
191:She Was Under Age!

Davids was looking around, she was confused, sweating all over the place, her parents have not been allowed to get a glimpse of her, she could hear her mother calling her name over and over in pain as she cried, and her dad was shouting that he needed to see her but they were not allowed. 

Even the one call that she was entitled to have, she hasn't received, she was just thrown inside the cell, her graduation gown had lost its original colour because of the black patches from the old seats. 

She didn't know why she was here or why she was arrested, the only thing she knew was that her rights have been read to her. Her lawyer was supposed to have arrived but still, she hasn't seen anybody. 

All the policemen were doing was, walking up and down, some of them talking to each other while they stared at her as the rest raised their heads occasionally to look at her.

She got a glimpse of the television and all that was being shown was how she was arrested from the graduation grounds, but the reporters were not giving a reason as to why she is in, she could see that they were outside the police station waiting to hear the reason as to why she was arrested.

She saw the policeman who arrested her walking by, "excuse me, excuse me."

The officer looked at both sides before pointing himself and Davids nodded, he walked and stood closer to her, the only thing that was separating her from him was the steel rods, "what do you want you fucking rapist!"

Davids looked at him then at the cell but there was no one inside with her, it was only her, "excuse me?"

The police officer walked away leaving her alone, she didn't get what the police officer was talking about, she has been wandering around town for the whole three days, sleeping at the school storage though she hated the place because it gave her bad memories, some memories she didn't want to think about.

'Rapist? Who did I rape?' She thought to herself as she looked at her hands, 'we didn't touch anyone right?' 

When the same police officer walked past the cell, she called him but he sneered at her, making Dee feel miserable about her situation.

"Davids! Davids!" 

"Mum, in here!" Shouted Davids as soon as she heard her mother's voice walking towards her. 

She run quickly and stood by the steel that was now separating her from the real world. 

Watching her mother rush towards her, she only thought of hugging her so tight but she couldn't, she couldn't feel her warmth, her breath on his chest given that she is taller than her, instead of the sad face, Davids watched as her mother walked towards her with an angry face. 

"Tell me you didn't do it, tell me you didn't rape her Davids, Tell me the truth!" Shouted her mother. 

She looked at her mother with a shocked expression, she wanted to understand what she was talking about but nothing came out of her mouth.

Then Brian walked over to them and stood by the cell looking at her, he knew Davids wouldn't do such a thing but the way accusations were coming in through various social media and many people complaining that Davids tried to seduce them while they were in school was devastating.

Her mother's angry face reminded her of the day they found out that she had been using her cash to sponsor some girl twice her age in the name of love, but this was more than that,  it showed betrayal, disappointment in her and she felt like everything was leaving her body, the person who loved her the most was going to leave her.

Brian scrolled through the post that the tabloids were flooding with and showed her the headlines to ones of the news from his phone, 'DRESSED IN A SHEEP'S, THE WOLF HAS FINALLY DECIDED TO REVEAL HER TRUE IDENTITY, THE HEIRESS TO THE BLACK'S COMPANY IS A RAPIST!'

"What shouted Daniella as she looked at the phone again, rubbing her eyes she threw her glance at the headlines to make sure that this was just a dream and nothing was the truth, she wanted to believe that it was only five minutes and her alarm will ring alerting her to wake up from the horrible dream, but as she continued to stare at the screen, the closer she came to a realization.

"Who said this?" She asked looking at Brian and her mother, but before Brian could open her mouth to give her a response, the news was being aired, all hell broke loose as Davids saw Daniella seated in a chair and the ambulance are all over her, beside her was her mother, Vin and Mr Clank. 

Daniella was being wheeled into the hospital's ambulance as Amanda stood by the ambulance to give the press some news. 

"I have been looking for my daughter for two days now, two days," she started but suddenly went quiet as she sniffed and Mr Clank offered her a handkerchief, "we thought we had lost her but we hadn't, her so-called 'girlfriend,' had kidnapped her and raped her repeatedly, after that she closed her in a room, it was not until someone heard Daniella cry for help that he called 9_1_1 who rescued her, my daughter is bleeding, lots and lots of blood, she is weak but she told us who did this and the footage from the camera are supporting every action that happened and I am surprised with what my daughter went through, she is devasted, the lady she thought was her girlfriend was just lying to her instead she just wanted to take everything from her!" Shouted Amanda in pain as she looked at the camera.

"I haven't even seen Daniella for almost a week mom, she said we took a break and I agreed to it!" She explained to her mother but her mother stretched her hand on the grill and slapped her painfully.

"Who did that then, some pictures have started circulating of you dragging Daniella from their house unnoticed and you went with her to an unidentified location!" Shouted her mother.

Davids knew there was nothing she could do, she rubbed her hand on the place her mother had slapped, she felt the sting and it reminded her of the day she found out about Rita. 

She knew this we going to be another long day of her life, trying to explain herself just to no avail, at this point she regretted walking out of the house, she thought of many ways she could have escaped this situation, confronted her mother about the issue, or call her dad and ask him about Daniella's father, or just seat with them on the table and wait to see, if they admit to doing anything or telling her about it, she would have confronted their whole family. Right now her stupidity sent her straight to the same person she thought she was helping and now she is in the cell accused of rape that she is not sure whether it happened or not.

Vicky didn't even say a damn thing, she walked away from the place, leaving Brian who was standing next to her. 

One thing about Vicky, she never waits for an explanation, when it comes to her children, punishment is the first thing that comes into her mind, right now all she can think of is what happened to Davids to make her be such an inhuman, sexually assault the girl she loved. She couldn't think any of reason to make her look like an innocent person because every finger was pointing at her. 

Brian grabbed her hands and clasped them into his, "I know you didn't do this, probably something bad happened to you, but no raping Daniella, tell me I am right."

Davids looked at him and didn't know what to tell him, all the hands were pointing at her, she was the wolf, she was the rapist but outside she smiled with everyone fooling them that she is a good person. Brian tensed with the silence that Davids was holding, but Davids looked at him.

"Brian you know I was avoiding sex with Daniella because she was still under eighteen, I couldn't do it, I restrained myself every time the idea popped into my head and I was taking things slow with her I don't know how that happened but I swear it was not me," sobbed Davids. 

Brian wiped her tears as he heard Davids confession, they had grown together, she was ill_temoered but not a kind of a person to do something irrational like raping someone. 

Though he knew if this matter escalated, a lot of people are going to be involved, her classmates, where she went to school, some people will be coaxed into lying about the issue and the animosity between the two families will just be getting bigger, many people are going to support Daniella l because she has been in the area for so long, they will gather their supporters and take The Black's underground. 

"Brian, out of there now!" Shouted Vicky and Brian kissed Davids cheeks before walking out of her sight. 

Davids was left alone, she didn't know what was going to happen, 'probably my last day of freedom was today before midway, and this might be another long journey of imprisonment and I will never see the outside of the huge walls, I will never sleep in my bed, shower with the luxurious hot shower and test Annie's delicious meal. Sorry self, I didn't mean to bring us here, sorry for cutting our luxurious life short, our goals are not going to be achieved, evidence is going to pile up and I might face a lifetime because of charges that I don't know about. Sorry for cutting this short!'