
Chapter 21

Mr. Brown's P.O.V

      I know am not the perfect dad for her, I know she will always

       hate me for not helping her, but how can I help when 

       Am helpless? "Daniella I wish I could." You deserve the world

       You are beautiful, I know you want to be bold and tell the world

       How it feels to come out of the closet but you can't. I tried It

       also to be brave, but the consequences are unbearable.

Walking towards my daughters room, I hear her voice as she is trying to get hold of some rhythm. She is a talented girl. At the same time her talents seem to die as days go by.

She lost her title of being a ballerina and now she is cultivating her passion for music which its promising but wi she manage?

Will she? 

I push her bedroom door which is not closed and give her a happy look. Deep down I know am do shitty to be called her father.

What kind of father would not have time for her only daughter, only child?

I push the taught back in my mind and move towards her bed. I miss her a lot.

Mostly am held up and only come home to find her sleeping. Today I got lucky she is here, but I know she has a pain in her that she is hiding.

"How are you baby," I hold her but she cringes a little bit.

She doesn't want me,

I know it I have never been there for her.

She leaves her guitar and holds her hands twirling them, 

She looks up into my eyes,

I can feel her piercing looks, the blue orbs that she inherited from me.

I want to hold her and let her cry in my hold, tell me how she feels, who hurt her, who she wants in her life.

I can't do it,

Because her eyes are telling me something else,

The tears hidden behind it, the pain, the anger of a father figure who sue can't acknowledge sits behind those beautiful blue orbs.

"It was great dad, how was yours?"

She replied with a fake smile that she plasters in her face whenever she is facing the hard times.

She used to have a happy face, without wrinkles in her face, but that got lost, her clear face has been replaced with wrinkles, she fakes her smile, she is Daniella, but not the Daniella I used to know.

"Are you mad at me dad?" She startled me with her question.

Why would I be mad at her, I have never been mad at her, I will never be.

I decide to face her, but she lowers her face down.

I hold her on her cheeks and lifts her face up.

"Why would I be mad at you Baby?" I ask her softly.

She looks at me them pulls her sweatshirt to her mouth, 

"Mum and my boyfriend are mad at me, they feel like I want to bring the company down by be-friending The Blacks and..."

 She pauses looking at me, I nod at her a sign for her to go on talking, 

 " I knew nothing about Davids, she was a normal girl whovtransfered to school. Plus while would I even want her dad, am straight, so I have nothing absolunothing dad..." 

She finished the final part with so much hesitancy.

I just smiled at her and how she is trying so hard to defend herself.

"Baby, I know you, plus I know you won't want anything bad to happen to your family, you can do anything remember but..." 

She was busy concentrated but when she heard 'but' I saw her lose interest but I had to pretend that I did not see that. I cleared my voice and went on with my speech;

"But you can't disobey your mother," 

She chorused the last statement with me and we laughed cause we all knew the consequences of disobeying the woman of the house.

She went on picking her sweater, I feel like I don't know her, we have nothing to talk about. She has been all alone with no man to talk about.

I wonder what they talk with her boyfriend.

"Dad?" She called out.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Are you happy?" She asked in a low tone.

"Happy? Of course baby, am happy for you, you are a lucky girl, I will always be happy for you," I replied rather skeptically.

"No dad," she chopped in, "are you happy with mum?" 

That question caught me off guard. I cringed and felt the chilled cold running behind my back, I did not want him to notice my uneasiness. I stood and walked through the door then looked at her with a smiley face, 

"We are happy baby, I am, and I love her." 

With that I wished her a good night before matching out of the house.


I am happy maybe!

"What's happiness?

How does one feel happiness, can it be touched? Can I talk to happiness? Can I buy happiness? How much does it cost? If I can buy her or him, I want it, all! Wholly."

I moved from Daniella's room and moved towards the bedroom, lay my head on the bed and wait for tomorrow's day.

"What the fuck? What the fuck?" 

I hadn't even entered the bedroom when I heard her voice. She growls like a lion, so much, you can see a few walking in her eyes and you don't want to get her way.

I jumped into the bedroom to avoid her melodrama. Fished out my pajamas and jumped inside the bed.

I couldn't pretend because the heels were now hitting the floor with a thud and her voice was now echoing through the whole house.

"I know you are not sleeping, get your ass up!" 

Ooh boy" she is talking to me.

I snatched the sheets off my head and looked at her, "what now?"

"Stop what me now Ben! How could you? How could you do that!" She asked shouting on the top of her lungs?

"Do what? I didn't do anything," I justified myself.

I truly don't know what she is talking about, but whatever she is accusing me of, I don't know.

"You were supposed to sign the tender Ben, that was a way to make the two companies come together." 

Okay, she is talking about work now! 

Ughhhh, not now. I hate it.

I climbed down my ned and faced her, 

"I am not giving that kid the company, he will get it once he is mature," I answered her back.

"Mature? What are you talking about? Vin's dad said that he is capable of doing it," 

She is now shouting too much, the only solution is to let her be, I gather my body and take my backpack. The only way to get away from this was to take a room at the hotels till next week.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To clear my head," I replied holding my backpack and walking out of the room. 

"Ben, Ben, " she shouted "you are not going anywhere," 

"You need to calm down, I will be back," I told her moving towards the door. 

Pulling the door and a cold metal was placed on the back of my head, 

"Move a step and am shooting you," she warned.

"Beb,"  I called her with the only means she can cool down to.

"Ben, don't baby me," she warned and with thout a loud thud erupted and the dinning table was down in shatters.

"Dad!" Shouted Daniella from the stairs crying.

"Go back to your room Daniella right now!" Retorted her mother.

"Go to your room baby girl it's nothing," I consoled her to make sure she doesn't panic.

Her eyes told me something else. She knows now.


You know it now.

"So please tell me where I can buy the happiness."