

"Hey guys are you.....," Vin stopped in his tracks and whatever he was trying to say flew past the window. He swallowed hard and lifted his eyes, interlocked them with mine. My cheeks became warm all of a sudden, I smiled and dropped my smile. "Someone is getting reaped tonight!" Said, my girl.

"Quite it, am going to mourn and not moaning," I brushed her to the back of my mind.

"You know he is undressing you right now in his mind," 

She seemed persistent about this topic and I didn't want her to be. She will do this and take over my concentration for the whole day today.

Decided to shut her down and focus on the stairs that I was climbing down to, slowly taking my Time, step at a time ignoring Vin's eyes. 

My mother and Emma were already downstairs gulping on the last bits of wine that was dotting their glasses.

I reached the last step of the stairs and Vin was there, his hands stretched out for me, his gold watch shining bright but too good it didn't shine to distract my Vision.

"You look beautiful Daniella," he said while clasping my hands in his bringing it closer to his mouth and placed a kiss on it.  His soft hands felt warm and calm at the same time. 

He didn't let go of my hands instead, he helped me alight the last step before making me stand in front of him.

"Are you sure about mourning today or do you want to moan?" He asked. 

The heels made me tall but not as tall as him. Our noses were almost touching and I could feel the same tinge of cigar and the faint smell of mint I felt from my mother on him. I found myself liking it though.

"What about, we fake a mourning, then I'll moan in pleasure as you painfully hit my walls," I whispered in his ears seductively.

"You are setting the mood girl," said my girl.

"Just making sure his brother is ready for a match tonight sweetheart," I replied to my girl before pushing her back into her cage.

Vin looked at me and glanced to where my mother and Emma were. When he saw that they were not looking at us instead they were busy talking with some bodyguards around the area, he kinkly juggled his hands in my dress and briefly touched my flower fumbling with it. He only stopped when I let out a hitched gasp and whispered back to its ears.

"Your little sister down there needed to be informed that his brother is ready for the night,"

I felt hot. I felt like a fire had been ignited in me and was slowly moving down to my neck in a riding action. I excused myself, picked a glass of water and gulped down the water like a thirsty drenched animal.

"Let's head to the car, we don't want to get late," said my mother while fixing her makeup.

We walked out of the house and left the event organisers who went on festoon the house.

Vin held my waist and helped me to walk step by step into the car that was waiting for is in the compound.

"Ma'am, you and the young miss will be driven in the black Lamborghini while the other guest will drive on the black SUVs." Said the security who was wearing all black to the glasses on his eyes.

I looked at the black Lamborghini that was packed by the door entrance. I didn't get why we were using this car yet it was supposed to be a quiet ceremony. 

Don't get me wrong, I get it, my mom wants to celebrate the beginning of a new era where she will be living a peaceful life, but being accompanied by a Lamborghini to a funeral, that is the highest level of "look at us," attention. 

"Maybe you want to shake the dead for a while before you make him sleep six feet under," said My girl who was now peeping from the back of my mind.

"This is enough now," I told her and went on walking towards the car.

My mom got into the car with the help of a bodyguard who was talking with an earpiece in his ears and he came around and opened my door.

The car had been washed. The lemon mint that hit your nostrils was evident enough. "Turn on the air conditioner please," I told the driver who was checking the car to make sure everything was okay.

"Sure miss," he said and stretched his hand to do it.

"Are you okay baby?" Asked my mother while caressing my hands. I was not nervous, but as soon as her hands started, I felt her instilling the nervousness in me.

I looked at her, then flashed her a smile, "no mum, am okay," I said and faced the road where our journey had started.

We had a long convoy of cars accompanying us. I looked at my phone discreetly since my mother was busy talking to the driver. It was 9:Am. I wished this could be over so that I could go and sleep again. 

"Who is Emma?" I asked my mom and the driver shot me a look from the mirror.

"You don't remember Emma?" Asked my mother looking at me with a shocked face.

"No mum, I haven't seen her in my life," I told her.

My mother jiggled her hands and adjusted the shades in her eyes. I don't know why she has the shades yet we are inside the car. "That's true you can't remember her because she used to be around when you were young," 

"Like my nanny or just your friend?" I asked this time around emphasizing the word 'Nanny'.

"No baby, she is my cousin, but she has been in Dubai for all these years," she said and faced the mirror indicating that my questions were now boring and couldn't make any sense.

I also divided to look at the window and look at the beautiful trees that were grown around the area.

The beautiful trees which were very in length beautifully blossomed emitting different flowers.

I have never paid attention to any of these trees before. I just assumed them every day when passing through to school. A bit today, I want to look at them and appreciate their beauty, just the way I never appreciated my mother and thought that, she wanted me to suffer but she always meant good things for me and am grateful.

I stretched my hands and placed them on top of her palm, I caressed the softly. She looked at me and placed the left palm on top and smiled.

"I love you, mama," I told her smiling because I do. I had despite her thinking that she was the reason for my toxic life but no, she wasn't it jas been dad all this long, hating me since birth and pretending to like me every time he sees me.

"I love you too baby," she murmured before letting my hands go.

"We are here," said the driver as he brings the vehicle to a smooth halt.

My mother sighed and looked at me. "You know what we agreed on?" Asked me while looking into her bag.

"Yes mum, I will do it just like you said," I replied putting my shades on.

I looked out through the window, many people were outside. Many vehicles were standing in the driveway. "Did all these people know my dad?" I asked myself 

"Yeah, he was a prominent man?" Said, my girl.

"Would you give me a break today? I need to focus!" I shouted back at her and this time she listened. She crept back to her hiding and I was left wondering my eyes here and there from the vehicle.

"You can now open the door for us," my mother told the driver.

Our Lamborghini stood at the rear entrance of the church, I haven't had a good glimpse of the church but what I see is a red carpet rolled out from the door of our Lamborghini!

"Mum, can you switch sitting position?" Asked the driver after talking with someone into his mouthpiece.

"Why?" Asked my mother.

"Because the carpet is here on this side," I quickly said.

My mother and I changed the sitting positions as quickly as possible and a man opened the door for her.

Noises could be heard as she stepped out of the Lamborghini. But I couldn't hear anything because I was concentrating on my phone trying to look at myself in the cameras to access everything was in place.

After some few seconds, the door was opened again, a hand was stretched out for me, "Vin?" I asked but he didn't look at me. I stretched my hands and they met his warm ones.

Getting out of the car, I didn't know that the media were already parading themselves in front of the church. Their cameras and noises were making it hard for me to concentrate.

"Mrs Clank, why did you chose white attire for mourning?" Asked the journalist.

"White is meant to celebrate peace, I want to celebrate the life that my dear husband has lived on earth and to make sure that he sleeps in peace. His wish was for us to wear white garments even if other people were black, she wouldn't want to see me in black clothes he loved white."


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