
326: Did My Mother Send you?

Happy Reading

I wanted to speak to Daniella about the wedding preparation that morning but at the same time, I wanted her on top of me, scissoring me as if that is the important thing I want right now. Stretching my hand on the bed, there was nothing to look at. The bed was empty. I call her phone but it was on the side of the bed. I didn't panic because I am sure she is closer and would anytime come in bed with me or be asleep in my hands again. Instead, she doesn't. I hear a soft knock on the door and quickly pull the covers on my naked body after yesterday's night with My baby.

The unwelcomed visitor turns out it's Ashley. She is laughing while walking toward me. She climbs onto the bed and sat next to me.

"Which dress do you think will be good on me?"

She shows me some collections and I have to pick one for her. She has a little curvy body and her eyes are wide and scary sometimes but I like that she doesn't let any man mess her up. She deserved better and not some man trying to mess anything up for her.

       "What do you feel looks like you from this pile?"

I asked her because she needs to pick something that looks like her, not something that is going to advertise how single and cheeky she is.

She pouts and looks at me with sad eyes. I know I have to choose a dress for her. Either way, it's her life she is talking about. Maybe I didn't get to go to the party or have Daniella wear nice dinner dresses every day but once in a while, I got to know that she will look pretty in anything that she puts on her body.

I grab the tablet from her hands and start looking at the dresses.

"This one is a no, look at how revealing it is. It's going to show what colour of panty you have on and we are not doing that, right? This one, is good but damn, who are you going to show your boobies? Plus we don't have Da' Vinci to paint you on it. Then this one is good but considering you are going for a party and not some evening date I will rule that one out."

She pushed my hands and pulled the tablet away from me. 

"When I said a party, it was an important date. There is this doctor and he is very good and he wants me to go on a date with him. They are having a doctor's party and he is going to give his speech about his achievement."

That doesn't sound like a young gentleman to me. That sounds like a grown-ass man to me. She better tell me who the person is. Is he married because nowadays people will just be there and they have five kids with them but they are acting as if they don't have a family?

"Brian knows him. They know each other very well and Brian is attending the wedding too."

That makes me call Broan immediately to confirm those rumors. I can't be having her dress us and then someone is going to leave her heartbroken.

Brian confirmed the party and we now have to choose a beautiful dress. 

"When you walk into that audience, you are an important person. Remember you are the picture of your parents, you hold a picture of me and my wife and at the same time, you hold your picture. The young ones are looking up to you and dont let anybody to Netflix and chill in that pussy if they are not committed, hold your virginity like the crown that you have, and let no one take that crown off, okay?"

Ashely looked at me as if I was giving a lifetime speech. 

"Jeez, why would I do that? Plus I am not ready to open my legs when I have a man here who is going to give me everything in the world. I am still a baby and babies don't spread their legs, only when they are snoring and sleeping, like your two sons."

Our laughter is interrupted by Daniella who comes into the room all happy making me wonder what they were doing all morning to make her so happy.

"Please tell me you baked some cake for us, I would love to have some."

She pecked my cheeks making Ashley widen her eyes at me. 

"So, Daniella, when did she start to Netflix and chill in your pussy again because am told, I shouldn't let a man do that."

Daniel burst into laughter and couldn't hold it anymore. She looked between Ashely and me and couldn't imagine me saying those words. That was serious and I needed Ashely to be focused. Med school is not a child's game. The way she manages to stay on top and at the same time take Nimo for her practices was amazing and I loved that.

"Baby girl, I ain't telling you that. Whatever she has told you is right. No one is supposed to do that for you. Wear that crown high and don't let nobody touch it."

Ashley agreed to her words and we were back to choosing and deciding the best dress. Ashley went for the red dress. It was shouting but at the same time, it was a real presentation of who she is. Both Daniella and her have a modeling feature but Ashely said she can't keep up with a fucking diet and eating a little. She always loved eating a lot.

"Is Brian making the dress or it's already made?"

"Kinda already and she also chose the red that you guys have chosen. Don't worry he is going to take you to the party, and his ass of a boyfriend Is there with us so you have nothing to get worried about."

We couldn't agree more. She has to go to that party and let that doctor treat her. I just hope she won't have her heart broken up with some jerk because of love, I hate that part.

She left Daniella and me to ourselves as she walked out of the room but collided with the kids who were rushing to our bedroom.

                   "May new come in?"

Nimo was at the doorstep. She was already in but still peeing as if she was not in already.

I nodded for them and had to hit Daniella because I didn't have any clothes on.

Nimo walked in and jumped in bed sitting between Daniella and me while the brothers sat on the lower part of the bed. As much as this was enjoyable, I didn't find it settling. If she decided she wants to get inside the blanket that is going to be a disaster for everyone.

"We are sorry dad, we didn't mean to get mad at you. We know it was hard for you too. We will always be by your side and love you."

I looked at Daniella and then at Rose speaking. When did they think it was the right time to start saying sorry? This can't be their doing, Daniella must have pushed them to the edge to make them do everything.

I looked at Nimo who was now having puppy eyes that I can't say no to. I pulled them closer and held their hands. Both of them, my fingers are huge and their tiny fingers can fit on.

"I love you all, every second of your lives is a step toward forgiveness. I love you all no matter what. I want you to know that. I am sorry I was not there but that doesn't mean that I will never be there, here I am and soon you three will be celebrating your birthdays together and I want you all to be happy about it. Say anything and it will be given unto to you. I love you all, okay?"

They nodded and hugged me tightly. And they were done, it was time for them to jump and go back to the living room. 

"Jade is here and we are going to watch something with him or today's basketball. It was last night's but since you were busy killing us with lectures and big news we didn't watch it. Am I allowed?"

I agreed and they all run out.

     "Say hi to Jade.."

"What did you do this time round?"

Just some weeding and laundry and they got manners rights. I am not sitting down with a bunch of kids who want to act as if they don't get brains. They better be having manners in my house or I will give them one."

Jeez, why is she acting like mama? This is what mama used to do. Force us to weed and do some other chores in the house. I hated it and now it was Nimo, Rose, and Zeke's turn.

"Did my mama send you? That  is the same punishment we were given after a dog broke a maize talk in her orchids."
