
282: He Was In......

🥀Happy reading❤🌹

I didn't want her to peg me, no, she is still learning and telling her to peg, that is going to be difficult work for her. 

I don't want to say she is not a good person at pleasuring, I enjoy pleasuring her in every what and would rather pleasure her than have her pleasure me. I want to give her all the love that she deserves. I know I can't propose to her the way Damien did but when she is ready, I will make sure I tie a knot on her finger. That is a must. For now, she needs to focus on her studies and the past trauma of Vin and the whole Clanks who were trying to bring her down. As for me, my job is to make sure that she is happy and her life is going on well. I don't want to see a hint of pain or sorrow on her face, all I want to see is happiness all around and that will make me live in peace. 

Watching her say that she wants to peg me, is something different. I had wanted someone to do that to me, maybe she is the right person to do it not right now though.

"Why are you guys shocked? We are supposed to take supper in the restaurant, the kids are going to be there!"

Why did mum invite the kids? I thought they were going to be asleep by the time I get home? It's not like I don't want them around but it's almost nine at night and that is going to make matters for them it comes to wake them up for their school.

"Lest go, I think I would want to meet the kids, I know they have missed us."

Daniella was dragging me down to the hall where everybody else was going through. I didn't want to be dragged, I wanted to drag her to my bed and the best meal ever. Looks like she was very hungry to even think of that. I jogged along and we all got into different vehicles. I knew this was going to be a family thing, but I would have wanted to have Daniella by myself this evening. Remind me to buy a house far away from my family when I get married, and maybe remind Damien too.  Too bad, Damien won't agree to it, he would rather stick his ass in the family than be away, since his uncle is always in the big house visiting once or twice.

Brian and Damien used the other vehicle leaving Daniella and me to the limo the way I wanted. I didn't want to disturb Daniel but I was still digesting the pegging thing because it was eating me up. What if I give her an opportunity, will it be bad? I mean she deserves to be happy and if her happiness means that she is going to peg me then she can do it but right now, she still needs to be done with the fact that she can't. 

She was awfully quiet in the car which bothered me, I hope telling her that she couldn't peg me didn't bring animosity between the two of us. I said she can't be sad even a little and I needed to make sure that she is not sad. 

            Are we okay? You are quiet?

She looked at me and smiled. I didn't know who messed her up this evening but I wanted to know who did it because they can't do that to her. She deserved to be happy as everyone is.  

"Nothing is wrong, I am just hungry and I need to have a meal before my worms start fighting for nothing."

I chuckled at her statement. She has some funny and weird compliments that I still love though they are lame.

The ride to the hotel was short, arriving there, the kids were there all chubby and excited to meet us. 

Good lawd, is she going to wear anything else apart from the basketball jersey?

Nimo was in her basket ba Jersy, this is the time I wish she could have met some celebrity from the NBA. I will make sure she attends a game on these fine days. She is so into the game that she can eat, sleep and talk without thinking about the game. It's like she was born with the basketball. 

"Let her be, look at her siblings, all in suits and nice clothes, but for her, the basketball jersey and some shorts for the night and those, wait, did you buy her those high-end sneakers?"

I looked at Nimo's foot and all I saw were the Jordan high heel sneaker on her feet. She surely did wear them. I thought she was going to say she doesn't love them. I didn't know the type of sneakers to get her so I had to get those.

They are normal shoe babe doesn't worry about them.

"Don't worry about them, they cost almost three thousand dollars for those. You know I had been saving just to get her those pairs but I couldn't?"

I smiled and pinched her cheeks, she looked cute when she is arguing about shoes that I could just get easier. She didn't have to worry about them. I got her back and that should tell her that I can get the babies anything that they want. Nothing is going to change that.

Just pretend you didn't see that. Let's go say 'hi' to them.

"Hey dad, so did you guys see any person I know?"

Nimo was the first one to shout when she saw me standing in front of her. His braided lines were making her look all cute. She even had a basketball handbag with her. I think we should now get her a basketball bed to match everything that looks like a basketball.

"We saw Miley Cyrus, does that make you feel better?"

Daniela decided to hop into the conversation.  I know Nimo hates sad songs. 

"She has sad songs, I don't want to be Rose who Abrianna makes to listen to the sad songs, my work requires me to listen to energizing songs."

Okay, now who was Abrianna again? I thought Rose was his own man, how comes a girl make her listen to sad songs? Kids nowadays. 

When do they listen to these songs in the first place?

"Oh, she has an mp3 player that she sneaks to school with the help of his brother.  They listen to it every break and when they are eating their lunch. They would pretend that they are wearing hoodies and put the caps on but they are listening to sad songs. Adrian's threatened to play those when Rose breaks her heart."

Okay, enough with the snitching, let's pretend we haven't heard anything else apart from the two listening to music and sad Miley Cyrus songs. Can we now eat plus where are your two brothers?

Nimo looked around and found Zeke and Rose focused in ascertain man. 

                        "Is that Lil Nax?"

Everyone's eyes looked in the direction of Nimo's hands.  It was indeed him. No one wanted to look for Brian because they were expecting a scornful face.  They knew he would be furious at them for speaking about him. Surprisingly, Brian was standing next to the boys who were listening to Lil Nax. Nimo rushed over there and took a selfie leaving all of us behind. 

When the chit-chat was over, they returned to our sits and we ordered our meals. Everyone was at the table and various dishes were ordered. Since we have a private spot, it was good to talk about how we wanted and say whatever we wanted to say. Damien and Clara had the attention and even the kids were now wondering why all the attention? They didn't understand why they were engaged but to Rose, he seemed to understand just right what was happening. I fear that he might be in some deep shit with Abrianna but I am not going to engage in children's fights. Children and their things as an adult need to focus on our things. 

The meal was appetizing and delicious, suddenly I got a text that required my urgent attention. Looking into the text, I was needed outside. I decided to excuse myself not saying where I was going. 

Daniella raised her brows and I knew she was mad that I was leaving the dinner table without saying where I was going I walked quickly in the direction that I was given. It was my inspector, the guy I had given the work to investigate Vin and the whole family. 

He was sitting calmly in the lower area of the restaurant sipping his cup of tea. I didn't know why he was calling me at this time but what bothered me was the security of my loved one. I was not convinced that the Clanks were all away and they won't give us any problem. As much as my parents are trying to convince me about it, I am not convinced.

                 "He was in the event!"
