



We arrived at her home. I have never been here before. They had huge walls about 8.5 meters tall and electric fence at the top. It looked scary to me, like what were they hiding behind those walls to have them this tall. Privacy maybe.

Some loud music could be heard coming from inside and voices all over the place. Are they still in the mourning mood or it has now turned into a celebration? I don't want to judge but it has only been two days but the voice and the people inside here all suggest that the thing happened a long time ago. Maybe sometimes it's good to please the dead and let their souls and spirit go in peace. If that is what they are aiming at, then they are good at it.

I was still staring at the gate when I heard Daniella groan beside me. I looked at her and saw her frowning face. I left the staring wheel and held her hands, there were slender and tiny, just like a baby, well she is my baby, atta girl.

"Why are you frowning baby, we are home at last?" I said to her.

She looked at me and grinned showing her beautifully lined white teeth, and her blue orbs, ocean-like, damn, would I ever get tired of this?

"I am not frowning, it's only that, these guys are making noise ever since the funeral, some are peeing everywhere, the whole compound is just dirty and it's messy Davids," she said in a frustrated sound.

I don't know how to tell her sorry, I thought of letting her go home with me but again I decided against it. We have just begun sorting things and taking her home doesn't feel right. Plus, If I take her home, my parents won't allow us to sleep together, they will give her the guest room.

"You know they say, you must ease the spirits of the dead or they will come back haunting you, so the noise is just for sometimes and I know by the end of the week, your home will be calm," I said to her hoping that this will help her a little.

Though the look on her face told me otherwise.ย 

"Which spirit are we pleasing, the rapist and the wife beater's spirit? If you think my dad was a good person then you've got it all wrong Davids, my dad was a rapist, he never loved me," she stated out with anger.

What is she talking about?ย 

Her father was my dad's friend, how will he not know all about this. I know my father doesn't tolerate such behaviours. I am sure he won't be friends with him if he knew about his behaviours.

"You see this," he said while lifting her top.ย 

There were some circles and they engraved her stomachs like some birthmarks or tattoos.

"He did this with cigarettes Davids, he never wanted me, all he wanted was to kill me, even before I was born, he wanted my mother to about me but my mother never agreed to his plans and kept me, he has never wanted to see my face Davids, so if you think am entertaining some spirit to let him be at peace no, am not entering, he can as well fight with maggots from eating his body up,"ย 

Good Lord! What did she just say?ย 

I looked at her, she was breathing heavily and I felt like she was getting some cold or it was because she didn't want to cry in front of me.ย 

I held her close and let her cry her eyes off. I think I need to have conversations with my father and mother. They better tell me what Mr Brown was to them. I wouldn't entertain this if they agreed with what he was doing.ย 

"Dee, you don't have to fear about that, he is now gone and he won't be able to harm you ever again. So you need to be happy that he is gone okay," I said to her while caressing her back to help her calm down.

"Thanks, I didn't mean to lash all that anger out at you," she said in an apologetic tone.

"Hey, you don't have to, I want you to be happy. Feel free to tell me what you are going through I don't want you to bottle things up, tell me anything you want and whatever you feel is not okay," I said to her while lifting her chin.

"I love you," she said while smiling.ย 

I looked at her and smiled back. Damn, I can't hold myself any longer, I quickly captured her lips into mine. She didn't hesitate and gave me an entrance into hers.ย 

I don't know if it's the vanilla taste that is doing this magic because I will be buying her the shakes every day to taste her. My hands couldn't just stay still, my left one was already roaming on her neck while the right one wAs dipped in her skirt.

I thought it was handed only, he's were also roaming, on my chest, chest, while the other was sliding into my t-shirt and I felt her hands on my skin.

I felt like doing the Hallelujah after feeling her hands on my skin. Don't tell me there is another heaven that feels better than that feeling.

Her moaning was the music I wanted to hear right now, I moved from her lips down to her neck,ย 

"Wow, which perfume are you using?" I asked her between the kisses.

She stopped and looked at me, "does it smell bad?" She asked.

"No babe, it smells nice, I love it," I said to her and went on tasting her.

"Vin, what the fuck?" Said Daniella as she abruptly stopped kissing me.

I jumped from Daniella and faced the window where Vin was standing.

"Damn, you guys are making me want to try the polyamory thing, mind if I join?" He asked while grinning at the window.

What the fuck was he doing there? Don't be me he has been here when I started kissing Dee and has just been staring at us.

"Dude, fuck off, I guess your parents are going to miss you during dinner," Daniella said to him but he didn't budge.

Don't be me he wants to start a fight or he is in some denial and would start quarrelling with her once I get out of this place.

"You guys are blocking my way I can't go," he said to us.ย 

I looked back and I saw that he had a vehicle with him. I looked at Dee and realized there is no way am going to kiss her goodbye with this asshole standing by here.

Luckily, my phone rang and I picked it up, Brian.

"Get out of the fucking car or I will leave your ass there!" He shouted over the phone but at the same time, I could hear him talking like he was near theme.ย 

I rolled down the window on Daniella's side and saw him at the driveway, with the engine on.

"Fuck Vin, am gonna kiss Dee here in front of his eyes and he is gonna see it whether he likes it or not."

I turned to Dee, "babe," I started as I caressed her cheeks, I will meet you again tomorrow," I finished and kissed her on her lips.

Vin was standing there, staring at us like he has seen two ghosts exchanging organisms.

"Get a grip dude, it's a kiss, not sex!" I said to him after I had moved out of the car.

He gave me a sinister look and pushed me before getting into his car.

I jumped on the passenger's seat and Brian was all smiley at me.

"What dude?" I asked while buckling up.

"You look happy, were you guys humping on each other?" He asked while driving us off.

I let out a loud laugh, who would be always think about sex. Damn Brian, not just even for a second. I don't even know when I will get to that base with Daniella but am itching to get there any second, especially when being around her, I want it to happen. Damn, pray for me I don't want to be reckless and lose it.

"Do you think I should ask for lessons from Brian,"ย 

I mean he has experience unlike me, but at the same time, I heard it comes natural, but some classes won't hurt.ย 

If you think am ready, tell me I will take some classes before he flew back to NYC.

"Okay, whatever you are thinking, I didn't do it, plus, am not going to explain my sex life with you, unless you tell me about your little scene with Lil Nas," I said to him as he was driving.

He didn't reply instead he threw me his phone and told me the password. I don't know what he wanted me to find I did his phone but anyway, I know it's not porn but I won't be surprised if I find one.

"Do not get excited that am giving you my phone to get my sex escapades, I took some photos of Natalia, so you matter to get your head straight and look at them," he said while we were entering into our house.

"Can I see it in the house, cause I will fall if I am looking at the while walking," I told him and he picked his phone from my hands.

๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆThanks for readingโคโคโคโค

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You can also read my other work: Seducing you in 21 days. ( I need your help on rating it and voting)

Follow me on Instagram: coffee_ciggaretteย