires you to participate in a recent experiment. You accept the organization's task and come to the Helmuth Lab at Schicksal headquarters. Your task is to study a magical gem called the "Silent Gem."]

"The Silent Gem?"

Lu Yu finally understands the timeline he is in now. He is probably growing up synchronously with Kiana this time. However, because it is the second playthrough in the simulation, he won't meet Kiana early on like before.

Lu Yu understands...

He cannot develop a close bond with Kiana from the beginning; otherwise, the difficulty of saving her would increase significantly.

However, because of their different backgrounds, he can also save this young girl from different angles.

In this simulation, he should be around 7-8 years older than Kiana, so he didn't encounter her at the beginning.

[At the age of 26: After research, you find that the power of the Silent Gem should not belong to humans. Being wise, you start investigating the Helmuth Lab and gradually come into contact with the dark side of Schicksal.]

[At the age of 27: Through your unremitting efforts, you understand the essence of the Silent Gem. You learn about the Herrscher and start to question why Schicksal is researching related matters. On the surface, you continue studying the Silent Gem, but secretly, you gather information about the Herrscher and the truth about the Honkai. As you grow older, your position becomes higher, and through this, you learn about the relevant information concerning K423.]

[At the age of 29: Through your deliberate collection, you gradually notice the despicable things that the Schicksal's Bishop Otto has done. You uncover the truth about Cecilia and Celine's deaths and become extremely angry at the truth. You remember everything your mentor told you and feel that Otto's actions betray Schicksal. You decide to resist Otto!]

[At the age of 30: Your chance has come. The girl named K423 arrives at the Helmuth Lab, and Bishop Otto orders you to implant the Silent Gem, Core of the Void, and Plague Gem into K423's body. You agree on the surface but prepare to protect this innocent girl deep down. As the main person in charge of the transplantation, you deceive Otto, telling him that the process requires a lot of preparation time. Due to your excellence and loyalty to Schicksal, Otto believes you.

After Otto leaves, you awaken K423 immediately. The girl with white hair awakens, and facing her eyes filled with animosity, what will you do?]

[Tell her the truth and invite her to resist Otto together: Otto is despicable; today, we should raise our weapons to resist him!]

[Tell her the truth and cover for her escape: K423, you should have your own life.]

"I choose option 2. It's too foolish to confront Otto at this time; I'm just a researcher with no power. I must prioritize helping Kiana."

[You awaken K423 and tell her all the details of the situation. The young and beautiful girl doesn't trust you, but you don't mind. You inform her that you will find a way to help her escape from the Helmuth Lab. You know that Otto, the Schicksal's Bishop, dotes on K423, and you secretly contact this S-Rank Valkyrie of Schicksal to discuss how to let K423 escape the lab.]

[At the age of 30: After careful research on the Silent Gem, you realize that combining the Silent Gem with the Core of the Void and the Plague Gem would have dire consequences. You understand that the power of Schicksal is not something K423 and Theresa-Apocalypse can easily resist. Just letting K423 go won't solve the problem; Otto will sooner or later capture her and continue the mission. You decide to solve the problem at its source and start figuring out how to destroy the two gems and the Core of the Void.]

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