


Am gonna tell you a story about a lady, you know this ambitious lady, the one who wants it all? Those?

The one's who act pretty good, sassy-classy every time,  the bossy one? They act bossy but their business is the destruction of it all? 

Yeah, those. 

This lady came to this part of town when it was at crumbles, nothing was blooming in this town, it was just trees and shrubs and little houses here and there to make it look like an inhabited place. 

She decided to apply her prowess to make this town a better place Built a school. 

That was her first accomplishment, but this school was not normal, this school had different types of students and different types of teachers. 

I never saw where the students went to when they arrive and how they were taught, but that didn't matter, we wanted development and there was a school, education a source of knowledge.

Wait, am I telling you the story that you want?

Chill let's focus here, 

My black suit is trying to misbehave but is gonna fix it. 

Here we go,  am not a storyteller and am a bad observant. Am here to mourn Mr Brown Black, he was my friend, but am a jerk friend who never kept in touch with him for a long time because I don't know where he was. 

"What about the story before," 

I am telling this story now, shut up! 

Am looking at all this celebration put up with this witch hCG of a woman who is acting as his wife is just for show.

I was surprised that Brown married, that was not him. He was not that type of a person to settle down or maybe he was now that I saw anger daughter in his sparkling blue eyes showcasing her thighs to the audience out her.

I don't know what story they have told you out there about Brown, the lies, the deceit, the good and the bad, don't judge Brown, he was a man of honour, respect and wanted good for everyone.

I know you will want to read the Eulogy to confirm who Brown was, this eulogy has been tailored according to the goodness of the family not according to the achievement that Brown had. 

This is the story I want to tell you about, Brown's Story! As you walk or as you march from your seat to go and look at that man placed in a Monk's Rob as if he was a type of a silencer, Brown was a no MONK!

So, before you wake, know Brown first, before you go to judge the body lying there.

Brown was born as the only child to his parents. He was a jovial boy, always wanted what is good for everybody. He was unique in his way. Being unique I mean he was an extreme performer in his education. Though he was not from a well off family, who could afford everything in his life, he was determined to make it in life. He dedicated his life and classwork. His parents were also dedicated to making sure he was always in school. 

He never liked girls, sorry to say this, but he never liked girls, but he loved his mom dearly which was confusing to many but people came to understand him. 

He fell in love with a boy, which was not weird and these two love birds had a thing. Everyone supported their love and wished them well in life until one day when a certain lady came to this town. He was not happy about their relationship and warned them of dire consequences if they didn't let go of their relationship. Brown was reluctant about it was very protective of the situation that he didn't want to let go. After talking to his learns, he had no other opportunity but to let go of the relationship. 

He felt downhearted and depressed. He cried every day because he was deprived of the person he loved. The person he loved in his life more than anything.

The old lady was his only saviour, she had given him the scholarship to study abroad and he didn't want his parents to lose their jobs because of what he was doing. His lover understood his situation but they continued with their relationship silently without anyone's consent. 

Life was good. He managed his study very well and he was happy. His parents continued to go with their life at the rich Lady's house and he went on with his love life unnoticed.

One day Brown got invited to a party by the rich lady who employed their mother and father. His parents were excited about the wedding but Brown was not. He felt like everything the lady was doing was for her benefit and not his Benefit. 

Before the party, he met up with his lover and they both hugged for a long before letting go. Brown didn't feel like everything was going in place.

The expensive clothes, that the lady had bought him and his family for the party. He shrugged the bad idea out of his mind and thought that maybe he was just thinking too much.

The party will be there, he will be invited to sing or maybe play a piano then later accompany his parents home then he will later sneak his boyfriend in the house or have a chat while he hangs painfully on their window's frame begging him to come into his room.

They were driven in black limousines, he looked at his parents and they looked happy and okay just like every day. 

Arriving at the party, it was a grand one. Expensive people with an expensive taste of clothes. 

Brown with his family made sure to not show their faces a lot because that was not their place.

Unknown to Brown, his boyfriend had secretly joined the catering services just to make sure that Brown was safe from people who would want to harm him. He wore his glasses to disguise himself and left his bang nearly fall on his face.

He made sure to notice the arrival of Brown and his family and he gave them soft drinks as he always knows the wouldn't take the hard drinks.

Brown quickly noticed him and almost spill the drink he was drinking but his reflexes were quick and he composed himself.  His lover winked at him and left him to enjoy the party.

The lady found Brown and his family and sweetly introduced them around. They got to meet different people around. Brown didn't like the way people were looking at him, he instead decided to look around. Stealing glances at everything in the house. The house was enormous, big. Expensive paintings were hanging on the wall. He was captured by the painting for Monalisa that was at the corner of the room.

"Nice eyes," said a man with a wine in his glass.

"Sorry I was just looking," Brown apologized before moving away and the gentleman stopped him from moving.

"You can look at it, its back is so illuminating and interesting," he whispered into his ears.

Brown felt like this man did not mean the picture. The way he was touching his back then talking didn't imply the picture it implied something else.

"Is everything alright?" Asked a voice.

Brown was happy that finally, someone decided to come to his rescue. 

"We need a drink," the man said shocking Brown. He thought the man would pretend then leave him but he was wrong.

Immediately the drinks were brought the man handed Brown a drink which he declined but forced him to drink.

Brown drunk the drink quickly with intentions of running away after his drink but no, his drink was drugged and the waitress and the man carried him to a room nearby. 

His lover saw what was happening and he quickly runs to him and was surprised when the man refused to let go of Brown. He was slapped and also carried to the same room as brown.

After gaining consciousness, he saw a man on top of Brown, pushing himself so forcefully and Brown was not even aware of what was happening to him.

"Can you shit him up or throw him out!" Instructed them, man, to the waiter who was watching him heave on top of Brown.

He watched painfully as Brown was being deprived of the only thing he has because of people who had wealth and power. He felt weak in front of them all. He wanted to fight but he couldn't, the waiter had resorted to restraining him on the seat using strings from around the room.

He didn't know how he was going to explain the situation to Brown, he didn't know how brown would look at him ever again. What would he tell his parents about their son? He didn't know how? He didn't know what to tell them and what had happened to Brown.