
327: I Dont Know What I Want.

Thanksgiving had already kicked on though it was just some drinks being shared here and there. Mr and Mrs smith were already in the venue and they stood next to Ashley who was all excited. She had told her parents about Richard. Her parents were anxious because they loved Ashley and they didn't know whether she was ready for anything serious.  She was their only child and seeing her happy made them worried that maybe the man was using her. 

"Honey, are you sure Davids approved of him? I mean she must be worried to even pick him up from the airport."

Ashley understood that her parents must be worried about everything. They were worried about her getting into the medical field and wanted he to take another easy course that wasn't going to be hard on her, she was not going to do that, instead, she focused on medicine, and now, she is doing fine and her result is remarkable. She got a small job at the nearby hospital when she is not busy at school. 

Sometimes her parents think it's good that they handed her over to Davids to stay with her instead of them. She could have been bored and would have hated medical school. Right now, she is with the children who love her and they respect her in return she helps them. 

"Why are you guys not confident? Davids doesn't like him too, why are you guys so against him? Just give him time and you will get to learn from him."

Her father walked forward and held her shoulders. He was the type o  parent who didn't talk much and he lived Ashley to bit. 

"Darling you don't need to worry, let's see how he is before we decide. I bet Davids is going to make him hate coming here. Now let's greet the other people here you are all over the place."

Ashley hugged he father and then her mother before walking around to find Nimo and Jade busy arguing in the washroom.

"What's going on here? Why are you guys arguing at this time, it's Thanksgiving for Christ's sake, can't you just have one day without punching each other?"

Nimo looked at Ashley and walked out leaving Jade and Ashley in the washroom. 

         Jade clicked and kicked the toilet's door.

"Boy, no no, you can't kick that bathroom like that, what's going on?"

"I don't know what is wrong with Nimo, she needs to stop. She doesn't like it when I text my girlfriend and say she is trying to use me. She is just a normal girl you know. She has her flaws but that doesn't mean that Nimo would go ahead and punch her in the face the way she did. I was just warning her to stop with her behavior."

Ashley watched the way Jade was talking. She didn't want to be doctor love or Mrs fix it. She let them be. 

"Just be sure of what you want. I mean I also don't know what I want but I know the doctor, is the man that I want, only that Davids will take him through several tests before he is allowed to stay in an enclosed place with me."

"It's hard, right, I mean, my parents never allow me to have any girl in my room but for Nimo, she is allowed even when I'm not around. She sleeps in my room, we sleep together but they don't trust me with another girl apart from her?"

 "They know Nimo is like a sister to you and you two are good friends but they fear you might have sex with the girl and she will get pregnant and weigh you down. We still don't know what we want. Man, I can't even pay my rent by daily pocket money is catered. The job I got can't even buy me a car right now. That is why I want to learn from people Jade before I on to something. Even with the doctor, it's not like I am going to get married to him, I am not stupid. I have education and everything else to work on, a lot of things to focus on. So maybe Nimo feels that the girl is not right for you. Just listen to her too, maybe you have been too focused."

Jade looked at her and sighed. He always looks up to Ashley for help as the bigger sister for Nimo, she is his younger sister and he needs to give her time.

"She said that my girlfriend was kissing some guy and they pretend to be joking when she found them I asked her and she said it was a lie, they were just holding each other's hair."

"Okay, I am not going to say anything, just let it be, but be careful. You know Nimo never bothers to come back when she is mad at people, so if you feel like she is right just say sorry, excuse me, I need to go, my man is here."

Ashley walked out of the room and left him to himself. She found Nimo walking toward her grandmother and stopped her.

"I know I messed up, maybe I saw something different, I am going to say hi to grandma."

"It's okay sis, come here, we will go together. Just so you know, you still need to focus on your talent and that is basketball. Don't let the Jade thing bother you that much, you've got this and you are not after him, so focus, we need to get that jersey with Nimo on it."

Nimo smiled looking at her. 

"I think Black is going to be better, I wish I could write all names of you guys in that Jersey, just one day I will. I want to be focused on my basketball now."

They went to her grandma and said hello saying hello to the guest. 

Ashley left to get Richard. Arriving at the gate, Davids was out of the car and she shut the door without looking at anyone else. She walked out of the car and walked to Ashley who was standing in front of her. 

"Ooh, Ash, your asshole of boyfriend is there, just make sure he is not a playboy, he looks like one of those and I hate his fucking smirk."

Ashley frowned and left for Richard. Arriving in the car, Daniella was still struggling to walk out and Ashely was surprised as to why Davids didn't open the door for her. 

She rushed to her side unopened the door for her. 

"Is everything okay? Why didn't she open the door for you?"

        "She is seriously an asshole!"

Richard said and Daniella and Ashley looked at him. 

"Shut up Richard, no one asked for your opinion!"

Richard closed his mouth and stood on the side as he tried to contact his bodyguards. Daniella asked out of the car and hugged Ashley telling her that everything is okay."

She nodded and left Daniella to walk out and was left with Richard. Richard walked to her and wanted to hug her but she was frowning. 

"Why would you say she is an asshole?"

"Wait, so that is a lady, I thought he was a man. Though she is nothing like what you said. Plus you didn't say she is a good fighter, she threw all my guards to the ground."

"Tell me she told you something and you used Italian or Spanish to reply."

Richard nodded and Ashley held her head. 

"For Christ's sake Richard Davids knows everything, I mean every language. He is good with Italian, Spanish French everything. Maybe Khoisan where people click while talking. You can't do anything behind her back."

"Fuck me, the way I told someone something on the phone in Spanish. The way I didn't feel safe with her."

"She is good, it seems they had argued with Daniella and that is one thing you shouldn't get in the middle. Just stay out of her way today. Please address everyone as Mrs or Mr. For the kids, if you don't know their names, use young Miss or sir or young Mister."

Richard raised his brows at all the tho is that she was telling her. He didn't expect her to tell him all that. He expected her to say something like, everyone is going to love you, and do be afraid. 

Nimo rushed to Ashley and greeted Richard. 

"So are you planning to marry her or you are already married and you are playing with her? Plus if you know you are going to break his heart, my dad owns a pool of gladiators and she won't hesitate to throw you there. Plus we have good martial arts practice from our grandmother we will beat you up."

Ashley was now embarrassed. She couldn't imagine Nimo was saying all that. She signaled for her to shut up but she was not keeping quiet 

"My dad can't be pleased easily, so look for other ways to please her. She loves actions and doesn't talk because she doesn't understand that. It is hard for her to like you. So welcome home."

"Don't listen to what she is saying,  she is trying to scare you."