
316: It Was Us!

"Where are you going this early? I thought we are going for the dance practice today at eleven?"

Davids was turning on her bed to get hold of Daniella but she couldn't feel her beside her. She woke up and started looking at her in panic. She called her name but she was not responding. She thought that probably she went to the kids' rooms to make sure that they are okay. When she didn't find her there, she thought that maybe she went to fetch something from the kitchen. Looking at her bedside clock, it was seven in the morning. This was early for her to go anywhere in particular. She found her in the dining room eating breakfast. There was no one else in sight. Mirah goes off during the weekends and that meant that she woke up and made breakfast on her own without bothering anyone.

"I am just going to see  Clara, there is some girl stuff that we need to talk about."

Davids looked at her with raised brows. she didn't understand what she was trying to tell her. What does she mean by girls' stuff? She is a girl, only that she doesn't complain of having cramps during her period. That stopped some three years ago, she doesn't go through that anymore.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, no one is going to kill me on the road plus, I am taking the guards with me, that is going to help a lot."

Davids wasn't sure bout the girl stuff that Daniella was talking about. She was acting weirdly and she knew she wasn't going to speak about the girl stuff that she talking about. She didn't want to pressure her with questions so she let her be and decided they meet in practice at eleven as was planned.

Daniella nodded and pecked her on the cheeks. She made s escorts her to the car and waved her goodbye. In the car, she had two female bodyguards with one male security guard driving in the front. That was it and Davids went back into the house. Then kids were still sleeping. They didn't go for practice just like any last weekend of the month.

"Is everything okay? Mum has gone so early, do you want me to sleep with you?"

Davids shook her head but Nimo was up leaving Ashely who was sound asleep after going to another party with Brian last night. At least they didn't misbehave, Brian dropped her off before heading to his boyfriend's house.

Nimo walked out of the door before Davids could close the door. She saw the plates on the table and jumped up picking up the remaining food and munching on it, filling the cup with the remaining coffee that her mother left in the kettle.

"Don't ever let your mum find you do that, she will chop your head off."

Nimo smiled and moved the utensils in the kitchen before joining David in bed. Davids. In ned. She was tired from yesterday's heavy work and had to take a rest today, she knew her secretary will do a good job at making sure everything is in order.

"When should I wake you, I know Zeke and Rose will barge in here and demand to sleep too, should I allow them?"

Davids pulled her to bed and covered her to make her keep quiet but they were interrupted by a phone call.


Back in Damien's house, Clara was up too. She pumped the milk for the baby and washed up. When Damien woke up, he found her already dressed up in some skinny jeans and a navy blue cardigan. 

"I thought we are going to the dance rehearsal with Daniella and Davids at eleven?"

Clara smiled and pecked him on the cheeks. 

"I will be there, I need to help Daniella with some girls' stuff, I hope you won't mind coming with the baby to the rehearsal, or in case Nimo comes here with Ashley, you will leave the baby here with them, Ashely knows how to take care of the baby and to give her milk while Nimo knows how to calm her down. Just tell the guards not to allow Zeke to drink the pool water, he loves it a lot and it will lead to another round of stomach ache."

Damien nodded after making sure she got into the car with the guards. He waved goodbye while standing on the patio and watching her leave. He sighed and went back in to call Davids who confirmed that Daniella had also left.

"Hello, I thought you were up going with Danielle to talk about some girls' stuff, what are you doing groaning from bed?"

Davids chuckled on the phone.

"The last time I checked,  didn't have my menses or I didn't wear a thong. I don't put on wigs or make-up so I don't qualify as a girl maybe they have their issue, are you worried or you are just jealous?"

Damien sighed over the phone before opening his mouth again.

"Shut up, I am not jealous, it's normal. I will see you at eleven, are the kids coming over? I need their help with the baby."

Davids told him they are going to come over and Damien was excited to hear about that. Davids knew how hard it is for Damien to take care of the baby. 

In the International hotel. Mum Vicky had arrived with her bodyguards. The had to sweep the place to ensure that it was safe to be there. She was told that her host was waiting for her I'm the room. She was surprised when the two girls told her that they need to speak with her. She woke up early and kissed Black a goodbye negative leaving him to his exercise in the morning.

Walking to the room, Vicky found the two ladies' bodyguards stationed outside the room. Daniella and Clara were inside the room looking all nervous. When they heard the door open, they all stood up and tried to be calm while staring at the door. 

Mum Vicky walked in, she raised her browse seeing the two girls there. She didn't think there was something unusual. She knows Davids won't probably be assaulting Daniella to have her call her for a private meeting and Clara won't be having any hard time with the baby to have them converged in this place.

"You want some coffee? They have some good coffee here, they served us and there is more."

The mood in the room was tense and Daniella was trying all she can do to make sure that everything goes as planned. They had only two weeks before she becomes an official daughter-in-law to Mum Vicky and she didn't want to be that without removing the hard rock on her chest.

Mum Vicky nodded while removing her trench coat and placing it down. She then sat opposite the two girls and sipped her coffee. She could see that they were very tense and she wondered what must have gone wrong for them to ask for her. 

She had received that text on Monday evening. She was done with the dress from another customer. Brian had asked to work on the bottom part of the dress for finishing. Today she was supposed to start on Daniella's dress and she wanted to focus on it but she had to keep it on hold because of the urgency of the text.

Daniella was hitting Clara's feet under the table. They didn't know what to start with, or how to start the conversation. They were just there trying to have the other person start the conversation.

Done with the first cup without the girls talking, Mum Vicky thought it was nice to start talking because she didn't see any of them speaking soon.

"You need more coffee, we can make another one, or we can order some room service."

"Okay, cut the chase and tell me what is going on, is Davids assaulting you? I will make sure I crash her if she is doing that or is she cheating, I know many girls want her out there even the one in her office, so tell me because I will remind her who she is, even my husband never cheated, though he used to be a playboy in high school, that was before we met. I will hate to hear, that Daniella is cheating on you.

"No, no Davids would never do that. She would prefer to call you and tell you the issue than beat me up. She will never beat me up, that is not how you raised her, you know that."

  Mum Vicky turned her head to Clara. She was coughing on the voice after Mum Vicky talked about her husband.

"Is the baby giving you some hard time, because she is supposed to give you a very hard time, or is Damien whoring around because I will slap his big head?"

"What, no, he can't do that plus, he has the baby to take care of now, he would rather spend all day with the baby  than even go outside."

"Then why am I here, why am I here? I can see you are both shaking as if someone is beating you up or is there Something else?"

Daniella looked at Clara and Clara stared back at her. They were not saying anything and Mum Vicky stood from her seat. 

"I think, I need to go, I have a lot of things to do, my Mantra teacher is supposed to be guiding me through some lessons and all you guys can do is make me sit here for nothing!"


Shouted Clara.

She turned back end looked at Clara who wanted to stretch her hands at her but retired them back to where it was supposed to be.

"We are sorry, we are the ones who hit your head that night we hit you with a vase and you couldn't remember anything else because there was a chemical that we made you sniff it, then you couldn't remember a thing, we are so sorry for everything that happened"

Daniella was rapping right now and she couldn't believe that those words were coming out of her mouth.

"And she fears that she can't marry your son, I mean Davids with all that. She wanted to tell you first, to ask for your forgiveness. I am also sorry, I was with her that day. We were told to grab some documents from your house but we couldn't get any of them so we just let everything be. we are truly sorry mum Vicky, I know you are going to take action as you want but we wanted to come clean and make sure that you listen from our mouths than from someone else."