
203: My First Mistake

Despite her praises, there was no one happy about it in the court, everyone was focused on their thoughts. Most people were on their phones and some journalists were busy typing things into their tablets while others were busy taking some notes. 

Davids knew this was not going to help. Nothing they say will change the minds of the bored jury who were just focused on the sympathy seeking Daniella and her parents. 

Amanda was busy twisting the watch in her hands, as he scrolled through her phone. It seems like the only people who listened to the story was the judge who turned to give his full attention to Vicky and The Black's family, everyone else has zoned out even the lawyers.

Mike was called upon to give his testimony, and just like Vicky, he didn't say a lot of things but he praised his daughter.

"She is the biggest don't I have ever received in this world without paying for it. I am always proud of her. Davids baby, daddy loves you," completed Mike. 

The judge asked the prosecutor side if they had a question and Mr Gali quickly shot his body up and walked to the stand.

"Mr Black, you've said that your daughter here is blameless?" Asked Mr Gali as he pointed at Davids.

"Not even a stain," said Mike.

"I want to submit evidence that, when Davids was twelve years old, the same father who is saying that her daughter is blameless, locked her daughter up in prison for being drunk," 

The whole room was filled with houses all of a sudden. They couldn't believe that she started drinking as early as twelve. 

"Fuck, that's a direct grave for you," said Mr Chen as he looked at Davids. 

Davids knew that was bound to happen, she did a mistake when she was young, what she was happy about, Brian's name was not mentioned. She wanted Brian to remain clean from the limelight and things were going just good for her.

"Mr Black, is this true?" Asked Mr Gali.

Mike didn't deny it, he admitted it, "I punished my child, in a way fit for me. I didn't want her growing to be an alcoholic and things went okay, she was remorseful for what she did and got the community service for it."

"No further question your honour," Mr Gali sat down and the jury was just shaking their head as new revelations kept coming up. 

Davids lawyer Mr Chem was just there, he was not even trying to come up with an idea on how to solve this case. He would just walk in with his brown briefcase, remove the same documents every day and nothing was new. 

Davids got bored but couldn't ask her father to change the lawyers. She just hoped this lawyer was not swindling a lot of money and sucking her parents dry.

"Do we have any other witness who can try and come to our aid?" Asked Vicky. 

Mr Chen looked at me then threw his place at Vicky. "If there was we could t have brought you here today something good about your daughter, I am sorry but that's the only evidence that we hoped would have helped us."

Davids sensed arrogance in his tone, he was not even concerned with anything. Not witness update list, not even some basic questions that they might be asked on the stand.

"The prosecutor side, a heard you were bringing in a new witness to the stand?" Asked the judge and Davids parents threw their gaze at the prosecutor's side. 

"Which witness are they talking about Mr Chen?" Asked Vicky.

Mr Chen feigned a surprised face as he looked at Gali who was already up and addressing 5he audience and the jury.

"I have no idea," said Mr Chen.

Davids knew this was the trend, every day someone new is mentioned he had no idea, then what is his work as a lawyer? She wanted to ask him that but she zipped her mouth and waited for Mr Gali to call for their next witness.

"My honour, this might be something way past but when my witness heard that Davids was arrested for sexually assaulting a teen, she couldn't hide anymore, she decided to come out and speak about what she jas been through in The Black's company whole they were in New York, allow me to call her to the stand," when Mr Gali was finished with his statement, everyone's eyes popped at the door to see who was going to walk in. 

"Rita?" Asked Davids as she looked at her parents. 

"Calm down baby, just chill okay, everything will be okay," said Mike as he patted her shoulders.

Davids watched as she walked up to the stand. She was still the same Rita she knew, nothing has changed about her. Her walking style was still the same. The way she tied her hair was still the same. The only difference that she was posing was her body. She look older than the last time she saw her. Wrinkles had from around her eyes and her body was soaking up.

'My first mistake," thought Davids as she looked at her take the Bible and swore before facing the audience. 

Davids waited to hear I'm her side of the story, she didn't have any idea what she was going to say because all she could never was this girl who is now swearing and lying in front of everyone who did her wrong.

"Miss Rita, can you tell this court what happened in the year 2015, between March and April?" Asked Mr Gali.

"I was alone in the office and Miss Davids was left behind with her father to compete filing some documents because we had a meeting from investors coming to meet Mr Black. After we were done, Davids made nice to me and started talking to me. She was young about fourteen or fifteen, I don't remember clearly.  She asked me my name and I told her. She started telling me that she was interested in me and wanted to know more about me. I thought that what a good kid, she wants to know about me. So we started getting to know each other. After some time, Davids started being aggressive toward me. Sometimes she would force herself on me tore my blouses and said she wants to know what I was hiding. It started with the blouse until she started smacking my butt when I was passing by the office. One day, she decided to stay behind and told her dad that she is waiting for me. I didn't know what she had in mind, but I wish I knew, I could have declined the offer for a ride.  After work, she offered me a ride but told me that she wanted us to go to my apartment. I was hesitant at first but she told me that she would live to know where I lived and her father already knows about the plans.  I agreed and we went to my place. All of a sudden she threatened me to tall all my clothes and remain naked and said that if I don't play for her whole I am naked she will kill me. I knew that they were the important people in the city and I couldn't mess with them. I didn't what she wanted and later she forcefully assaulted me. I couldn't tell anybody about it because Davids was always working around and she would follow me to move me how she never enjoyed a single time with me." 

Davids sighed after she was done with her story, 'white convincing,' she thought to herself as she saw Mr Gali get her a wipe to dry her tears.

"I am sorry for what happened Miss Rita, but could you please confirm that the person you are talk8ng about is inside this court?" Asked Mr Gali.

"Yes, there she is, Davids Black!" 

Davids couldn't do anything, she didn't know how to stand for herself and say it was all false. 

Suddenly, there was a tape placed on their table by Mike, "that's the evidence that she is lying, show it to the court, " that's was the note placed on it.

Mr Chen looked at Mike with a shocked expression, "why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"The same way they didn't tell us about Rita coming to confess," said Mike.

"The defendant side, do you have a question?" Asked the Judge and Mr Chen stood up from his chair and walked to Miss Rita.

"Miss Rita, good morning?" Greeted Mr Chen in a low polite voice.

Miss Rita was still crying and he has to allow her to be done before they go on.

"I am sorry for what happened and I know you've lifted some weight off your shoulders," Miss Rota nodded as she dried her tears.

"Miss Rita, I am going to ask you some questions, will you be able to answer them?" Miss Rita nodded and looked at Mr Chen.

"Are you sure that what you've told the court is true and you don't want to change your statement or story?" Asked Mr hen.

"What are you saying that I am lying to the people inside this court and I have even sworn, plus I know that lying might lead me to jail, so that's the truth!"

"My honour allows me to play this video, it's a tape from The Black's cooperation office in New York and as you can see the dates are written here and they match the same date that the witness has talked about," said Mr Chen.

The judge agreed and the video was aired, people watched as everything that Miss Roat had said was false and nothing was true. 

"Mrs Rita, do you want to change your statement or it's final?" Asked Mr Cjen for the last time. 

"I don't want to change because I was forced to say that, I didn't even want to come here, I knew I did wrong to the family and even lost my job because of that. But they told me to say whatever they had written for me so that I can get another decent and well-paying job," complained Miss Rita.

"Okay, who told you that?" Asked the Judge. 

"I don't know, they just told me to. I didn't see them," the court was up again with another noise. The news reporters were trying their best to know who gave Miss Rita the information to falsify against Davids.

"Miss Rita, you will be sentenced for this, secondly, you assaulted an underage child but yet you dared to come in here and lie about it, that's another thing. The court is dismissed, Mr Gali and Mr Chen are in my Office now!"