
224: Faceless Man!

"I just don't want Vin's face following me in my life, I want to see a face different from his, someone I will never compare to him and if possible someone I don't know. Maybe I would be dying to know who he was but not worrying that maybe my child will grow out to be like Vin." Stated Daniella.

Mrs Smith understood her very well. She had emotional trauma that she wanted to wipe the face of Vin away from the surface of the earth. It was all understandable. 

She looked at her features, she was well, what she couldn't unacknowledged 1t is whether she was ready to carry a child of her own. She has her feats, the fear that Daniella may be frustrated with everything that had a connection with the baby. 

Eating well, making sure she is not going through any trauma and whenever she is living, she is safe and not being abused. 

That was all she was worried about. She preferred when Davids was around, things could have been better. Right now, she was just unsure of what to tell her. 

Daniella was waiting for Mrs Smith to say something, probably help her get the sperm or give her another option.

"Are y0u sure you want a child Dee, I don't want you rushing into decisions and later you will die in them or find it hard to Hanover through all those problems," told Mrs Smit?.

"I wish you knew how dear I wanted the kids. Those are the only things I feel will make me happy here. If I tell Vin I am pregnant I know he won't bother around with me and my parents will let me be at peace with everything. So if you are listening to my cries, please, I only have three hours inside this place and even one hour is over so it's only two, please help me get through this. We can go through the profile of various people and I will select who I want."

Mrs Smith felt her pain and recovered something someone once told her, "if she ever comes back, give her what she needs." 

Daniella was barely eighteen, getting pregnant at sixteen was going to be hectic and all Mrs Smith wanted for her was to have good health.

"This is not like defiling me when I am underaged, I just want to escape the physical abuse in the house, Please, mum."

At the mention,n if mum, Mrs Smith Froze. She felt her heart constrict and crush into pieces. It was like her younger daughter Ashley trying to ask for her assistance because she had a problem but she was not focusing on it. 

She walked to her desk and liked at the screen. Tears were flowing down her eyes but she didn't let Dee see any of them. 

The only way to help Dee is by making her pregnant, since The Clank wants babies to do much, they will give her space and she can start figuring out how to escape from them. 

Her heart was heavy as she tried to search for the area where they kept the profiles of men who contributed their sperms.

"Come over and check some of them, meanwhile I will ask one of my specialists to prepare a room for you," said Mrs Dmithbas she hands her the computer.

Left alone, Daniella was going through some of the profile pictures. 

She didn't know what she wanted, all she knew was she wanted a nice looking man who had good characteristics to help her get a baby.

After some scrolling, she felt disgusted by the picture she was seeing around the screen. 

She remembered when Vin first approached her and claimed to be a loner and an introverted person. She was silent, a mere face and smile. When he started abusing her, that's when she realised the type of person he was.

He skipped the faces she saw but none of them doesn't have a picture. 

She kept scrolling until she came across a profile that didn't have a picture. At first,t she felt suspicious that maybe it was just an error but after a quick check into it, it was picture_less. 

She decided to look at the attributes of the person. 

Characters: charming, friendly and I love to joke a lot.

Hair: Curly blond.

Eyes: cat eyes, they are pretty cute)

Height: not tall not short.

She was living the description that was being given here, there was no picture but Daniella wanted to see the person. 

Since we wanted a faceless person and she got it, she was not satisfied and thought that to some extent she wanted to see this person.

"Settled on any of them?" Asked Mrs Smith once she walked back into the room.

"Yeah, but I need your help," said Dee as she showed her the screening.

Mrs Smith looks at the faceless profile but shook her head. 

"He wanted to stay anonymous, if you don't want him just cancel it," said Mrs Smith. 

Dee was amused by the person. To some extent, she thought that it will be good to have the babies and maybe see the father who helped her.

"Just tell me if he is cute and I will be satisfied," said Dee. 

"Extremely satisfied, you will love the kids at the first sight," told Mrs smith and Dee smiled looking at her.

"I think I will take him," Mes Smith nodded and asked Dee to follow her to a certain room.

When they arrived there, Daniella had to remove the clothes as instructed by the nurse. She was then placed in a new dress and placed on the bed. 

The bed had foot stands, it was included so that, Daniella's legs were slightly up and her head incl8ned.

"So, this helps to make sure we transfer all the sperms inside your vagina," said Mrs smith.

Daniel nodded at her words and stayed calm. 

Mrs Smith made sure the whole process was calmly and Dee was also calmed as she felt the cold metals being driven inside her stomach.

She twitched her legs but Mrs Amith helped her to stay calm. 

"Don't move, just be stable," said Mrs smith.

"What if it was?" Asked Daniella. 

She was trying a conversation to help her be calm. 

"We will have a second trial, and the third, but we are trying the first shot to make sure it happens, okay," asked Mrs Smith.

"Sure, I hope so too, when are you guys going back to the island?" Asked Dee.

She wanted Mrs Smith to be around to help her during the process. Though she was not a nutritionist or had anything related to giving birth. She has a child of her own and Dee was sure she would help.

"We took this two years to be here and left the hospital in charge of someone else.," said Mrs Smith.

"If I get pregnant, will you be by my side till I deliver the children?" Asked Daniella.

She tuned yet head to look at Mrs Smith. 

"I will always be here Dee, we have to make sure that you are healthy and everything is going on I'm at," reminded Mrs Smith.

Dee stretched her hands and they met hers, "thank you very much" said Dee as she pulled her hands. 

After the procedure was done, Dee was lifted from the inclining position. The tingling feeling between her thighs made her wobble a bit af6we sometimes she was walking okay.

Mrs Smith checked her watch and realized that they still had some time to talk with Daniella. She wanted to make sure that she advises her before she leaves.

"To start with, you will feel funny, not in a bad way, it will take some time but don't panic. Make sure you take a lot of water and eat well. I will prescribe some medicine for you. Keep them secret but the Vitamin medicine, use them to lie. You can say you were feeling dry so you wanted to get some medicine to help you." 

Daniella nodded to everything 5hay Mrs Smith said. She was glad that she helped her even when she couldn't think it was possible to.

She higher her tight and a lone tear dropped from her eyes. Ashley came in and higher Dee too before kissing her forehead.

"Take care, you are my many now, "Ashley was doing the same thing Davids I'm used to doing to Daniella. 

Daniella smiled and higher her back with a nig smile.

Walking out of the departments, Dee met Mirah very busy with her phone, she didn't want to ask her anything instead, they started walking home.

"Are you feeling any better?" Asked Mirah.

"I will be darling."

They walked out of the hospital, the driver was just looking at them while licking a lollipop in his mouth.

I was almost coming for you guys, but good work you've done pretty quick," said the guard as he looked at the two girls.
