

Vicky had to share a room with Brian. While Andrew took the spare room. 

Andrew couldn't sleep a wink. He was disturbed by Kathrine's behaviour during the visit. 

That night Kathrine had texted him all night requesting a second chance with her son. Andrew just left the phone vibrate and Vicky had to turn the phone off because it was creating a disturbance. 

The sunrays were illuminating its lights onto the top of the penthouse. Brian grunted as he pulled the sheets over his body. Vicky quickly threw the sheets to the floor and poured some water on his face.

"Mom, that's enough, I was awake!" Cried Brian as he crunched and pulled his legs close to his chest.

Vicky laughed and walked around sitting next to his side.

"Yeah, I know, but you should be planning for something, not pulling the sheets all over your body again," mocked Vicky while pinching his sharp-pointed nose. 

"Argh, I am on a vacation, I am not working," cried Brian pouring while folding his hands on his chest.

Vicky laughed at his reactions. He has never gone a day without making her smile. Now that he is far away, she sometimes feels like she misses him a lot. Though he always makes sure he video calls.

"Okay, you can sleep all you want but today we are not going to sleep, we will be visiting various places in Minnesota, " announced Vicky as she drew the curtains to let in more light.

"Must we go today?" Asked Brian in a bored voice.

"Aha, you thought if I come to Minnesota I am just going to leave the same?" Asked Vicky standing to dance in the room.

Brian walked up and smiled at her. He knew that it's always amazing dancing with mom Vicky. 

"Come here," called Vicky as she stretched her hand for Brian to take. 

"Am I joining you in this?" Asked Brian as he wound up the volume of the music that was playing 

Brian walked gently into her hands and they practised the quartz dancing style. It was Brian's favourite having learnt it when he was young and mom Vicky wanted to make him happy.

Andrew had woken early because he couldn't sleep and just sat watching these two beautiful people do what they do best. 

He didn't leave his camera behind. He recorded every movement they were doing.

"Do you think I am making the right decision by blocking my mother?" Asked Brian. 

He doesn't know why he brought the topic up again, but he feels like it's going to eat him up if he doesn't let everything out.

Vicky studied him for a while. She knew Brian didn't want to give his father a hard time. But she also knew that Brian waned dome peace.

"I need you to give her a second chance, talk to her and be done with it for good," said Vicky.

Brian nodded and they won't on dancing.

After their mini-show in front of Andrew, they got their bath and joined Andrew for breakfast.

"Dad, can you please call Kathrine for the last chance?" Asked Brian while slicing through his pancakes.

"Are you sure?" Asked his dad almost choking on his coffee.

He thoughts Brian was not interested in Kathrine anymore. But he had to honour his wishes and give him what he wants.

"After our little fin day though, I don't want my day ruined," 

Andrew nodded to him and they went on with their breakfast.

Meanwhile in a restaurant,

Andrew was sitting in a restaurant sipping his coffee. He also drinks a lot of coffee when he a nervous. Right now, he is very nervous. Only that you can't see his fingers shaking.

"Andrew, how nice of you to meet you?" Said Katherine looming over Andrew. 

She kissed hos cheeks and walked steadily to the seat opposite him. 

Andrew didn't know how to look at her. It has been year's, year's of forgetting about her, years of pain and sorrow. He had already forgotten about her. 

He raised his head to look at her. The face he once knew, the smile that always made him alive, her presence was not affecting him anymore. 

She was just like another woman he is to meet daily and do business with on behalf of his boss. 

Sue doesn't have any space in his heart anymore, this is because the space has been filled with someone else.

"How are you doing, Kathrine?" He questioned in a timid voice.

Katherine looked at him. She was trying to access him. The truth was that she was shocked about the development of his ex. She thought that the main reason he was called g was that he was poor and their son wants to leave him for her. Given that she was rich now, richer, having married a prominent man she had everything.

She was hit with the biggest shock, her son was now a celebrity who is being celebrated worldwide, the only thing she wanted was for him to acknowledge her as his birth mother, not some Vicky and some Anne that she reads in the magazine about

"Come one, what's with the tone, we had something going on Andrew, something special," said Kathrine extending her hands to his.

"You should at least respect yourself, Kathrine, if you wanted to talk, just talk and stop trying your drama here," shouted Andrew in a small voice to avoid creating attention.

He knew that most people will recognize them and this can bring a lot of trouble to the whole family. He respected Kathrine and wanted her to meet Brian. Though, that doesn't look like her mission. Her mission is to try and glue herself to her son when she didn't even care about him in the first place. 

"Do you want to speak with Brian or do you have other agendas?" Asked Andrew as he wiped the hand she had touched with a tissue.

"Of course sweetheart, but why didn't you tell him about me?" Asked Kathrine. 

"Why didn't you accept him even when your parents were against us being together?" Asked Andrew.

He didn't want to show his disgust towards her, he pretended to be going with her and with everything she was saying. 

After listening to whatever shit she was up with. He excused himself and throw to her a business card on where to get them in the evening for a talk. 

"But Andrew, we haven't even done some catch-up," said Kathrine while waking up from her seat.

"We don't have to catch up Kathrine, you gave birth and that was it," said Andrew before walking out of the restaurant.

"Are you sure you are ready to meet her, she will be in any minute," asked Vicky as she adjusted Brian's clothes.

Brian moved forwards and held her shoulders. 

"Hey, today you have taught me a lot and I am ready to face the devil this time and never again," said Brian with confidence.

The door hell rang and Andrew looked at both of them. Brian and Vicky nodded for him to open the door.

Katherine looked around the room. She can't be held by the butler who was around today, Vicky walked near her. They gazed at each other. 

Seeing Vicky, she felt like this woman is too familiar to her. Sir has seen her in fashion design but she jas never bothered to check her up because she didn't pose any competition on her side. She lived her clothes except for tonight, she didn't wear any of them

Apart from the fashion industry, she felt like she had seen her somewhere else but her mind couldn't register.

"Good morning Miss," greeted Kathrine.

Vicky was not the one to be fooled with a here greeting or a mere 'hallo.'

She detected sarcasm and mockery in her tone and return she gave her a sneering look and don't shake her hands.

"Try and touch even a strand of hair, I will chop your kicking throat!" Threatened Vicky before walking past her.

Andrew didn't say a thing. He left the room for the important people around but he didn't forget to record everything so that he can watch the lively conversation.

The butler presented coffee in a flask, a glass of juice in a glass jar and water in another bottle. Snacks were neatly arranged in case they heeded a bite.

Brian was not afraid to meet her today, instead, he walked over and handed her his hand. 

"Good morning, Mrs Godwell," he said while stretching his hands.

Katherine ignored his hands and higher him tightly. Brian thought that at least he could feel something for her, like how you feel when you've lost a loved one and let them again, but he didn't. 

He threw that thought at the back of his mind. Probably he needs to talk with her then he will check his heart again.

He sat down and Katharine took the seat beside him. They were on the same sofa. The situation was awkward because none of the echoed a word for about two seconds. 

Brian poured himself a juice drink to entertain himself before he hears from her.

"Wouldn't you ask your mother if she is interested in juice?" Asked Kathrine flashing her thirty-two at him.

"Aha," Brian laughed sarcastically before pouring her a juice. He made sure that it was full to the brim so that he can watch her stain her cream dress.

"I do not want some juice, thank you," said Kathrine showing some displeasure.

"Are you for real?" Questioned Brian. 

"Yeah, I don't take sugar," she added sarcastically.

"Well, lady, in this house you don't waste even a pint of salt, you have to lick it all because you asked for it. You asked for juice, hereby poured for you, so drink it!" Said Brian as he gulped on his juice.

He didn't want to shout at her. Her actions were not going well with Brian and he will lose it if she goes on acting like some naive baby.

Katherine was shocked by his behaviours. How dare he speak to a grown-up like that? Was it the people who raised him?

"Did your father tell you to speak to me like that?" She asked.

"If you think that dad and the people who natured me failed to do their jobs properly? You are wrong! They did a very excellent job and I wouldn't ask for more," said Brian while networking his head.  











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I love you❤❤❤❤

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