

"Fuck! Fuck!" Shouted Damien while kicking the dustbin and hitting the wall. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He placed his head on the wall.

Davids walked in and found him still on the hitting his head and lamenting. She didn't know what to tell him. Yes, Clara has been acting childish, avoiding his calls and treating him like he doesn't exist. It was not fair on Damien's side. Damien was feeling that it's his fault that Clara was acting like this. He felt that he didn't make any effort at first when he felt something for Clara. He left her to be in the hands of a man who didn't love her.

"Damien," called Davids with hands in her pockets. Damien didn't want Davids to see his painful and awful face. He faced the other side, away from Davids before sitting down on the floor placing his head against the wall.

"I am letting her go, man," said Damien in a broken voice. 

Davids felt his pain, the pain of seeing the person you love to sleep away from you and doesn't want anything to do with you. She didn't want to walk in his shoes, that she can't she already know how it's difficult for Damien to walk in his shoes.

"Clara thinks that all I want from her is to slide and dive between her legs, she thinks I don't value you her," cried Damien placing his head in between his hands.

Davids sat next to him and wondered how he is going to convince him that it's only a matter of time and Clara will come around.

"Do you want to go bowling?" Asked Davids to avoid making the situation more complicated. She wanted to do anything just to make Damien feel better and to get his mind off the situation at hand.

"Bowling? Are you serious Davids?" Asked Damien with a questionable look.

"You will find it much more fun than thinking about Clara here all day." Said Davids chickling.

"Are you suggesting that I do nothing for Clara?" Asked Damien standing up.

"No, that's not what I suggest, Clara is being Clara for now, give her time she will come around and everything will be back Damien," consoled Davids.

Damien looked at her wondering why she was so unbothered with Clara's situation. He loves Clara and wasn't ready to just let her be, but he also agrees with Davids, he needs to let Clara calm down before talking to her. She needed to admit yet mistake and realize that He was different from the Nathan guy she knew.

"You are you going with?" Asked Damien.


"Bowling," said Damien 

Davids scratched her head, she thoughts that Damien was going to let it go but it seems he wants. 

"Natalia and her friends," said Davids making Damien shocked with her words. 

"Wait, are you now flirting with Natalia?' Asked Damien.

Davids placed her hands on her chest and then looked the other way pretending not to know anything about it.

" come on Davids, that's not you," warned Damien.

"Chill dude, she wanted a private date but I don't want that, that's why am suggesting we do the double dating," said Davids.

Damien nodded as thought that It's a good way to get to know people. "It will even give you a chance to mingle with other girls," added Davids laughing.

"Haha, wait, am not going to mingle, I just want o show you how am good with bowling," said Damien while pushing Davids out of the way.

"If you say so." Said Davids patting him on the shoulder.

"So when are we doing this dude?" Asked Damien while they picking books from their lockers.

"After the burial, the dead needs the respect first," said Davids before closing er locker and moving to class.