

"One round down, two more to go," she breathed heavily.

"She did it, she did it!" Shouted Clara as she jumped up and down. 

Daniella felt like she was seeing the unseeable. She couldn't believe that Davids did it. Clara hugged her as she jumped up and down. 

The girl inside the room just looked at them hugging each other happily she hoped that she was in that situation but, no, she was not that happy to be in there, she wanted her revenge and the only way she was going to get this revenge is by coming to this competition every year they organise It.

Clara and Dee just looked at her and they wondered why she is not excited then they remembered that, for her, she wanted to get Hugo so maybe when it gets to his time she will be rejoicing.

"How are you feeling dude?" Damien asked Davids as she sat down. 

Giving her the ice that he got from the other teams, she gently placed it on her knees while Damien helped place some on her back. 

"Not bad, I think I might try the next round," she said amidst wincing from the pain. 

"Look, I'm sorry for putting us in this shit, I promise after this I won't be organizing things without informing you guys," apologized Damien. 

Davids looked at him and chuckled. 

"You don't need to be a sorry dude, let's just make sure, your girl is not deflowered by that Hugo guy, she will hate you for the rest of your life," told Davids as she handed him the skateboard to have a look.

"You know next is about board flipping and sliding through the slope," said Damien as he pointed towards the area that they are going to use.

Davids looked at the venue and her heart started thumping in her chest. She knew quite well that this was going to be the end. She wanted to cry, shout and scream but she couldn't. 

She needed to act brave, take time and reflect on what she used ro do with Brian in the park. 

Every time their parents were not around, they could go to the park. Brian loved to hang there so that he could meet his crush, for her, that was the opportunity to join the boys and show them who the champion was. 

Most of the time she got beaten hit when luck was on her side, she wins. 

Today, she doesn't know what will become of her. Will luck dance with her till the end or will it escape through the window and leave her frustrated. 

She had people who were depending on her to win this, she had a friend who swore to be patient and wait for the man that has loved to touch her, and her girlfriend, who is tired of being thrown around, abused and not taken care of. 

She wanted to be there for them and take care of them. 

Looking around for Damien she couldn't locate him. She took a seat and decided to be calm a bit. 

"Okay, I have taken a look and they have paired people up. I have chosen for you the last position, hope that will be enough for you ro take a rest," said Damien. 

"Do you think we will survive this Damien?" She asked with a tinge of fear and pessimism in her voice. 

Damien sat on the opposite, his hands holding his chins and looked at her. 

He was hanging on the thread. He had tried to move closer to the girl's side but he wasn't allowed there. The only time they would be allowed to see them is after the competition.

He wanted to be near Clara, hold her, hold her hands and tell her how much he loves her and would like this to be over.

That wasn't happening, he was here for the silly mistake that he had done. He thought he was making an interesting thing for her and his friends but he didn't know that he was signing his death sentence for this.

He said up and patted Davids in the back.

"Let's practise some flips and some little tricks," 

Davids stood up and tried some backflips. She has only ten minutes to practise. She had ro make good use of that or else she will find herself under the bus.

"Damn, you have ever tried competition?" Asked Damien as he recorded some of the tricks she was trying.

"Dude, no, I don't want to be in a hospital, the last time I almost got my vagina closed I all not attempting that again," shouted Davids as she cringed at the idea of skating.

"Ouch, how painful was it?" Asked Damien trying to forget the situation at hand.

"Just as painful as when the zip clutches on yo your little brother down there," she chuckled and Damien had to close his legs.

"Davids Black!" Shouted Hugo on the mini loudspeaker that they were using.

"Do you bro," said Damien escorting her towards the competition. 

Davids had been paired up with another dude. He was tall and had beautiful blue eyes. 

She winked at him and the dude suddenly become shocked with her wink. 

The guy walked close to him and whispered into her ears as they shook hands. Shaking hands was a way of making sure that both teams were on good terms.

"Dee, come over, what do you think that dude is telling her?" Asked Clara as they struggled to look through the window. 

Dee quickly walked over to the window to look at the situation. "Ooh, no, do you think bye will like to push her down, God no," crowd Dee as she watched the situation at hand.

Round one!

Davids stood on the board and waited for her counterpart to start on the race. 

He pushed his board and reached halfway the slope before coming back. 

He winked at Davids and she stood on her board, she was nervous. 

Daniella was looking at her, standing on her board. She hoped she make it past her competitor. 

"Come, one babe," she whispered.

Clara hugged her from behind and they both said their prayers as the watched her move io the slope. 

"One, two three," she jumped up but missed just by a bit.

Her counterpart had beat her at the first round. 

She didn't want to look at Damien or towards the cells where the girls were confined to. She focused on what was haunting her and she let her counter counterpart take the final trail.

He jumped but just arrives at the same point reached in the first attempt. 

Davids stood on her board again, the fear she had was pocketed in the back of her trouser pocket. She removed the hood that was in her body and was left in the baggy t-shirt. She removed the main and tired her locks into a tidy bun. 

Closing her eyes, she moved up the slope, did a backflip and rolled down smoothly.

"Woah," said the crowd amazingly as they watch her stop at the starting point without falling back.

"She did it, she did it," shouted Daniella from the cell. 

Davids heard her and looked in her direction. Sjebkewnitbwas hard for them to see her clearly but sue still smiled hoping a bit reaches them as they hold onto their hopes.

They had one more round of doing their tricks before they announce the winner between them.

She sat still and watched her partner. He did a backflip, Nolile and 50-50 trick.

The rule of the game was, you are not allowed to do the same trick as your competitor. That is why people always fought to be the first one to do a trick.

She had only one trick in her head, the ones she wanted to do was already done. 

She started with the heel flip. That was the easiest flip that a beginner could do. 

People bood to her first trick. They knew it was so childish to do that in a game but she did it anyway.

The second she picked a wall flip. The wall flip required more effort to stick your board on the wall before climbing down. 

The audience was not fascinated with one. They just watched with their bored eyes looking at her. Damien was the only one recording her performance.

The last trick that he wanted to try was a death sentence. He prayed that this shouldn't bland her in a hospital bed for the rest of her life.

She picked the skateboard, asked the audience to clear some space for her. Taking her skateboard the only person left in the middle was her partner. She flipped the board, slid through the slope did a backflip jumped again over and did an Aerial flip. 

"Holy crap! Holy Jesus?" Shouted everyone in the audience. They couldn't believe that she did that Aerial that was so hard to be done. 

You had to make sure that you turn over with your skateboard not only your body and she did it. 

Her competitor was awed and he did the restful bow for her.

Damien jumped and higher her. "You did it, you did it!" Shouted Damien while jumping up and down. 

"One last round and we get our girls out of this place!" Said Davids in a famished voice.

"Yeah, dude!" Shouted Damien.

"After this, you are buying me a steak!" 






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