
303: No Dick!

🥀Meanwhile, let's put The Kenyans is Prayer as they prepare for their general election on Tuesday🌹

The whole team was staring at Davids. They didn't know what to do next. They wanted to think of all ways they could get to Chinatown and start the process of extraction but they couldn't go there without the heads up from Davids. 

"Maybe I should call Daniella, I hate the idea but I have to call her."

Davids said looking at Dominic who was standing in front of her. They had no option because Daniella must be informed of what is going on. They feared for the worse if they tell Daniella. She will be shouting all over the place and Davids didn't want that for her. She gently asked Dominic's team to converge somewhere as she headed to pick up Daniella from her class. This was the only thing that was going to help, lie to Amanda that they are exchanging Nimo for Daniella and then rescue both of them. 

Arriving at the school compound. She found the guards in place waiting for Daniella to walk out of class. She stood by the class entrance, wanting to knock because she couldn't wait for the class to end. She had to make sure that she gets out early before they start the search. The door opened and the other student walked, they were staring at her. She hid her face and looked to the other side to let them go first. Daniella was the last to walk out. She had a little discussion during her lecture.

Walking out of class, Daniella raised her brows at her. As much as she was happy that Davids came to pick her up, she was still suspicious about the picking. She has guards today so the possibility of Davids picking her was minimal, but seeing her there brightened her face.

"To what do I owe this visit, you can't be visiting me out of nowhere, are we going to pick Nimo and Ashley?"

Fuck, she had not picked Ashley, maybe ask one of the guards to go pick her up. She will be happy to be picked or she might find she is already in the house trying to make herself comfortable. Davids called Mirah to make sure she is in the house before she dispatched a team to get her from college.

"She was here early, she said the CAT bounced and she didn't want to bother you."

Davids asked the guards to pick her up from the house and take her to her parent's house, she would be better there than being all alone, she might calm the two boys while they save Nimo. 

Now Davids had one problem, Daniella, how was she going to tell her that her daughter was kidnapped by the woman she called mother? Yeah, she had not been told by her father that Amanda was not her mother, Mr. Brown chickened out and feared breaking her heart.

Sitting in the car, Daniella was busy eating some crisp that Davids had got her. She loved them and she couldn't help but lick her fingers when it was over. She asked Davids to get her more but Davids didn't respond, instead, she asked her to walk out of the car.

                    "Is Everything okay, baby?"

"I love this environment, it is cool serene, and amazing. Do you think one day we can come and hike in this place?"

Daniella was surprised by her words. She didn't expect Davids to be talking about that. 

                             "What happened?"

Davids looked at her eyes and quickly grabbed her hands, she settled her down on the grass. 

"I love you and I don't want to lose you baby, but I am afraid, Nimo was taken, Ananda got her from the school!"


She quickly withdrew her hands from Davids and jumped back while sitting down. Tears voluntarily streamed down her face while she tried to talk but nothing was getting out of her mouth. All she should see was black. Darkness before she passed out. 

               "I need help, she has passed out,"

Davids called for her bodyguards, her hands were shaking while trying to give her first aid. She couldn't do anything instead, she was shaking and unable to do anything. She looked at her while the bodyguards tried their best to bring her back. After five minutes she was back and her eyes were red from crying She looked at Davids who was also crying. She hugged her tightly. 

"I am sorry baby, I am sorry that I couldn't do anything to save her."

Davids was crying while hugging Daniella. They stayed in the position sometimes trying to console each other. Davids had to explain everything but she realized that with every explanation, Daniella would be broken more. She hated it and wanted her to be okay without any problem. That didn't happen, Daniella was dying on the inside with every detail that was given to her. She quickly responded to the deal and accepted to be the sacrificial lamb. She was ready to die and save her daughter who was being held, hostage. She didn't think of anything else, apart from dying and saving Nimo.

"I want to go right now, I want to be there and save my baby, I can't let Nimo be the one on the line. I know right now she is scared out of her wits and wants to do anything to run out of that place."

Daniella was worried, just hearing about the incident. It could be seen in her eyes. As much as she wanted to be strong, she couldn't be strong enough. Davids was there to make sure that nothing bad happens to her. She hugged her through the ride until they got to where Dominic was.

They waited for Amanda's call. This time around, with Daniella holding the phone, she waited for the call.

                 "Daniella baby, how are you doing?"

Amanda's voice came through, it was rough and at the same time trying to convince Daniella not to fear her. Daniella wanted to shout but at the same time, she asked for her daughter. 

              "Mum, hi,"

She was surprised that Nimo was acting tougher than she was. Daniella shed a tear before responding to her daughter.

"Mommy is here baby, how are you doing, has anyone touched you? Are you okay? Don't take anything they give you, just be calm, mommy is coming to save you baby okay?"

"Is daddy with you there, I want to speak to daddy."

Davids picked up the phone and placed it on speaker. Everyone has to listen to what she was saying, she might be having some tips on how to save her.

             "How are you baby?"

"Why is mummy crying, I don't want her to be sad, please make sure she is not crying because I love her and will be okay."

Daniella couldn't bear any of it. She was shaking. How could her daughter be so calm and here she was, breaking down every second? 

             "Mommy loves you, and she wants to make sure you are okay."

Nimo cleared her voice and said she was fine. Amanda asked them to meet in The city hall that was deserted, they had to disagree and they suggested the City Park. That was a mutual ground.

That was the best part of New York and people going to be around the place. Some guards who were sent as plain detectives were trying to see if by any chance they could see Amanda and Nimo walking out of the place. 

They were not positive, they said they couldn't see any of them around. They had to wait by the bus station to see whether they were walking out of The place. After some minutes. A woman could be seen in a hijab walking out of the abandoned building in the suburbs of Chinatown. The guards were ready to take the woman and save the child but they were asked to stand down, some two men could be seen walking out of nowhere and accompanying the woman. The bodyguards had to stand down in fear that she might have more men. They followed her and made sure that they know the numbers of allies the woman had.

Amanda wasn't afraid of anything, she walked to the park and sat Nimo down next to her. Her eyes were darting everywhere. Her two men were strategically placed in position. Two guards took the opportunity to take them down but they had to wait until they see the other team.

"Why are you so sad, you know I have never been sad before."

Nimo was questioning Amanda who wa silently sitting beside her with a gun to her waist.

She pushed the gun further to her waist and asked her to keep quiet. Nimo hated to keep quiet when she is near someone. This is why Jade was found of her. She would talk about anything and say anything that she wants to say. 

"Are you my grandmother? I will be happy to have you as my grandmother."

Amanda was angry at her, she was mad that, Daniella gave her kids more attention than she did, and she didn't want that to happen. She wanted Daniella to focus on her and not on the kids who don't even look like her.

"It's because of you she isn't with me anymore, but with that woman David you, call 'father' and she doesn't even have a dick?"

Nimo closed her ears after hearing her use the bad words that her parents warned her not to use.

                "Why are you closing your ears?"

 "I am not going to you use bad words. You are sad and have a bad vibe to me. I like positive people, that's the only way I love to live, so let's as well keep quiet and listen to the children play as I wait for my parents to come and shoot your head.