
329: I Come With Strap_on

"I want to thank all of you for coming in today. It has been such a privilege to meet each one of you. I know we don't do this daily but I am happy this year we have done it. We have done a lot of things together and I just want to congratulate every one of us for the hard work. We also thank the Lord for enabling us to get to this moment. I know it's not easy but here we are and we are thanking him. Happy Thanksgiving.

Everyone in the house clapped. 

        "Happy thanksgiving grandpa."

Nimo raised her juice glass to my dad who smiled back at him and said happy thanksgiving to her. She is cheeky, she sat next to mum and not to her stupid friend Jade. I dont know what happened today but I hope they don't start getting mad at each other. 

Getting mad at each other, there is one here who is trying to make things hard for me. 

I have never thought that Daniella would once go back and want a man in her life. I am not blaming her, no, I am just insecure right now. I have tried to keep her all to myself, but I knew she liked men and I had nothing to fear about that. 

The way she didn't reply to my questions, told me that I had a lot of things to think about and one of them being, that she might still consider boys more than me. I mean what can't I give her? Is sex using a dick rather than a strap-on? She feels it's a child and doesn't rise and down the way a real dick rises. I understand. 

           Do I know? 

I have not thought of dating a man in my life. I don't know why but that connection is one thing that has never crossed my mind. She has her hands placed on my things, they don't make me feel the tickles, I just feel normal today, were it some other day, I would have been dying to push her on my mum's washroom wall and throw her pants down before ravishing her like never before. Seems she is used to the same thing, the same strapon, the same game. 

This is just too much for me to take. I thought we were going to have a loving family and one that are going to cherish forever. In my room, I asked myself a lot of questions. Why did I have the operation to remove my growth? Maybe I was a man but not a full man, and my hormones were working best with my growth there. If it was able to bring into the world, two beautiful babies then why wouldn't it perform the way it could?  Maybe I did a mistake. 

I spent the whole time googling if I can get a dick placed in me so that I can give her what she wants but I found nothing. There is nothing that I can do to make things better. 

The question is, will she love me with a dick planted there? Would she prefer to be with me after all that effort?  If she loves me the way she says, she would have shown off that ring on her finger and never allowed any man to touch her that way. That fucking burster was not supposed to touch her or even place his mouth on her delicate pink lips. 

      "You are not drinking, what ate you thinking about?"

Nothing, I am just imagining how I am going to believe whatever you tell me from now on is the truth. I don't want to be lied to. We can't say that, she will get angry, so what should we tell her? How to get her back to bed to accept my cold Dick? She said I don't treat her like a grown-up, maybe she should grow up. 

                   I dont feel like any drink right now, I will take it later. 

Simple and clear. She looks at me but my eyes are at my dad who is busy speaking to Nimo. Nimo jumped from her sit and landed on my dad's making my mum stay next to Annie and the other ladies at the table.   Whatever they are trying to talk about, trust me, it's something nice and I want to join them. 

I look to my other side and see Jade glaring in the same direction I was taking. His eyes have been fixed there, looking at Nimo. This is his last thanksgiving as per Nimo. He will be going to Britain next year. I don't know how this is going to work for Nimo but I hope he will do well. I will be here and we will get her a new coach.  

Are you okay? You look like you want to kill someone right now.

I say and sip a glass of water while slicing a cake that was in front of me. He raises his head and looks at me. Yeah, it is the person he hates sitting next to him.

       "Yeah, Mr. Davids. How is your headache now?"

Headache, nothing is wrong with my headache, how is your anger now, Mr. Jade? 

Maybe he should get a question for an answer. Plus which headache are they talking about? I dont have a headache. Maybe someone said I had a headache when I was not at the table. It must be one person I know, Daniella. Looking at her, she was now busy with Richard. Richard seems to be having a good time. He is a good man, I was just giving him the hard time. I hate when he talks in a different language as if I am an ape. 

At twenty-one with all his achievements, he must be from some ass nice family to have jumped through the classes and got there. They were talking with Ashley and Daniella. It was nothing in particular. I didn't want to ruin it. I walked out of the table and started walking towards the bathroom but someone was following me from behind. 

I knew who it was but I didn't look behind to confirm. I walked in and closed the door but I didn't hear it hit the locker, seems someone was too quick and they pushed the door. 

"Davids, how are you doing? I haven't seen you this whole afternoon."

Fuck, it was Clara I thought it was Daniella. I didn't want to hear her ranting right now. For Clara, let's hear what she has to say.

"Clara, sorry I was held up and I had something to work on. How are you doing and how is my blond niece doing?"

He gave me the eyes and I knew I wasn't supposed to say that. I should have stuck to the name, Amelia. I call her blond because she has the perfect blond hair I have never seen. I dont know if they will be curly like Jake's wife but she is adorable with the blond. Mine are dirty and Nimo inherited them,

"Stop questioning me. I am here to talk about the incident with Daniella."

"I can see, she told you, what can't she say, except for the part that she doesn't know what the kiss meant to her. What did she tell you to explain to me now?"

Clara slapped me on the face. What was that for? She was supposed to be telling what Dee said and not some slap on my face and I don't know what I did. I am not in the wrong here. I just needed the answers. I have been a good girlfriend to her, but she didn't tell me about it.

"Can you stop it, Davids, you know Dee is not a natural and maybe she is confused right now. So don't hold that against her. She is just trying to see if everything is okay."

Wow, ladies do have a way to twist words. I don't want to entertain her drama but what she said got me thinking, am I stupid now?

Why should Daniella be confused if she hasn't been confused for Seven years? She could as well be confused in our marriage if she was married. I am just tired. 

"Davids, please listen. Daniella loves you, she is is still a teen and finding her way is a bit hard. She is emotional and she just wants you to understand her."

Wait, so for all the months, I haven't been understanding even a little. I have been making her do what I want. If that is what you are implying. Clara, as much as you want to applause fit her. I am giving her what she needs. I told her she can still go out there and get another man if that's what she wants. 

"Why are you stubborn? Sh-she doesn't ha you, you fool,  she wants you!"

"I come with a strapon on not a dick!