
186:Promise Me!

Sorry, not edited.

"No, can't for us, we are almost there," said Mike as the moved closer to the area. The two figures lying on the ground were not moving and someone could easily confuse them with grass. Mike's team walked closer while Andrew's team took cover to protect them.

"Hands in the air, all of you!" Shouted Mike as he placed a gin over the dude with a laptop. 

The guy pretended to be dead and was not making up, Mime signalled his men to take caution because they might be having guns with them and the situation can be worse.

Am I g for his head, he placed the gun there and slowly removed the ghillie suit from his body, he couldn't hide anymore, Mike roughed him up and handcuffed him.

The two men looked at the last one and roughed him up, suddenly a phone vibrated from the dude with dreadlocks, "answer the phone and put it on loudspeaker, don't try to be a hero by telling him that you are cuffed," warned Mike.

"Hello sir," said the gut.

"Stop helloing me you asshole, any results?" Shouted Paul from the other side.

"Sorry we are captur—" he couldn't complete his words because Mike shot his head and the bullet run through his brain leaving a hole.

"Motherfucker! I told you not to say any shit!" Shouted Mike as he picked up the phone but the line was dead.

They destroyed all the gadgets that the team had because Mike feared they might be tracked or be spread on.

"Take them to the basement, they are going to be interrogated!" He explained to his team. 

Andrew and the other team revealed themselves after the captives were captured, "who was on the phone?" Asked Andrew as he looked at the dead man on the ground.

"I couldn't get his voice, but he was telling his boss he has been captured after I warned him not to say a damn thing," told Mike as they walked out of the field and headed back into the house.

"We will get them, Mike, don't give up," said Andrew and Mike just nodded. 

"One problem is Davids's graduation won't go as planned if we haven't caught the attackers," explained Mime in frustration. 

That was the truth, he wanted to invite the whole company and most of Davids friends but he doesn't see that working unless there will be an attacker in the house. 

He jas been frustrated after Vicky's attack, He felt like he had failed Vicky, failed to protect her and allowed someone to attack her making her forget the events of the night.

Walking back into the house, Vicky was in the sitting room trying to come up with designs, Brian on the other hand was trying to make sure that she gets everything she wanted, and things were going great so far. 

"You too look happy," said Mike as he pecked Vicky, "why are you looking at me, you want a peck too?"

Brian threw him a pencil and frowned at him, "I don't need your saliva, it seems like shit," said Brian Jokingly as he left them and went to get an extra glass for Mike. 

"We have caught some men but one of them is dead, we will try and get some information from him," said Mike to Victoria.

He didn't want to the her that he just killed a man because he couldn't listen to what he had told him. He knew all that will come later but not now.

"I will remember who did this, but first deal with that motherfucker!" Said Vicky in a stern voice.

Mike kissed her forehead, her frustration could be felt in the way she was talking. Mike knew this was because of the attack and the way she can't remember anything that happened to her.

Brain walked back and poured some juice for Mike before leaving them, to sort out their love issues and joined Annie in the kitchen.

In school,

Davids was handing in her final high school paper, excited, she picked up her bag and waited for Damien who was still checking for the correct answers. He believed that everything is okay and she didn't miss anything.

"You know Tom Hardy use lots of personification in his book?" Asked Damien startling her fr the thoughts that were racing through her head.

"Thank you, but I am kit talking about any novels until we graduate, remind me to discuss how he expressed symbolism because I don't have any problem with the text," said Davids as he patted his shoulder.

They walked to their hiding point, below the bleachers, the whole school have been given the afternoon to say goodbye to the high schoolers because the only time they are going to meet them is on the streets looking like 'homeless' according to Mrs Tamima.

For Davids and Damien, they were preparing to do that when they will be having the final supper with the whole class in the dining area, right now they were going to meet the two livers of their lives who were waiting for them under the bleachers.

They were surprised when they found they had already brought them food, "why the faces, we can afford to get you two these amazing food," said Daniella.

"Wow, are you like serving us the last supper?" Asked Davids after she saw, ribs, salad, juice and some rice neatly placed on the top of the bleachers and some mini stools were used for sitting.

"Maybe," said Clara as she kissed Damien and Daniella walked up to Davids and gave her a peck on the cheeks.

They sat down and started indulging in the food, "we are going to miss you, doing this and music," said Clara she watched Damien devour his food.

Davids swallowed the food that was in her mouth and looked at her, she has only been in Mountain High for three months and those months have been the amazing days of her life, meeting Daniella, a feisty, dramatic and loving girl, Damien, the silencer, well probably if you are not his friend and Clara, the girl who always says her mind though lives to live in other people's life. They have been best friends so far, she can't say she was lost when she came to the school she has enjoyed every bit of it.

Damien wants a different course from her, which makes it hard for them to join the same university, he feels like they are going to be apart for a very long time and they might lose each other, but at the same time, he feels like communication is going to be everything.

"I wish you were all eighteen so that I can take you with me and make you study near my campus," said Davids.

"Me too, like why can't we go to the same university dude?" Asked Damien. 

They haven't talked about this but Davids felt it will be impossible.

"That can happen, so that if we come to visit we come and stay in one place, Daniella, up ur opinion?" Asked Clara as she looked at Daniella.

"Yeah, that's good," she relief almost upset-minded but quickly composed herself, " babe, why don't you two think about that, it will be a nice opportunity to visit you two instead of going far away from each other."

"Okay, Damien and I will put that into consideration after we have seen the invitation letters which is after graduation, then we will rent the same house and you guys will be coming over, said Davids and the two girls smiled happily at each other.

After their meals, each couple decided to go to their favourite spot, Damien and Clara walked over to the rooftop of the School that was opposite the dining hall, while Davids and Daniella didn't have a great spot in school, so they decided to chill on the bleachers.

Davids looked at Daniella, she seemed lost in thoughts and Davids wanted to ask her what she was thinking about but decided to let her sit wander into her world. Though they still have three weeks to be together, those three weeks were important and they will determine how their lives will change after Davids goes to campus.

"In case we get babies, any favourite names you want for them?" Daniella asked.

Davids was not shocked because that idea has been dominating Daniella's mind and she knew it won't go any time soon.

"If they are both boys, I will prefer Ackerman and Levi I don't have any good names for girls," said Davids. Her parents allowed her to choose her name, when she was born she was just called Balck and she chose her name because she heard her mother talk about her grandfather David, she just decided to add an S at the end of the word to make it unique.

"For girls, I will prefer Maya and Mayra," said Daniella.

"Are you sure we have a name like Mayra?" Asked Davids as she looked at her.

Daniella knew such a name doesn't exist and have was just making it up because she wanted her kids to have matching names.

"You can also create names for them, not a must you follow certain names babe," said Daniella. 

Davids nodded to her, she was correct sometimes, you have to think of names to make your kids name so unique and she lived it though she feels satisfied with the ones she had chosen.

"Davids, I know we have known each other for a very short period but please, promise me that you will always love me, I know I am not the perfect girl but I am trying to be, sometimes I might be annoying, clinging, I don't understand why you do somethings but I am trying to understand myself," Davids looked at her and wondered why she was saying all this, instead of replying, she used her love language, a kiss on her head and a hug and Daniella crept on her body clinging onto her. 

She wanted to ask her what was wrong but she knew Daniella wi her when things are not okay, she believed and trusted her, she doesn't need to force her to do something like telling her what is happened at home or who hurt her when time is ready then they will discuss about it.