
232: Leave My Husband Alone!

  Walking and patting wasn't an easy task, Vin had assured them that it's going to be hard to get what they want because most of the time names and numbers get changed in seconds. 

    When you talk about names and numbers, sometimes you will find the rooms get changed so getting one room is going to be difficult because it has been taken up with other rooms.

    They walked slowly and then they reached the main entrance, they had to kill the four guards who were at the place to make sure that they didn't raise any alarm on the other side. 

    The team that walked in via the main entrance also said that they were successful and were trying to find their way through the main entrance. 

    "Okay, we have two minutes to stay still, and in those two minutes, we have to wait until the doors change to be able to get inside. So prepare yourselves very well and make sure no one is hurt or injured during the process. In the ten minutes that we will be inside the place, make sure we hit most doors as we can, we are going to leave the main laboratory area for the other team so that they can execute the vacation process, slowly and carefully without any problem, us a team let's try and find out the two important people that we are supposed to look for," that was Antonio's piece of Advice. 

    Vicky nodded and placed his head focused. She knew this all needed her to be careful. As much as she was careful in nurse classes and at the hospital, she wanted to make sure that she is more confident in what she is doing.

    The two minutes felt like a whole two hours of waiting.

    When they heard the bell ringing from the other side, they quickly positioned themselves, if someone found a man in black, they had to execute him or her and replace him. This wasn't easier as it seems.

 They had also to take their trackers with them to avoid raising suspicions to the guys who were watching the cameras. 

    They were told that there are no cameras inside the rooms and the cameras are outside the rooms and in the corridor. If the camera motions reset after every ten minutes it means for those ten minutes the could execute the guard before the camera resets.

    Andrew in the morgue was busy.

    He walked around the morgue trying to look for any uniform that was laying around with no use. He wasn't successful, all he could see were dead bodies lying around, and the refrigerators were full making other bodies to be thrown on the ground carelessly.

    'Where are your clothes, I need them,' he thought to himself as he tried to identify the bodies. 

    What he realized was the guards have certain marks on their bodies to make them look different from the others. What he didn't know is whether the marks are going to be scanned to identify a fake from real guards. 

    There are more new guards produced every day which means they can't have any new guards sealed if they are going to be disposed of the following day.

    He didn't find the marks on these bodies, he thought maybe what he has been thinking of might be true. 

    Trying to look further, he heard a commotion outside the door. He didn't know what was going on and he removed his gun and cocked it ready for any action.

    Suddenly he saw someone thrown inside the room and the second person also jumped inside the room following the first person. He hid in the piles of bodies to watch what was happening. The two guys were fighting against each other. The second guy managed to throw him down and slit his throat.


    "One down at the morgue I repeat one down at the morgue," he saw him talk through his hands. 

'What the fuck is going on here?' He thought to himself.

    Andrew was caught in fear. He didn't know which type of people were inside this place, but he was determined not to die all alone. 

    "Hands up, lift your fucking hands," said Andrew from his hiding point. 

The second guy didn't understand where the voice was coming from. He turned around but knew that it will be stupid to shoot all around the place. 

    He obeyed the order and raised his hands,  placing his gun down but with a lot of carefulness. He knew this was not going to end well, if there was a second guard in the room then he was as well as dead. 

    "Who are you and why have you killed him?" Came Andrew's voice. 

    The man didn't answer, he was turning around trying to get the gliomas if the person talking, Andrew jumped out of his hiding and threw the man to the ground. 

    Holding his hands back he repeated the same question but with anger and emphasis.

    The man didn't answer but instead, he chuckled. He didn't need to. When someone asks them a question and they knew their life is in danger, all the have to do is act brave even though they were afraid.

    Agitated with the man, Andrew wanted to shoot his head so that he can take his clothes but he saw something hanging From his neck, removing it, it was a badge from the FBI.

    "Who sent you here?" Asked Andrew. 

    He wanted to smile but at the same time, he couldn't smile because it was hard to believe that FBI are already inside this place and was taking the place down. They might start shooting all over the place and kill Mike. That was something he was not prepared for.

    "Look here dude, I understand you were brought here to work but you guys are not working instead you are killing people and turning them into animals. If you let me go I will make sure the government reconsider you." 

    "Bullshit, we were here with my friend before you, you don't know these guys. They almost used me as an experiment. My friend is somewhere here. What I am trying to do is save him!" Shouted Andrew as he pinned him down further.

    "Wait, who are you and who is your friend?" The FBI guy asked him.

    "Andrew, I am Andrew and I was here with Michael Black."

    "I have found Andrew, please focus on finding Mike," the guy talked back into his hands. 

    Vicky on hearing that, quickly shouted his name making Andrew believe that they were here to save them.

    "Hey bro," started Vicky with tears blocking her vision as she spoke.

    "What are you doing here? Is Annie with you?" Asked Andrew in a panicked voice. 

    He didn't expect to see Vicky of all the people inside this cursed place.

    "No bro, they are at home with Brian, but I promised to bring both of you safe with me, please take care until we meet," said Vicky.

    Andrew let the hands of the FBI guy go and he stood up. 

    "Why did you guys bring her here, this place is dangerous and anything can happen, you could have just let her stay back," said Andrew as the FBI guys helped him to change into the dead guard's clothes.

    "Go ask her that, she said she is coming no matter what? You wanted us to say no then she comes all alone?"

    Andrew knew Vicky is stubborn and even before she left the house, they must have persuaded her to stop following them but maybe she refused to listen to them and followed still. He couldn't blame her, she must have wanted to see her husband that much that she didn't care where they were going to get him.

    "I am Martin by the way," said the FBI agent.

    "Nice to meet you, so what's the plan?" Asked Andrew once he was fully in the gear of a guard.

    "I don't know, the first ten minutes before the doors change, we are supposed to be killing different guards to access different doors. This was my first doo and I am lucky that I found you inside after killing that guard."

    Andrew nodded to his words, that was what they all wanted, wipe all the guards and come up by the guards themselves.

    "You must also know that the rank here depends on the type of guard you are. And the people in white lab coats are below the guards." Advised Andrew.

    Martin nodded then realization hit him, "did you say the ranks determined the type of guard you are? What if I am having clothe with these marks?" Asked Martin as she showed the three stripes on his shoulder.

    "There is something that they hold in their hands, it looks like a button but it is not one, it can be squeezed to give orders, that is held by their boss, so if we get that then we are going to command everybody!"

    Martin spoke with Antonio and they aimed for the buttons. 

    Vicky and Antonio had arrived at a door that had many guards.

 These guards were walking a straight line without stopping. They would move, up and down, up and down. Executing them was going to be hard because they have to walk in a single file while going up and down.

    "I think Mike is in there, and if he wasn't in there then these guys won't be matching here all day," told Vicky.

    Antonio had to confirm with Vin. He is the only person who knew how everything was going on here.

    "Vin has said, for Clank's room, there are only two huge Men's at the door. Then his door is black, unlike the other doors that have the sky blue colour."

    "That is the door below us, but it didn't have any guards, so what do you think?" Asked Vicky.

"Call for more guys to help us know whether it's the door," said Antonio.

They moved downs slowly. Taking one step at a time. They were avoiding the lift at all costs because it had a lot of cameras and one needed a badge before he could use in. Without one, you are executed electrically in the lift.

Standing that the black door. Vicky stood at the entrance. 

The whole building didn't use any female guards, so if Vicky shows her face the guards will be surprised leaving the opportunity for Antonio and the other men to execute the plan.

"I want to be the one touching my husband first," said Vicky. 

Everyone agreed and Vicky knocked at the door. 

They heard footsteps moving closer to the door and Vicky was ready with the hair clips she got from China. They are the real deal for war.

 They act as small needles and at the same time they are holding your hair together.

"We don't have any female guards at this place, who are you?" Shouted the guard with a shocked look on his face when she saw Vicky.

Vicky didn't waste her time, she drove the hair clip into his belly and another one sliced his throat and pushed the body inside moving with it.

Mr clank was not there, but he was in the bedroom, he didn't hear the commotion because he was busy forcing himself on Mike's ass.

Vicky quickly jumped into the room, despite Antonio's protest.

Seeing the situation that was welcoming her, her anger raised and her face become dark all of a sudden.

"Leave my fucking husband alone!"