
38: "WHAT FOR?"

"Where were you girl?" Asked Jasmine one of the music members.

"Yeah, dude where have you been?" Added another girl who was now holding Davids' waist.

Davids was happy that everyone was psyched up during the practice, she does not doubt in the coming two months of preparation they wouldn't have long hours with Mr Nossy. 

The smiley faces that we're looking at her cheering her up we're the faces she always wanted to see during the music. She was not a music fanatic but every time she got a chance she could do it like it's the last thread she is hanging to.

Despite all the happiness, she still knew deep down that Daniella's voice needed to be added to make everything rhyme as Mr Nossy wanted. She wanted her to get a chance at music and she didn't risk going to the hospital to play her the tune only for her to throw it away. Sue wanted her in and she was going to convince everyone that they need her in. Daniella needs music to help her, even if not for her career but her sanity. 

She closed her bag of saxophone and watched as Clara was busy typing on her phone 

'Maybe Damen has told him to help him at the restaurant,' she thought.

"Do you mind joining as for some coffee at the shop nearby," asked the girl who was previously holding her by the waist. "Sorry, my name is Natalia," goggles the girl as she looked at the other girls who were standing a meter away from her.

David scratched her head and wondered why these girls were inviting her over for coffee, 

"They live your looks, stop scratching your heads and give them a reply," mouthed Clara with a chunk of Muffin in her mouth.

"Seriously Clara? Looks? That's bullshit," she said and faced Natalia.

She wanted to give her an honest answer like, "No girl am good." But she then remembered that Damien had asked her to help him with the restaurant.

She moved closer to her and picked the phone from her hands, and quickly typed some things into it before whispering into her ears making Natalia giggle while moving to her friends.

"Let's go," said Davids as she placed the saxophone bag on her back. "Damien said we should help him at the restaurant tonight if we want free food," grinned Davids looking at Clara who was at her third Muffin. She loved how she freely eats after breaking up with Daniella and being pushed out of the cheering squad.

Clara looked at her still munching her muffins while making some noise. "Free food? Am going even if it's to sell my body," 

"What?" Questioned Davids. 

"Yeah, wouldn't you trade yourself for free food?" Asked Clara.

Davids didn't answer her as she was busy signalling the cab to stop so that they can go to Damien's.

"What did she put in your phone?" Asked Jasmine while holding Natalia's shoulder trying to fix her eyes and see what is in her phone.

Natalia was all smiley looking at her phone While juggling at how Davids has saved it.

"She gave me her number," replied Natalia while sit drooling over her phone.

"Davids is Nuce you know," Jasmine complimented while fixing her dress, "I know you have a crush on her Natalia but please take it slow  don't rush yourself and end up breaking your heart the way Makena did," 

Natalia was not even concentrating on Jasmine's word rather she was rather busy sending a text to Davids.

Daniella who was busy pleasuring herself in the storeroom heard them and accidentally pinched herself and stopped. 

'How fast?' She asked herself. She didn't know Davids would move on this fast. She just confessed her feelings to her the previous day and now after bashing her in the cafeteria she went ahead and starts hitting on some other girls.

She felt angered with the girl's conversation that she moved outside to see who this Natalia girl was. 'Who is she to make Davids fall for her at first sight?' She thought to herself while jealousy was consuming.

She walked into four girls, one was standing in the middle while the other three were sorrow ding her while looking at her phone. She cleared her throat and that was enough to make them lift their heads and move out of her way.

She walked past them and knew that The Natalia girl was the one in the middle, 'not that sassy- classy to beat me!" She thought to herself as she stared at them walk out of the corridor.

Davids and Clara hailed a taxi and they drove off to Damien's. Clara was busy looking at her phone after every second, Davids wondered what was so urgent that she kept her phone with her.

"Is everything okay Clara?" Asked Davids while pulling her phone from her pockets after she hears it vibrate.

"Why?" Asked Clara.

"You have been looking at your phone every time," said Davids while looking at the screen of her phone then smiles and place it back in her pocket.

"Just trying to see if my aunt has replied to my text since midday," replied Clara calmly,

Davids nodded and let her be.

"Here sir," said Davids while giving the driver some notes. "Keep the change," she says before getting out of the cab.

"Why would you tell her to keep the change, you are a kid, not some banker?" Asked Clara as Davids opened the door for her.

"Thanking her for not kidnapping us," replied David as they walk in looking for Damien whom they noticed standing by the kitchen door.

When Damien saw a blond hair person waving her hand he quickly moved to them and hugged class so tightly.

"I thought you wouldn't come," said Damien.

"Beb, free food? I can't miss," said Clara while stealing a kiss from Damien's mouth making Davids sneak a picture of them.

"You should be careful bro, she said even she can sell her body for food, and scared," Davids said jokingly while hugging Damien.

"What? No, am gonna work harder for that not to happen," defended Damien while leading them to an empty seat near the window.

Davids looked around and realised that few people were in today. The restaurant was big, Damien was in charge of money since his uncle was not around.

"Do people come this few during the week?" Asked Davids while still surveying the area. The cool breeze from the sea was amazing, the decorations were nice. This was Davids second time coming here. The first time it was during the day and they sat far from the restaurant she didn't get the opportunity to see the inside. Seeing the art decorations, this place was amazing.

"Yeah, they don't come in many of them, my uncle thought that having a restaurant by the ocean would be better but I don't think so," replied Damien his voice expressing sadness.

"What did you want us to do?" Asked Davids while looking at Damien who was cosy with Clara. 

"Nothing, just be here," joked Damien while playing with Clara's hair.

"What if I have a way of making much money today, will we get paid?" Asked Davids who was now standing looking around.

This idea woke Damien from her cosy position and stood with Davids.

"Come," she called Damien and Clara.

"Can we make some space in here?" Asked Davids while looking at Damien.

"What for?" Asked Damien.

"Music chorused Davids and Clara together.