

After the little discussion which took another turn, Davids and I were on our way for the rehearsal. She hasn't spoken a word ever since we left the cafeteria, she has been on her phone doing God knows what!

"So are you satisfied?" I asked her while focused on the road, manoeuvring through various corners that this strange city has.

Despite it being the second largest state after New York, I just hate it.

She squirmed in her seat and closed the phone. A loud groan escaped her mouth and she gently placed her head on the car's headboard.

I wondered what the talk and their little conversation did to her, but she didn't look like her at all. 

"Wow, are you going to be goofy that way till we get to our rehearsals?" I asked him trying to create a conversation.


I couldn't believe the information that Makena gave us. I couldn't believe I was leading Natalia on though I didn't like her. 

If she reaped Makena of all that she had, I don't want to imagine what she will do with me. She might even end up saying that she is pregnant with my baby.

"Wow, are you going to be goofy that way till we get to our rehearsals?" Asked Brian.

I looked at him and just chuckled. My mind was not within. I was thinking of a lot of things.

"Do you know she might end up saying she has my baby if we break up," I said to Brian 

"Haha, that will be a good case in court don't you think?" Questioned Brian while laughing.

I just didn't want to involve myself in any other trouble and drama with my problems. My parents have been gaining my trust ever since the last tragedy and I don't want them to lose hope in me, I don't want them to be disappointed with their child.

"Brian," I called him in a gentle but serious voice.

He removed his shades and popped his eyes to me. "Yes, little brother," 

I stretched my hands and placed on top of the hand that was on the gear, she followed my hands and looked up at me, "thank you," I smiled before removing my hands from his palms.

I just wanted to hug him. Brian has been with me through hell. He has been there even when I pushed her away. And Natalia is not going to make me have another scar, she is not going to make me turn suicidal like when I was fifteen.

"Have you made up your mind yet?" Asked Brian. This is the second time he is asking me about this.

What he doesn't know is that I had already made up my mind when Makena started growing like an angry lion at me. 

Her reactions and words were so intense. The way she started Natalia's name, like some poison some bitter herbs that she hated, I knew that any moment, she might slap me or throw a punch at me any second. I was surprised when at last we were able to make meaningful conversations.

"Bro, am not making the same mistake twice. I just want to pretend and let this fashion show run smoothly then I will let her go," I said to Brian and I could see a smile forming on his lips.

"But you know, you won't look at her the same today, and you might feel uncomfortable around her but please try and maintain your expression," he said.

He was saying the truth, it will be hard to maintain the same friendship that I had with her, imagine how she managed to maintain her friendship with Makena till she master's her PIN and swiped her bank account clean.

"I know I should pretend that I am her girlfriend, what about food in case she will be asking for some and Uber rides?" I asked Brian. 

I know give days of pretending to like someone is difficult for me. I am going to school tomorrow and she might ask me to get her some pizza or fried for lunch.

"What is the meaning of Library, you better lick yourself in there and don't get out or you can tell her you need to catch up with your classes," 

Brian has answers to everything. There is nothing hard for him to answer. I guess she even knows how to get away with murder without even watching the movie.

I nodded to her idea. I don't think she stresses me anymore. I will just tell her that I don't think we can work and that is it. 

For that, I only have Daniella to worry about. I guess she won't be difficult to deal with. I just want to find a perfect time to show her that I love her and that is the only way she will agree to my intentions. Plus include the dirty deeds of her fucking boyfriend.

"What about Daniella Davids?" Asked Brian.

"What about her?" I asked while looking at my phone to avoid her gaze.

I don't want to reveal my ideas to him because he will tell me to leave Daniella alone and to focus on my life. I just don't want Daniella to go. Even when we argue for a second I feel like I just want to take her back and hug her tightly. 

"I don't know how to say this but if you see a good feature between you too, fight for her, but if you feel like you are uncertain, let love rest and focus on your life, simple!" He said before bringing one vehicle to halt at the venue.

I hadn't even realized we were there, his words were hitting my head and I was finding it hard to digest.


If someone would have asked me what I wanted in future, I would have said money. I don't have these crazy dreams of family or get married. Sometimes I see Daniella and I want something different. It's only her who makes me want to build a family just me and her and nobody else, not even a baby. Just us two in that family.

But this future is complicated, I don't know if I still want it with Daniella.....

Who am k kidding? Of course, she is the one I want to be in that family. that is why am working very hard to make sure that I get her safe. But thinking about Brian's words of letting love rest and focusing on myself, is optional, just like she is saying it.

Brian turned the engine off and we alighted from the vehicle. 

"Speaking of the devil," said Brian while placing his backpack on his back before walking towards the direction of......Daniella!

She was at the parking lot, adjusting her skater skirt which was mid-thigh. She always knows how to drive someone crazy with her slender legs.

"Stop it, Davids," said brian while partying my shoulder before walking to ward's Daniella.

"Wow, I love your skirt," said Brian loudly so that I can hear.

Daniella looked up at him, a little fighter but she comprised herself. Removing the strand of hair from her face she smiled at Brian, "thank you," 

After exchanging some pleasantries, Brian left promised to see him in for rehearsal and I was left behind with her. I looked around to make sure that no one was looking at us. Moving towards her, I stood midway and remembered that we had broken last night and I can't be walking toward her.

I changed my direction and decided to let her be. 

"Davids," I heard her small voice echoing my name. I stood and avoided looking at her, I heard footsteps approaching and I knew they were hers. she walked and stood in front of me with her head down.

"Hello," I said to her plainly.

Instead, of her talking back, she quickly jumped at me and hugged me. I was caught by surprise. I don't know what is going on with her but I just decided to wrap my hands around her, to feel her.

"Am sorry, and I missed you, Davids," she said almost in a whisper.

"I missed you too Dee," that I what I wanted to utter out but my who was too jig to swallow my pride and tell her that!

I hugged her tightly because I also missed her. I inhaled her scent and didn't want to move out of it for some time. But after some minutes she removed her head and dropped her head down.

I don't know if she was ashamed or she just didn't want to face me. I wanted no, my hands are itching to be placed on her face, just look into her orbs and I will be okay.

But my prayer was answered. She lifted her head and my heart raced as watched her face, the race didn't last for long when I saw her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes were sad and they were filled with tears.

"Dee, what happened," I asked quickly while looking into her eyes.

A lone drop of tear dropped and she opened her mouth.

"You were not lying, he is sleeping with Lady Boo," she said.


Thanks for reading❤

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