
217: I Will Volunter!

New York, 

In the large suburb area on the outskirts of New York, a beautiful mansion was erected. It was hard to know what was on the inside because of the walls that were erected high up. The security was all over the place. Professionally trained dogs, walking while sniffing around and the security cameras were working all around the clock. 

Inside was the family of The Blacks were seated around the dining table taking their meal as usual. 

Mr Black, dressed in a black suit while his wife Vicky, settled next to each other on the table. Andrew and his wife Annie we're also nicely sitting on the other end holding hands. 

Brian was on the opposite chair watching as everyone was eating silently as they smiled at each other. 

He didn't know how to explain everything to them, thru new evidence that had come up, though the evidence was not yet there, he still wanted to give them a little hope that maybe, Davids will be released from prison and all of them will be one happy family.

He knew how His mother Vicky and dad Mike were all trying to forget the fact that their daughter was in the prison

One Christmas without her, one thanksgiving without her, no happy new year, no happy birthday cards. 

Remembers during Christmas, everyone got a present for Davids, but when they reached her turn to open the presents, they realised that she was not there. 

Brian did his best and placed the presents inside her room. 

On her birthday, he asked everyone to get her presents even if she was not around. One day she will come back home and he will manage to open each and everyone's presents. He wanted to see the happiness on her face the joy that everyone was still thinking about her despite being locked up.

He had neatly arranged them and labelled the dates neatly. When Daniella brought her present, he wanted to throw it away, but he knew that was Davids' option. Either throw it away or keep it.

Looking at everyone at the table, he knew, bringing up the news without getting the evidence first was going to be tragic. This will bring in more problems and they will be taken back to day one of misery, sadness and gloomy faces.

'Maybe I should let them enjoy their love. I ain't need to take that from them, Davids wouldn't approve of that,' thought Brian to himself.

"Any good plans for today Brianna?" Asked Mike as he wiped his mouth.

Brian looked at him and shook his head. Today he didn't have any special plans, apart from Visiting Makena and foreseeing how the project is moving. He wanted to make sure that all of Davids projects were moving on smoothly. Even the little ideas she had, where he could fix it he did it.

She knew Davids would do the same for him if he was in the same situation.

"Your dad ad I wi be visiting the island to look at Mr Brown's idea and then later we will be doing a meeting with some other important people, maybe you may want to join us?" 

Brian raised his brows, there is no day the two men have asked him to follow them. This was looking odd today. What was he going to do with them? Act like he was comfortable talking business when all he wanted to talk about was fashion and style?

I will think about it alter," he said and saw Vicky giving him a look. 

"You know I am also going, I want you with me," said Vicky.

"Will it be okay if I come later, I need to Visit someone who is doing something important first," said Brian and they nodded.

After their meal, everyone dispersed. Brian was asked to use the chopper because it will be quick and easier than waiting for the ferry.

Brian knew why they were going to the island, the only thing that he didn't know is why they had to be in a meeting with everyone. 

Even if he was to benefit because the people who they were talking to may be interested in doing fashion and modelling he knew the invite would be extended in the house.

Later during the day, 

"You've come, at last, I thought you were not coming," said Mike as he helped Brian from the chopper.

"Seriously dad, why are we here?" Asked Brian as he watched Mike instruct the driver to place the chopper in a safer place.

They used the lift to the last floor in the building. The building was dim and there was not enough light. But when they moved to the next room, a lot of light was being illuminated on the wall. 

Brian felt like there were more people in this room than he thought. All of them turned to look at her. 

"What the fuck is going on?"/he shouted looking at Mike then at Andrew.

Mike mentioned for him to sit down. He say on the empty seat but he didn't know who was next to him.

His father, Andrew, was standing next to the projector as he showed some things to the audience. Brian wanted to believe that everyone inside here was ready to help but he didn't know if they truly wanted to.  He had learnt not to trust anyone after they blindly accused her sister of something she didn't do. 

Why are lots of people in there trying to act like they can help her sister out of the same place that she had been forced to go into?

After the presentation, the lights were opened and Brian got to see people who were around. Damien was also there with his uncle. 

He shot his glance and saw Mr Nossy who was from Davids' school. 

He learnt that he managed to steal the school camera and uploaded the images. There was nothing there that implicated Davids but the tear that the principal from Blue mountain was cooperating with The Calnks made it hard to get the copy.

Besides Mr Nossybwas his mother, Mrs Patt, she was bust in her phone you would think she was too old for it but she pretty sure knew what she was d9ungbwhem in it.

Other people were the two trusted security men and other visitors he had never met in his life.

He waited to hear what everyone had to say about the views and what they aren0alnjingnto do to make sure that the people responsible for Davids arrest are placed behind bars.

"We are welcoming any new ideas, anything that can help us find the people. We all know who is behind all these but what we don't have isn't he evidence to try and capture them in the act or anything that can pin them to the problem," stated Andrew.

Mr Brown was fitted in the corner, thinking to himself. He didn't know whether he will be able to see Daniella or not. The idea of seeing her again is what felt him going.

"Since this video alone can't help, why don't we get the original video from the gate? That is what we want. We check whether there was someone else ad the gate to have them implicate Daviss," said Me Nossy.

Other people in the room nodded. 

Brian was watching everyone's reaction. He wanted to see how they were agreeing to help Davids even though they knew nothing.

He watched as Vicky was in the corner, looking at the people who wanted to help her daughter out of prison. He knew she must be sad to think about this. To an extent, he wondered why he didn't say about it when they were at home. Turns out they had started a program she might as well give them the tea.

"Daniella can help. She claims she overdosed and someone was given instructions to rape her. We should look for her. She is hard to find. Did anyone of you know that she is already married? At sixteen, she is barely an adult. Her role is to hear children and she is being abused every day, trust me, the only person we should save here before Davids is Daniella. If she is safe everything is going to be okay."

Everyone turned their faces at Brian.

"Where did you see her, I just want to see my daughter," said Mr Brown as she stood from his chair and moved closer to Brian.

"She is hard to find, maybe if she is allowed her weekly appointment to her saloonist which happens every Friday or Thursday," said Brian and Brown nodded his head.

He didn't know how he was going to start a conversation, but what he knew, is Daniella needed help and there was no way she was going to get it if he doesn't get in the middle of this mess.

"I will volunteer to make sure that she feels okay and make sure that nothing happened to her," shouted Brown.