
173: Are You Nervous?

The stage was set and everything was ready, Mr Nossy was busy on the phone talking to someone about something important. Damien was busily stationing the cameras around the hall to make sure every action was captured and nothing left. Davids was fitting his costumes, she was hiding from Daniella because she had refused to show her what she will be wearing. Clara and Daniella were just roaming about and some other cast members were busy checking on their instruments to make sure everything was in accordance. 

"Mike check, one-two, Mike check," everyone in the hall became silent and looked at the person using the microphone. Damien who was near shouted at her, "what the hell dude?" 

Davids looked at him and smiled she just wanted to psyche the team up before the play, "as we are preparing, I want us to sing songs to avoid getting bored okay?" 

Everyone nodded, she used the body mic and started on the levitating song, everyone else joined as she sang, winking at Dee to sing along because she had the Dua Lipa's voice she nodded and sang as he tried to rap on Dababy part which she was helped with Victor. 

The psyching made it easier and within minutes they were done with arranging the seats in the theatre, some members were busy checking for the VIP's who wanted ro buy the tickets that included the teachers and some students who could afford them. 

Davids was surprised when she saw the list of special guests for the end year musical, her family, Daniella's Family, The Marcus and "The Prats?" She shouted the last word loudly. Damien who was standing beside her looked at her and checked the list, he knew his uncle is always acknowledged in the town because they sometimes do charity and chair in the board meetings. 

"Do you know her?" Asked Davids pointing a finger at The Prat's name.

Damien laughed at her and looked at Mr Nossy. "That's his family's name, you didn't even ask about it?" 

Davids threw a glance at Mr Nossy and knew that it was not the Prat she knew about because she might have seen Mr Nosy around the area. 

Sighing in relief, she walked to the area where snacks were being sold. They had cooperated with Damien and his uncle on selling some snacks, smokies, fries, popcorn and some hotdogs and some candies which so far was going on well.

She looked at her phone and hoped that her family will arrive early, they tend to come in late for entertainment, though Annie and Brian are always the first to arrive then her mom and dad take long, this was a new school sje was hoping for the best. 

She joined her friends backstage as they wanted for the main play to start, the curtain raisers were getting ready to begin the occasion. Davids didn't want to do a poem because she knew who will make things worse for her she won't prevent herself from messing up on the stage. 

Daniella was busy throwing her eyes on the VIP section to see whether her parents were around and she started getting excited Davids seeing her excited walked behind her and grabbed her waist back to the waiting area.

"They have come, I am only waiting for Emma," sje said excitedly. It dawned to Davids that she didn't tell her about Emma's call, but again she brushed the thoughts because it had been months ever since she called and they must have spoken together and she was here worrying herself about nothing.

"She will be here, don't worry," told Davids as she swung her hands, "are you nervous?"

Daniella blushed and they locked eyes, "why would I be when I am with you, we are going to kill it," 

Davids kissed her lips and then licked her lips making Daniella bite her lips seductively.

"You want to start it now?" Davids asked as she pinched Daniella's cheeks. 

Daniella smiled and hid her face on the crook of Davids's neck. 

"Yoh, your brother is just dope, he has brought in the famous photographers and I can't wait to see how I am going to rock my social media this whole week," said Damien excitedly as he slapped Davids playfully. 

To Davids, that was not the only good news, she knew that at least someone from her family was in the house and that's what she needed for her day to go well.

The claps were heard from the audience as some students called the names of the performers, the last part was the afro dance, which was the most-awaited dance since was Afro_Anerican fusion. Damien had choreographed it but he was not in the dance, that has been his dream to direct one last dance before graduating high school, standing at the corner, he made sure everybody of it was captured and the only place he was going to appear was at the final part to how down to the audience. He smiled as he watched his team come into the light, the girls in their skater skirts and boys in their shorts, you did it!' He told himself as he gave them a thumbs up.

"Come closer guys, closer," called Mr Nossu as he beckoned for the team ro walk closer, standing in front of him, some with their instrument, he rubbed hos nose making the others laugh silently, "we are next, do your best and make sure, the audience feels the worth of their money and time."

The audience nodded and he did his bow in front of them, "and please, let's make ourselves proud, you don't know someone might be there to choose you to join an acting Academy," said Nossy and the other students looked at him with questions in their faces not he didn't say anything else.

As soon as they heard people clapping and call g Damien's name, they positioned themselves into their position waiting for the lights to dim so that they can start.

The centre light was switched on, a looking old man with grey hair on his head and on the chins walked in, bending a little as he support himself with a walking stick, he removed a tobacco pipe from his pocket and some things from a brown envelope. Trying to remove the contents from the envelope, his hands were shaking and it fell, "here, can I help you?" 

The voice startled him, it was Daniella. She had, shirt dress on and her backpack was dangling from one side on her back, she had tied her hair into a neat bun and left some of the tendrils to fall on her side. Removing the tobacco from the envelope she placed them inside the pipe and picked the lighter that was from the old man's hands and lit it up, "thanks sweetheart, you are so lovely, just like her,"

Daniella being the good actor, punched her eyebrows to look at the old man who was blowing a puff in the air, "who are you talking about?" 

The old man looked at her, smiling, and sat next to the stone that was on the stage and patted the space beside her and Daniella sat next to him.

"I  going to tell you a romantic story, " he started.

"Hope it's not about the prince and the princes because my mother told me about it several times and just like Santa that doesn't happen in real life," complained Daniella.

"Hey listen when an elderly person is talking to you, will you?" Shouted the old man making Daniella shut up.

The light became brighter and the clothes that the old man was wearing suddenly came off and she was left with normal clothes, she picked her saxophone and blew some tunes into it, the other members with the same dressing style stood from the audience mad started singing the opening song making the theatre colourful as their voice wee marrying each other, the audience was awed with their styles. 

Mike and Victoria looked at each other, "I thought she was a mad man?" Asked Mike as he lifted his phone to take a picture.

"Maybe it's just the start babe, this kid has lots of surprises," said Vicky.

Mike posted the pictures accompanied by one video, tagging Davids and some of her friends she knew from the stage. He was just doing this for a good purpose but not less than twenty minutes, the audience started to pile up and people were scrabbling from the door trying to see the play that was posted by Mr Black. 

Damien had to use the screen to connect the video they were recording on the screen outside the theatre so that the new audiences had to watch, though they didn't pay. 

Brian watched the way her younger sister was projecting her voice and wondered why she never take it as a profession, Annie also asked the as a thing but they couldn't do it loudly because they knew black will throw them a death glare.