
268: Finish The JOB!

🥀Happy Reading😍🌹

                       Daniella's P.O.V

I was woken by the noise from the door. It was being banged I think for some time now. Walking up, Davids was caging me, her legs caging my body and her hands were wrapped around my chest. My face was pinned deep on her chest. I didn't realise how tight it was until I woke up from the knock at the door. Opening my eyes, I was struggling to get out of Davids's grasp but she was not removing me from the grasp. I gently slipped down her waist and walked out of the head. Fuck I didn't even have my clothes on. My body was all pinkish with some bite mikes all over. Wow, she did me last night, stepping on the ground and my legs were not standing even properly. They were shaking all over and I bet I will just fall. I grabbed the sheets and tried to support myself. I stood up and walked to the door. 

                "What happened to your face and good morning?"

Nimo was at the door. Looking all dressed up and ready for school. Fuck we had forgotten that they were supposed to go to school today. This is going to be messed up. 

"What's wrong with you? Aren't you going to say morning, maybe you should let me see uncle Davids before we go to school because she needs to take us to school?"

I cleared my voice and looked at her. I didn't know how to tell her to go back she will call her. Noelle watching how distraught I was, walked past me and went to the room where Davids was sleeping. 

She knows the place like the palm of her hand. Arriving at the side of the bed, she climbed the side of the bed and sat down patting Davids's face. 

Davids was not even looking at her instead, she was busy struggling, stretching her hands and trying to look for something on the other side of the bed, she suddenly woke up with a worried face.


Panic filled her voice as she looked around. Noelle was next to her trying to laugh but she then looked at her and raised her brows. 

          "Where is Daniella?"

She panicked and looked lost while asking for my name. 

"What's wrong with you, who is Daniella, unless you are referring to my mother because she is standing by the door with marks all over her face. Plus what's wrong with your hair and the smell of my mother's perfume on your face?"

Davids raised her brows at her and pinches her cheeks. 

"Focus on your school, plus I thought you are supposed to be in school. What are you doing here?"

David was not looking in my direction. She was focused on Nimo as if I was not around. Maybe she is not interested in me as she is with the Nimo. 

Nimo stood from the bed and asked her to take them to school because they were ready. Davids raised her brows and looked at the clock on the bedside. She knew it was late and she had better hurry or the kids are going to get late. She hasn't even bathed or even brushed her teeth. 

I walked out of the room to maybe help Rose and Zeke. They are probably trying to put on their shirts and shoes. Tim was already in and he was setting the table. 

         Wow, do you do this every day? 

I asked looking at the meal that was placed on the table. There were no oats or cornflakes. The kids dont love those nowadays. Zeke and Noella love coffee or tea with milk. I heard even Rose doesn't love any of that. When they are at their grandma's place, they eat like grown-ups. Use the forks and knives like a pro. 

Tim told me that was his job. To cook for them and make sure they are full.

Knocking-in into their room, they didn't even hear because I heard Rose trying to complain about a missing button. While Zeke was complaining that his shoes were not that clean. 

Walking into them, they all shut up. Looked at me as if I and asked them not to open their mouth. 

"Oh, hi mum, sorry we are kind of late. Dad is supposed to wake us up. Is she around because we are going to detention today."

I knew Davids was not going to allow them to be placed in detention but at the same time, detention, why is that name familiar? They don't need to be worried about that. 

I helped them dress up. Zeke's shoes were just okay, he loves complaining. 

Wait, are these real gold? Why are you guys using gold for your cufflinks?

I thought that kids were not allowed to have gold cufflinks, just normal cufflinks were okay. Plus they have marked them all written in Capital B. 

This is too much spoiling. They can get some normal cufflinks, not some gold that will have them kidnapped. The two kids were just worried and not even speaking. Instead, they were just looking at me as if I was speaking Spanish or something else. 

    "Are you okay mama? We wear gold cufflinks every day and if they get lost dad makes sure that they are exchanged before we go to school. You can't take them, because I can't go to school without them."

Rose was telling me with the buttons of his shorts still hanging. I was perfectly fine. I wish you knew the type of night I had. Not now though, I needed to talk to Davids about the spoiling. Why gold he can get them normal 

I walked out of the room and went to sit at the table waiting for them to come out. 

I looked at the delicacies on the table. I picked a glass of juice and some meat that was neatly fried. I think Brian has taught me very bad behaviour. He eats a steak in the morning. I am now addicted. 

The two boys came in and sat next to me. Checking each other than looking at me. I wanted to talk but the meal that Tim had made was so juicy to have me even talking. They placed their meal on their plates. Nimo and Davids were not yet out. 

But then the door opened and they were out talking about whatever I dont know. Davids didn't care about me. Looks like what we had last night was just a rebound. 

I focused on my meal and Davids sat next to me as yesterday. Nimo took her sit and they were not staring at me, except for Davids, who was busy with her meal.

    "Mum, what happened to your neck?"

I suddenly threw my hands to my neck and hid everything that they were talking about. My legs accidentally hit Davids's legs. Davids choked on her meal and poured a glass of water that she had in her hands. 

Her pants were now wet and I was to be blamed, but who is responsible for this, it was her, all these bite marks she placed all over my body are now a piece of evidence enough that something happened last night.

    I am so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen. 

I thought she was going to give me a mad face, instead, she grabbed my hand and the steak that I had in my hand was coming with me. The kids stood looking at our situation but Jake walked into the adjacent room and locked the door behind her, pinning me to the wall, she grabbed the meat that was in my hand and munched on it. I felt my mid-thigh moisten as I saw the way she was swallowing the meat. Done, she grabbed my fingers and licked them, very seductively giving me a tingling feeling. I wanted to feel her once more, but just a few meters, the kids are in the living room eating their breakfast, they will hear about this. 

Davids looked into my eyes, I didn't know what she was going to do next. Instead, she moved near my mouth and looked at me. She brought her lips closer to mine but doesn't look at them, instead, she grabs my ass and placed it on top of the bathroom counter.

I was lost in words, instead of telling her to stop, the kids will hear us, and my lips and mouth are quick to jump onto her. She is not allowing me to grab her lips too. 

She moved again and brought her lips closer to mine, but instead, her hands were dipped into my pussy and they made me gasp as I let out a silent moan. I was afraid that the kids are going to hear my moans so I covered my mouth but Davids removed my hands and told me she loved to hear my voice. 

She moved her hands deep inside my pussy, they are huge and long and all I want is having her in me without removing her. Curling my toes, I felt all the tension crumble down, but when I was almost, she suddenly removed her hands and went to the sink to wash her hands.

               What the fuck?

"You can dress up we take the kids to school then you prepare for your school later or job, I know Brian will be waiting for you."

Is she serious? After doing all that and she is leaving me all high and dry without fishing her JoB?