

It was dark, too dark. Li Rou had never been afraid of the dark, yet this was all incompassing. Memories flashed back to her, armies, smoke, and her fire. Her last stand, she had burned herself to ash, anything to save the hatchling that would come after her. Yet here she was, surrounded in a dense darkness.

She sat up, feeling the darkness move around her. She was alone. Li Rou stood up on wobbling legs, staggering towards something, anything. Li Rou steadied her core, reaching inside for the energy to summon light. She came up empty, the darkness was as heavy as before. An uneasiness entered her stomach, this wasn't right. She continued walking, though it could be for nothing, she could be stuck here forever. The egg entered her mind, she had to find it. She had to protect the hatchling.

A presence rocketed towards her, she raised her hand, trying once again to summon fire. Nothing appeared, the force barreled into her, knocking her over.

Li Rou lashed out, cursing the darkness around her. The presence rolled off her, a light flickered on. She found herself looking up into the face of a young man. He had a mask over his eyes, a discolored scar running down his cheek. He held fire in his hand, looking at her, panic in his eyes.

"I am so sorry." He said, reaching his hand down to her, Li Rou took it standing again.

"Are you alright?" He asked, concern taking place of his panic.

"I'm fine." Li Rou said, her tone guarded.

The boy looked over his shoulder, "Good, because we need to run." He tightened his grip on her hand and took off running, extinguishing the fire in his hand. Li Rou gasped, unsteady legs making each step hard. The stranger ahead of her was blocked by the darkness, Li Rou clung to his hand, afraid of getting lost, afraid of being found.

She felt a larger presence behind her, a shadow that chased the two. She ran faster, becoming level with her stranger.

"Almost there." He cried, making Li Rou jump. She nodded before realizing he wouldn't see her. Ahead of them a light appeared, the heavy darkness began to lighten, pushing her towards the light.

The presence behind her began to close in, it was so close. The boy let go of her hand, Li Rou stumbled to a stop. Then the boy pushed her to the light. She stumbled out into the light. The boy was not behind her.

Li Rou stood there, staring at the wall of darkness she had emerged from. The boy did not emerge. He had pushed her out, he could've made it. Sacrifice was ridiculous, the thought of her own made her sick.

She looked at her hand, at the absence of light. Her hand should be sparking, should be light. She looked back at the darkness, uneasiness swirling in her stomach. She clenched her hand, trying to summon light, nothing happened. She growled then turned to the shadows and plunged in.

The darkness was stifling, stealing the breath she had just recovered. She heard a struggle ahead of her, she ran to it, feeling where the boy was. She opened her third eye to see him, the creature was on top of him, holding the squirming boy tight. Then it stood, Li Rou's core shook as she perceived its immensity. She heard the boy grunting, struggling to be free. Li Rou moved forward and jumped onto the creature's back. It made no sign it had felt her. The surface of its leg was covered in a sticky fir that clung to her tunic. She felt it move, placing the boy in a sack of some sort. Li Rou took a deep breath and climbed toward the bag. The beast returned to all fours and began lumbering through the darkness. Li Rou held to its fir and waited, she settled in for a long ride.

This is a random idea, I'm writing to explore some characters and hope you enjoy.

C_L_Spearheadcreators' thoughts