

The ceremony was over, most of the guests had called it a night. It was 3. am. The restaurant was almost empty. Most of the people remaining around were the youths who were partying after the celebration and Vicky was giving the last words to the crew. This was their ritual, they always waited until everyone is gone before they love the venue. What they enjoy most is the good tip Vicky gives them.

Mike had excused himself with Andrew as they walked inside the restaurant.

Ann and Davids were seated on the tables sipping the wines slowly as they waited for the others to be done so that they can head home.

Ann was wondering how she will start a conversation with Davids about the previous day when she had walked on her with Andrew.

"I am sorry ab...," started Davids but was cut short with Ann.

"I am the one who should be sorry, that was the wrong place to do that," she apologized and Davids busted out in a laugh.

"Jee, why are you saying it as if I don't know what it is?" Asked Davids.

"I just don't want to feel embarrassed," defended Ann.

"No, I am the one feeling embarrassed. especially when you don't say the word," complained Davids.

Ann looked at her and smiled. She even regretted not doing this before instead of hiding from them this whole time. 

She was afraid that everything will crumble down. At first, she was afraid that Brian wouldn't love her then Davids will hate her for taking her favourite uncle away from her. Instead, they are all happy that she is dating Andrew though it's not official. 

"Davids, I am always grateful for the love and respect you have given me, I didn't think that you guys will grow to respect me, given that you were born in wealth. Some of the nannies I speak to are living a very hard life, they rarely got to mingle with their bosses, the kids are rude and throw things anyhow, but you guys are different. You take care of your belonging, I am grateful for everything," she said while looking at Davids.

Davids smiled and wiped the lone tear that was coming from her eyes before placing both of her hands into Ann's.

"You are like a mother to me, we all respect you and you are a family. I don't want you to feel anyway, just feel at home every time and I will be happy, okay?" 

She nodded and woke up to hug Davids.

Inside the restaurant, 

Andrew and Mike were seated on the high bars. Sipping their wine as the slow jazz filled the air with its soothing sound.

"I know something is bothering you, tell me," said Mike to Andrew before downing a mouth full of whiskey down his throat.

Andrew twirled his drink before placing the glass back on the table.

"I want to revisit the long-buried story, but I don't know if you will help me through it," said Andrew in a concern.

He didn't want to keep this from his son anymore. Brian knew that his mother left him when he was young but he neither her name nor her face. Those were things that Andrew had forgotten about even though he knew they will come to haunt him one day. 

He was not well prepared because it has taken Brian time to ask for it. Though he hasn't officially asked him about her, he felt like that is the reason he doesn't want to love someone who loves him back.

"That I can give you all the time you want in the world, Andrew.  Brian is old enough to know her face. I know he can choose for himself what he wants," advised Mike.

Andrew was still in deep thoughts after Mike's statement. He was fighting a war that he didn't know how to resolve. As much as he would want to let Brian know his mother, he doubts if she will accept Brian for who he is. 

On the other side, Brian is short-tempered and can shout and cause a disaster especially to anyone who hurts him or his family. He was not sure if Brian will accept her or it will be chaos.

"Do you think Brian will be calm?" Asked Andrew with uncertainty.

Mike chuckled and lifted his head to look at him.

"Do you?" 

They both let out a manly laugh and the other people sitting on the other tables looked at them wondering what made two handsome men laugh this handsomely.

"I know our son very well, it's either he is going to dance her favourite tune or the angry lion that has never been tamed will roar and send everyone wild." Said Mike.

"I still wonder where he got that character from, I don't have it, neither does his mother," 

"Vicky!" They both chorused in realisation. 

Brian's temper was adapted from Vicky. Just a small mistake and count yourself dead.

"Don't worry, he knows when to shout and when to act the good boy so don't stress out," assured Mike.

Vicky was done and got into the restaurant. She wanted to thank Mr Marcus on her own but she realized he was busy with something. He joined the men at the table because she wanted to convince them they go home since it was pretty late.

While marching towards their table, she heard them mentioning her name in their talk. He walked silently while tiptoeing to their place.

"Why are you quiet all of a sudden?" Sue asked as she higher Mine from behind.

Andrew and Mike looked at each other as if they were not the ones being talked to. Mike picked his glass while Andrew swallowed the whole content in the glass and wiped his mouth using the back of his hands.

Before mike could drink from his glass, Vicky snatched the cup and drank the little content that was left.

"Time to go home and you better have answers to my question or else you will stand by my gate for the rest of the day," warned Vicky.

The men neighbouring their tables shook their heads and told them to zip unless they wanted to be hanged.

"She is serious, she will make us stay our the whole day and never come in," said Mike to one of them.

"Cum in?" Asked one of the guys loudly. 

Everyone laughed and Mike had to slap him in his bald head before grabbing Vicky and walking out of the restaurant.

The other people had already gone and the trio was remaining. 

Ann had joined Brian and Davids when they were heading home because she was exhausted. 

Vicky had already called for a backup driver to escort them home since the two gentlemen around him had indulged themselves in alcohol and she didn't want any of them driving home.

Mike helped Vicky inside the car and Andrew used the other door to get in. They were all seated in the passenger's seat because Vicky instructed them so. 

"Spill the beans, you can't call my name without talking about it. Mike started me off," she instructed pointing at Mike.

"Babe, why don't you relax we talk about this tomorrow?" Asked Mike while holding her.

"It's about Brian's mother, I want to find her," shouted Andrew.

Vicky looked at him with soft and sorry eyes. she knew how difficult we for him to go back to the time and taking Brian with him is the hardest. 

She remembered that she had to share with him what Brian had told her because he was afraid his dad would think otherwise.

"She has been having dreams about a woman. This woman is trying ro hurt her but he is so strong and she is defeated but at the same time she can't see the face of the woman because she doesn't want to. The woman is forcing him ro see his face but he refuses and walks away after the defeat," said Vicky trying to reason with them.

"When was this babe?" Asked Mike.

"They started him while he was in high school when I asked him he said that they were gone and they were just bad nightmares, it's was on the day that we unveiled Makena's demon that I heard them arguing with Davids and I had to force him to explain to me."

The two men looked at each other. Andrew knew that he needed to find his mother ASAP!

"Do you know where she is?" Asked Vicky.

"No, but I will start some investigations tomorrow I am sure by next week I will be introducing Brian," said Andrew.

They stayed silent for a while before Vicky voiced her words again. 

"Any news from her ever since this happened?" 

Andrew laughed sarcastically but you could easily feel the pain in his laugh.

"Vicky, do you remember when I could cry myself to sleep until you decided to take Brian with you for a whole year because I couldn't take it anymore? Trust me, I was killing myself, I had planned to kill myself with Brian so that she can live a happy life, but look at me now, all grown and I don't cry about it anymore. There is nothing she said not even reaching out," he said and Mine patted his shoulder because he was feeling his pain. 

He calmed down and was okay after some minutes.

"I will come, you don't want Brian showing off his worst face," said Vicky.

"That is his nature!" Both men chorused.

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