
206: Deal!

Davids' P.O.V

I am really feeling homesick, most of the time I just want to be alone, just hold myself and hopefully pray that the day is coming and I will be once happy and do everything I want. 

But mostly, I hope to see my parents. When people have visitors, all I think is, will they defy my order and come see me? say hi? Just hug my parents feel their smell and be assured that they are doing okay, that's all that I needed.

In here, there is nothing to make you happy. Miss P had offered me a chance to be in her group but I don't want to. I don't want to engage in some stupid things like sex, killing and forcefully taking things from people who have hard-earned them. 

That's what her group is all about. Last night, one of her people snatched some cash from a new inmate and beat her up very badly. I don't want to be the one doing that. 

So I decided to exclude myself from everyone, I am trying to enjoy my solitude and have little fun here and there.

Wish you knew the type of fun I am having, it's not that fun, I recently asked Miss P to get me an exercise book, though I didn't have money, and the payment was my, Sunday Pizza and well-prepared salad. 

To add a pencil and rubber to it, I was to sell my breakfast, which is well cooked only on Sundays.

That meant, I only get to enjoy dinner, which is not nicely cooked because at breakfast and lunch we dined like queens in the royal family. 

I just forced myself to eat everything, I am getting g used to the food. You can't survive here without food, unlike the first time when I thought it was disgusting.

The book I got saves me a lot, I get to write, sketch and do other small things inside.

Trying different things to develop my previous app, adding more work to my design that is now managed by Brian and writing a small story all on two hundred pages of a sketchbook.

This is that time I am trying to rediscover myself. Defying all the odds and making every moment in here count.

How would you feel if you are four months in here, without a visitor just you alone in your cell?

They moved me from solitary after the doctor's conclusion said that I am not a harm to the other people in the cell, only during my monthly payment (periods).

I was paired up with Abigael. Convicted for murder. She is to serve all her life here and she doesn't care even a little about it. She is happy about it. She said the outside of this cell is the inside of another cell, so she better be inside of this than outside that other cell.

I've always tried to make a sense of her words and she is true. The world is a prison on its own and most people love it here than out there.

She is dramatic, but a brilliant person when it comes to playing basketball and playing games with people. 

She would not start any confrontation with you but if she starts, she will strangle you to death. She doesn't care. 

At twenty-seven and she is jailed for life, I feared her. If something is missing in our room, I would rather give her mine instead of the chaos all day.

Nowadays we are friends, she wins a bet, she buys the prison's chocolates and I get my share. I read her a book, I get something nice, that's how I live in here.

I have been avoiding Miss P, and I don't know if this will make her say who I truly l am or she will go on with her promise and keep her mouth shut to give me a peaceful day in my life.

Tanya has been hovering around me mostly when we are on breaks, I don't know what she truly wants but I hope she is not planning to stage one of her dramas at me again. 

Abigael had suggested I try doing some workouts unless I want to grow a fat belly while inside this place and die from a heart attack because of the cholesterol that they feed people. I was thinking about it and the only way I will be able to do that is by joining Miss P's team. 

I don't know how they will allow me to use their equipment, but as I see Tanya walking towards me, I can as well ask her, now that she keeps asking me when I would reconsider her.

"Hey boy, you still haven't made your decision?" Asked Tanya, once she arrived with her booty shorts and a ragged t-shirt. She looked like an experienced designer but I heard she best up her maths teacher for saying one plus one is not equal to eleven and was chased out of school. Abigael's story.

"I won't be doing that, sweetheart, I have said that over and over, I am not in the mood," I told her.

I am eighteen and the truth is, I don't have any sex stamina, I hated that I was accused of raping someone I didn't and all that just shut me down sex-wise. I bet I wouldn't be in the mood with her even if I wasn't accused.

"Whatever, Miss P needs your presence now," she said and walked out of my face. 

I looked over in Miss P's direction. She was getting her daily massage and drinking her blended juice as usual

I didn't know why my presence was that important today, but I had to go, maybe today is the day I will get the gym privilege.

I walked near her, and two of her girls quickly walked towards me leading me to the seat opposite her. An umbrella was placed over my head and a cup of juice was brought to me. 

As tempting as it looked, I didn't want any drinks today, "you have any water?"

Tanya picked water from the little icebox and handed it to me. 

'Sparkling water? This lady must be living life!' I thought as I ripped off the seal and placed it in my pocket.

Taking two sips, she sent her 'bodyguards,' away and we were only the two of us. 

The other groups watched as the other ladies stood far from me and they turned towards my direction. 

"I need a favour," she started. 

"What favour Muss P?" I was trying to be formal with her in every way possible. This was going to be a mutual benefit and I want it to be a good one.

"I used to have someone who wrote letters for me, but now she was released from prison. I want you to take her position. You will only be writing letters to the people I ask you to and secondly. I know you did a design for the building your family owns in town, I want you to do a deal for my daughter, she needs someone she can pay, and I know you can but I am not going to give you the cash," she said.

"Oh, for the design I will need money, Miss P, my rubbers are almost worn out, I don't have a bathing soap and I also need to eat nicely," I wanted to be bossy. Designing a house meant a lot to me and I was heavily paid to design the building for the company. 

"Okay, we share the money equally," she said and I nodded. Maybe this might be a start for a good friendship and good earnings.

"But letter writing is for free," she said.

"Yeah, but I get to use your gym equipment every morning, the same way you do," I said as I folded my hands in front of her.

"What? Why would you even want the equipment yet you have a good body?" She asked surprised.

"I want it more toned, and I want to know how to fight," I replied.

"Whatever, you get it. But the letter better be spotless, clean, the other writer, used to change the words sometimes, just make sure you don't be that stupid!" She warned. 

I was not planning to be evil when writing her letters, I wanted to gain from every favour she wanted from me. 

"Can I also write letters and you send them for me? I will be happy," I asked.

"That's way too much favour you are asking," she said.

"Come one, the payment will be two dollars for the person receiving the letters," I said. 

"When did you become a business person? Maybe if you ask your brother to make my girlfriend Tanya an official booty short orange in colour and a tasteful top for her birthday, I will get someone to deliver it out of prison," she said.

I know Brian would do anything that might earn her money in the prison, but that will be illegal, I don't want her to suffer because of me. 

I will just ask him to make that one, and I will be able to communicate with them.

"Okay, that's a deal, and just do you remember, I will be handing over the design after my payments, if you don't mind," I said.

"Deal big mouth," she said and we shook hands.

"May I now have the juice?" I asked and she gave me a deadly glare, " water was for my throat first, that's how it works in the business meeting. Refreshments later."

She signalled one of the girls to gave me the juice, I knew who will be rejoiced to have something fancy today before we take our dinner, Abigael.